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Insights & News /  Urban Renewal

March 10, 2025

Adv. Alon Abcasis in an article for YNET: Building Rights in Urban Renewal

After a new record was set in 2024 for the number of evacuation and reconstruction complexes in Israel, YNET conducted a study among cities in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area to determine which city grants the most building rights in urban renewal. Alongside industry experts, Adv. Alon Abcasis, partner and head of the Residential and Urban Renewal department at our firm, was interviewed for this fascinating study on the gaps between Givatayim and Tel Aviv in this regard.

February 23, 2025

Dun's100 - Real Estate and Urban Renewal Sector

The Dun's100 Forum for Senior Legal Professionals in the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Sector convened to discuss the challenges and opportunities for 2025. Adv. Alon Abcasis, Partner at our firm and Head of the Urban Renewal and Residential Real Estate Department, addressed the impact of the War in Israel on the Israeli real estate industry during the year 2024 and what is next to come in 2025.

January 12, 2025

Major Increase in Real Estate Transactions in 2024

Elad Reshtick was interviewed in Globes, following a surge in acquisitions in the urban renewal sector. As a capital markets expert, Elad discussed whether this trend could influence the IPO market.

March 31, 2024

Pinui-Binui: Court Rules in Favor of Recalcitrant Tenants in Pinui-Binui Project

In an exceptional step, an Israeli court dismissed a claim filed by 243 residents against a couple in its 70s who refused to sign an agreement for a pinui-binui project. Part of the court’s rationale had to do with the couple’s age. Alon Wolner, a partner in our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Globes about the case. Alon noted, “The court sided with the couple opposed to the project, even though they do not meet the law’s definition, and should not technically receive an elderly persons designation. The ruling thus provides an escape route, by allowing the couple to receive this designation, and enabling the project to proceed.”

July 17, 2023

Barnea: Representing 120 Apartment Owners in Pinui-Binui Project against Three Recalcitrant Owners

Lawyers from our firm’s Real Estate Department, are advising apartment owners in a residential complex designated for pinui-binui in Herzliya. They represented a group of about 120 apartment owners in court against three recalcitrant owners who are objecting to the project due to their demand for higher recompense from the contractor. The court made the extraordinary decision to order the recalcitrant owners to pay NIS 7.8 million in compensation (NIS 2.6 million apiece). In addition, each recalcitrant owner was ordered to pay NIS 20,000 for legal expenses.

August 13, 2020

Supreme Court Reduces Protection for New Apartment Buyers

A new Supreme Court ruling determines that a warning note may not be used as collateral for buyers of apartments in a TAMA 38 project in Ramat Gan in which the developer went bankrupt. In light of the ruling, Elder Adato, the head of our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Calcalist. He commented: "In dozens of TAMA 38 projects all over the country, the only collateral home buyers received until now was a warning note. These warning notes were primarily intended to ensure the money of home buyers. It is important to note that this ruling applies only to a specific event, in which the contractor collapsed and the warning notes constituted an 'onerous asset' for the completion of the project. "

February 10, 2020

The Battle over Pinui-Binui: Ministry of Justice Wants You to Receive More for Each Apartment

Our firm was interviewed by Globes on the Urban Renewal Authority's latest initiative to limit the addition of space in the apartments of pinui-binui projects to 12 sq. m. We explained that this reduction represents another decrease in entrepreneurs' profit, thus jeopardizing the promotion of projects in this field.

December 5, 2019

Urban Renewal Authority Halts Projects Due to Improper Obtaining of Signatures

Our firm was interviewed by Globes on the Urban Renewal Authority's latest initiative to limit the addition of space in the apartments of pinui-binui projects to 12 sq. m. We explained that this reduction represents another decrease in entrepreneurs' profit, thus jeopardizing the promotion of projects in this field.

November 20, 2019

Event: Urban Renewal

Our office hosted today an event on urban renewal. The event dealt with the 2019 review of the field and projections for 2020. We also hosted the chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority and held an expert panel.

November 13, 2019

Elder Adato Moderates Mayoral Panel at the Israel Builders Association Conference

Elder Adato, the head of our Real Estate Department, moderated today the mayoral panel at the Israel Builders Association Conference. Participating in the panel were the mayor of Eilat, the mayor of Yehud-Monosson, the co-CEO of Shalom Et Nathan, and the chairman of the Israel Builders Association.

July 7, 2019

Building Removed from Pinui-Binui Plan Due to Residents' Objection

Our firm was interviewed by Globes about a pinui-binui project in Kiryat Yovel, Jerusalem, some of whose residents we were representing. Residents of the middle building objected to the plan before the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee, which eventually decided to exclude this particular building from the project. Our firm noted that this decision proves it is possible to make flexible plans and exclude buildings with objections while still otherwise approving pinui-binui plans.

July 3, 2019

The Expected End Date for TAMA 38: May 2020

The Planning Administration revealed that the deadline for the completion of the TAMA 38 plan is May 2020. As expets in the field, our firm was interviewed by TheMarker on the matter. We noted that the Planning Administration's announcement entangles an entire industry built on the basis of TAMA 38, and projects that invested hundreds of hours of work and hundreds of thousands of shekels will be left orphaned and unable to implement.

June 12, 2019

First Evacuation and Reconstruction Project in Givat Olga

Our Real Estate Department is representing the entrepreneurs and some of the residents in an evacuation and reconstruction project on Hagdud Haivri St. in Givat Olga, Hadera.

January 3, 2019

Article: Saving Israel’s National Outline Plan 38 for Urban Renewal

Adv. Alon Wolner, who coordinates the urban renewal sector at our firm, has an article on Calcalist Dun's 100 website about the changing trend in urban renewal from NOP 38 projects to Pinui-Binui.