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Insights & News /  Infrastructure Project Finance

March 11, 2025

Webinar: The Impact of Unexpected Events on Construction Projects

In Israel, 2025, there is no moment of relief. Unexpected events have become a routine part of life here. But what happens when these events directly impact the construction market and projects? Our firm, in collaboration with Gcs for Gcs, is hosting a practical webinar on this very topic. Adv. Shai Avnieli, Partner and Head of the Projects Infrastructure Department, will share his insights on navigating these events in Israel’s ever-evolving and dynamic market—one that never ceases to surprise. The Webinar will be held at March 26, 2025 at 11:00.

July 19, 2020

NIS 600 Million Financial Closure at Etgal Power Plant

We represented a group of institutional lenders, including Psagot and Amitim, in a deal to finance Shikun Binui Group's construction and operation of a power plant in Ashdod, for approx. NIS 600 million. Amitim and Psagot were represented by Advs. Simon Jaffa, Samuel Henri Samuel, and Rotem Orbach.  

July 3, 2019

Ministry of Defense Seminar on P.F.I Projects

Inon Yogev, a partner in our Infrastructure and Project Finance Department, lectured today as part of a seminar on the establishment of P.F.I projects in the defense sector. In attendance were senior officials from the Ministry of Defense and the IDF.

June 18, 2017

Barnea & Co. Represents Africa Israel Europe in a Commercial and Residential Project in Serbia

Barneais representing Africa Israel Europe in the establishment of a new commercial and residential project in Serbia called "Skyline Belgrade" at an estimated cost of Euro 200 million.