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AI, Data Privacy, and Technology for the Modern Legal Counsel

Our firm developed a unique four-part course for legal advisors and last night the final session was held at our offices. The course was held in collaboration with Microsoft, TrustIZ, and Taylor Wessing UK. It covered AI regulation, drafting and negotiating the privacy aspects of artificial intelligence agreements, and how to deal with data breach events.

Categories: AI Regulation

Barnea: Participating in ACC Israel Annual Conference

Zohar Lande, the head of our firm's Litigation Department, participated today in the annual conference hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsel in Israel (ACC Israel). Zohar took part in a fascinating panel on crisis management in companies. 

Categories: Litigation

Barnea: Representing Aviad in Precedential Competition Lawsuit

Our firm represented Aviad Concrete and Clay Industries in a lawsuit against Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises that alleged Nesher abused its monopolistic position and harmed competition. The court's ruling set a precedent regarding the limits of the prohibition imposed on monopolies from discriminating between customers. Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi represented Aviad in the lawsuit. 


Categories: Antitrust and Competition

Insolvency: Idan Miller Lectures to Israel Builders Association Course

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, lectured to attendees of an Israel Builders Association financial management course. The focus of the lecture was how to handle and prepare for insolvency events.

Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

Barnea: Representing Azrieli Group in Lease Transaction with NTA

Our firm represented Azrieli Group in a multimillion-shekel lease transaction with NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. As part of the transaction, NTA will expand its office space at Azrieli Business Park Holon from 8,000 to 12,000 square meters. Alon Wolner and Hili Michaeli represented Azrieli in the transaction. 

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Contractor Loans: Terry Almozlino Arnon Interview with Globes

Terry Almozlino Arnon, the head of our firm's Real Estate Department, spoke with Globes about the future of contractor loans. 

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Walla: Maya Carmi Lubartovski Discusses Important Details of Gifting an Apartment

No takebacks, receiving nothing in return, and a cooling-off period—gifting an apartment to a relative offers significant tax advantages. However, it is crucial to fully understand the consequences of this move for both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Taxation | Real Estate Taxation | Tax

New Precedent: Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings Accepts Military Reserve Duty as Justification for Relief

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, was appointed as the insolvency trustee for White Dress Marketing Ltd. (formerly Riki Dalal Group). Together with Hadar Eilon, Idan submitted an economic rehabilitation plan on behalf of the company and its shareholders for the Tel Aviv District Court's approval. In his request, Idan asked that the controlling shareholder's military reserve service be recognized as a contributing factor for the purpose of granting relief and avoiding a full insolvency procedure. When asked by the court for his response, the Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings accepted this position.

Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

Transaction: Solrom Merges with Listed Company 3DM

Hagit Ross, Elad Reshtick, Omri Oren, and Alon Anava represented the public company 3DM in a merger transaction, wherein 3DM will acquire Solrom Electronics Ltd. Solrom is engaged in the development, planning, production, and marketing of products primarily for use in the defense market.

Categories: Capital Markets | Ongoing Counsel

Globes: Protected Tenants and Key Money

Everything you need to know about key money transactions — the advantages, the disadvantages, and the law.

Categories: Real Estate

Barnea: Hosting “Demo Day” for Azrieli College of Engineering’s AtoBe Accelerator

We were happy to host the Demo Day event for the AtoBe Accelerator at the Azrieli College of Engineering. During the event, entrepreneurs presented their innovative ventures to an audience of investors.

Categories: High Tech

Real Estate Taxation Updates: Maya Carmi's Interview with Bizportal

Maya Carmi Lubartovski, the head of our firm's real estate taxation practice, was interviewed by Bizportal about the Israel Tax Authority's planned updates in the real estate taxation field. Among other things, she discussed the consequences of higher purchase tax rates for second apartments and giving apartments as a gift.

Categories: Real Estate Taxation | Tax

Barnea: Representing QDM in Transaction with Israel Electric Corporation

Ken Shaked and Nir Alter represented the startup company QDM (Quantum Design Materials) in a transaction with the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC). As part of the transaction, the IEC invested USD 1.1 million in QDM, which develops room-temperature superconductors. In addition, QDM and the IEC signed a cooperation agreement allowing the IEC to conduct a pilot to examine the applicability and suitability of QDM’s innovative technology for its needs.

Categories: Start Ups

Barnea: Serving as Legal Partner of MaofTech, Northern Negev Accelerator

Our firm is proud to serve as the legal partner of MaofTech, an accelerator program for early-stage startups in the Northern Negev region, and to provide legal services to its various ventures. MaofTech is operated by the Ministry of Economy and Industry’s Agency for Small and Medium Businesses. Its aim is to encourage, promote, and develop businesses in Sderot and the communities of the Gaza Envelope.

Categories: Start Ups

Recovery Signs in Israeli Legal Sector – Micky Barnea Interview with Globes

In an interview with Globes, Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, discussed the complexities that characterized 2023 and the recent growth in the firm’s practice areas.

International Law: Amichai Cohen Interviewed on “One a Day” Podcast

Prof. Amichai Cohen, a special counsel at our firm and an expert on international law, was interviewed for an episode of the “One a Day” podcast hosted by Channel 12 News correspondent Elad Simchayoff. The episode dealt with the following question: “What does recognition of a Palestinian state mean?”

Categories: International Law

Recovery in the M&A Sector: Interview with Micky Barnea in TheMarker

Israel’s M&A market is beginning to show signs of recovery. Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, was interviewed by TheMarker on the subject. Micky noted that "so far, more deals are being made in private companies, but if there isn't a significant security escalation, this trend will extend to public companies as well."

Categories: Corporate

Employment: When Is It Permissible to Fire an Employee Due to Posts on Social Media?

The Regional Labor Court dismissed the claim of an employee who was terminated shortly after Hamas’s October 7 attack, after posting verses from the Quran interpreted as incitement to terrorism. As an expert in labor law, Globes interviewed Netta Bromberg on the ruling. She noted, “This is a ruling of considerable complexity, as it deals not only with legal matters but also with issues of interpretation and cultural context—a multifaceted and weighty subject.”

Categories: Employment

Representing T-Rex Group and Finsight

Itay Gura, Mayer Winkler, and Inbar Katzir represented both T-Rex Group and Finsight in the sale of all the assets of T-Rex, a pioneering startup specializing in private credit, to Finsight, an American fintech company.

Categories: High Tech

Supreme Court: Metpro DMY Tender Win for M1 Metro Line Stands

Zohar Lande and Shai Avnieli represented Metpro DMY in an administrative appeal submitted to the Supreme Court, in which another bidder attempted to disqualify Metpro’s win in the tender for the management and planning of the M1 metro line. The Supreme Court accepted the district court’s position, recommending that the appellant withdraw its appeal and reach an agreement with Metpro regarding legal expenses.

Categories: Infrastructure