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Insights & News /  Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

July 4, 2024

Insolvency: Idan Miller Lectures to Israel Builders Association Course

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, lectured to attendees of an Israel Builders Association financial management course. The focus of the lecture was how to handle and prepare for insolvency events.

June 26, 2024

New Precedent: Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings Accepts Military Reserve Duty as Justification for Relief

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, was appointed as the insolvency trustee for White Dress Marketing Ltd. (formerly Riki Dalal Group). Together with Hadar Eilon, Idan submitted an economic rehabilitation plan on behalf of the company and its shareholders for the Tel Aviv District Court's approval. In his request, Idan asked that the controlling shareholder's military reserve service be recognized as a contributing factor for the purpose of granting relief and avoiding a full insolvency procedure. When asked by the court for his response, the Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings accepted this position.

August 28, 2023

Insolvency: Debt Settlements on the Rise

Idan Miller, the coordinator of our firm’s insolvency and corporate recovery practice, was interviewed by Globes about the wave of companies in financial distress. Idan noted that “what we’re seeing in the newspapers is only the tip of the iceberg.”  According to Idan, a large number of unpublicized debt settlements are currently underway in contracting, high-tech, and security procurement companies.

August 7, 2023

Barnea: Advising Anise on Corporate Recovery Plan

Idan Miller and Liron Dahan are advising Anise on a corporate recovery plan, after the natural products chain fell into an approximately ILS 22.9 million debt. As part of this process, our firm submitted a request to the district court to appoint a trustee and approve a debt arrangement. Anise’s debts accumulated due to branch expansion and an increase in interest rates. The chain is now working to implement its all-encompassing corporate recovery plan, which includes closing unprofitable branches, closing a packaging plant in Kiryat Anavim, improving efficiency, and further reductions.

July 9, 2023

New Limitations on the Rehabilitation of an Insolvent Company

In a recent ruling in the Bachar Real Estate case, the court prioritized the rights of tenants over insolvent urban renewal companies and created a significant obstacle to the rehabilitation of such companies.Idan Miller the manager of our firm’s insolvency and corporate recovery practice, presents the challenges of the new ruling in an op-ed for Globes.

May 24, 2023

Lecture: Positions and Interests in the Event of Insolvency

Adv. Idan Miller is lecturing to a small business finance risk assessment course. The course is for credit coordinators and business bankers at Israel Discount Bank. The course was organized by the BDO Academy of Finance and the Israeli Institute of Finance (IFI).

April 10, 2023

Insolvency and Late Offers: Idan Miller Op-Ed in TheMarker

Does the ability to make a later offer in insolvency proceeding help creditors to receive more and allow the trustee to conduct a more thorough procedure?

February 2, 2023

Liabilities and Exposures to Claims by an Insolvency Trustee

A worrying number of contracting companies in the real estate and infrastructure market have recently gone insolvent. A contractor’s financial collapse affects not only his creditors, but also the project’s contractee. In an op-ed, Idan Miller explains if insolvency law prevents damage reduction for the contractee.   

November 23, 2022

Barnea: Providing Representation in Powermat Shareholders' Dispute

We are providing representation in a shareholders' dispute at Powermat, one of the first startups to develop wireless charging technology. The company holds overs 145 patents, is considered a significant player in the market, and has signed large-scale deals with international companies.

July 27, 2022

Barnea Representing Several Ability Group Cyber Companies

Advs. Zohar Lande and Liron Dahan submitted a motion to initiate insolvency proceedings and temporary operations on behalf of several cyber companies from Ability Group. Ability Group faces debts of approximately NIS 150 million.

August 25, 2020

New Ruling Expected to Reduce Managers' Responsibility Following a Company's Collapse

In an important ruling recently handed down, the Tel Aviv District Court rejected a NIS 120 million lawsuit filed by Habas Group against the company's managers. Judge Kabub's ruling constitutes an initial interpretation of a new section of the the Insolvency and Rehabilitation Law, which deals with the degree of responsibility that can be attributed to managers when the company they run becomes insolvent.

April 19, 2020

Habima Theater – the Show Must Go On?

Our Litigation Department is representing  the board of directors and active management of Habima Theater in liquidation proceedings filed by the company's creditors and in legal proceedings directed by the company's temporary trustees.

March 29, 2020

Article: Bond Market Rescue – Debt and Interest Restructuring

The coronavirus crisis is affecting both stock prices and corporate bond prices and yields in the capital market. Zohar Lande, in an article for Bizportal, explains that the Israel Securities Authority must create a “fast-track mechanism” that allows companies to choose to be included in a debt restructuring arrangement subject to the different criteria.

March 19, 2020

Coronavirus: Is a Huge Wave of Debt Arrangement on the Way?

Micky Barnea was interviewed by Globes on the coronavirus’ effect on both the corporate and government bond markets.

February 5, 2017

Eliezer Fishman Is Not Alone: Every Year 19 Thousand Israelis Declared Bankrupt

Our Litigation Department was interviewed by Maariv's "The Weekend" following Eliezer Fishman's declaration of bankruptcy. We noted there are ways to prevent the loss of all family assets, even in the event of bankruptcy, and to avoid involving the family assets with business assets.