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Idan Miller
Adv. Idan Miller

Electra City Tower
58 Harakevet St.
Tel Aviv

Idan Miller

Idan Miller is the manager of our firm’s insolvency and corporate recovery practice.

Adv. Idan Miller has over 15 years of experience providing legal advice to clients in matters pertaining to insolvency law, including, corporate restructuring and recovery, debt settlements, liquidations, and receivership proceedings. He also provides representation in complex litigation claims adjudicating the liability of office holders, officers, and shareholders, and issues legal opinions to companies and corporate officers about insolvency-related matters.


Idan represents companies, NPOs, shareholders, creditors, investors, officers, and office holders. He has been involved in some of the largest and most complex debt and recovery arrangements in Israel, including the corporate insolvency proceedings of retail, infrastructure, industrial, technology, and real estate companies.

Idan is included in the exclusive national list of active trustees in corporate insolvency proceedings. A public committee selects the members of this list and the courts draw from it to appoint trustees for complex insolvency cases that deliberate on whether a corporation may still operate as a “going concern.”


Prior to joining our firm, Idan was a partner in a large law firm specializing in insolvency and recovery proceedings. Previously, he served as a teaching assistant at the University of Haifa.


University of Haifa, LL.B and B.A. in Economics, cum laude, 2003

Ben-Gurion University, MBA, cum laude, 2013


Member of Israel Bar Association since 2004

Insights & News - Idan Miller:

July 4, 2024

Insolvency: Idan Miller Lectures to Israel Builders Association Course

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, lectured to attendees of an Israel Builders Association financial management course. The focus of the lecture was how to handle and prepare for insolvency events.

June 26, 2024

New Precedent: Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings Accepts Military Reserve Duty as Justification for Relief

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, was appointed as the insolvency trustee for White Dress Marketing Ltd. (formerly Riki Dalal Group). Together with Hadar Eilon, Idan submitted an economic rehabilitation plan on behalf of the company and its shareholders for the Tel Aviv District Court's approval. In his request, Idan asked that the controlling shareholder's military reserve service be recognized as a contributing factor for the purpose of granting relief and avoiding a full insolvency procedure. When asked by the court for his response, the Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings accepted this position.

June 10, 2024

Increasing the Odds of Winning in an Insolvent Corporation Auction

The recent preference shown by the administrators of the insolvent ISBECO company toward the purchase offer from Hacarem Spirit indicates that, despite economic logic suggesting otherwise, the highest monetary offer will not always be the winning bid in the process.

See all news updates from Idan Miller >