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July 11, 2024

AI, Data Privacy, and Technology for the Modern Legal Counsel

Our firm organized a unique four-part course in collaboration with Microsoft, TrustIZ, and Taylor Wessing UK. Designed for legal advisors, the course covered critical topics including AI regulation, drafting and negotiating privacy aspects of AI agreements, and managing data breach events. The final session took place at our offices yesterday, marking the completion of this comprehensive and valuable series.

March 4, 2024

New Workplace Guidelines on Privacy Protection: Dr. Avishay Klein’s Guide for Employers Published on Mako

Israel’s Privacy Protection Authority has published new guidelines on the collection of biometric information in the workplace. In response, Dr. Avishay Klein, the head of our firm’s Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Department, has compiled a practical guide for employers on the subject The guide was published on Mako.

July 3, 2023

Avishay Klein and Eyal Nachshon in TheMarker

TheMarker’s Ahad Ha’am magazine published an op-ed by Dr. Avishay Klein on the Israel Securities Authority’s latest guidelines on cyber risks (page 4). The magazine also conducted an interview with Eyal Nachshon on the increase in scope of class action lawsuits against public companies in Israel (page 11). Eyal addressed, among other things, his representation of several companies in a recent series of digital accessibility class action lawsuits.

May 4, 2022

Israeli Tech in 2032: Anat Even-Chen in Geektime

Ahead of Israeli Independence Day, Geektime published an article asking experts to predict what Israel will be like in ten years. As experts in the privacy field, we were asked to provide our prediction for the data protection field. We believe legislation will continue to focus on individuals' privacy, and eventually, there will be uniform standardization between companies and countries regarding privacy issues.

January 27, 2022

NSO Affair and Supreme Court OK for Search of Netanyahu’s Aides’ Phones – Op-Ed by Shir Rozenzweig

Two recent major cases have involved privacy matters. One is the Israel Police’s alleged use of NSO’s Pegasus software to hack into civilians’ phones. The other is a Supreme Court verdict allowing police to search the phones of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s aides. With these cases in the headlines, N12 has published an op-ed by Shir Rozenzweig discussing our right to privacy of the information found on our smartphones and computers.

June 20, 2021

Webinar: Cyber and Privacy in International Law

Bar-Ilan University's International Law Club Global Law Forum is hosting the webinar "Cyber and Privacy in International Law". As part of the webinar, Anat Even-Chen, a partner and the head of our firm's regulation practice, will discuss the international aspects of privacy and cyber security law.

January 12, 2021

Employers: It’s Time to Protect Employee Privacy

Until recently, companies have focused their privacy policies on customers and suppliers, but have not placed enough emphasis on the privacy of their employees. We are now seeing a trend reversal, as employees are beginning to understand that an organization cannot do what it wants with their information and that there are legal limitations to collecting information about them. Organizations must now be more careful with employees’ privacy and this is how to do it. 

June 23, 2020

Companies' Collection of Personal Data

Globes has published a comprehensive article on technology solutions relating to the relationship between property lenders and tenants. We were interviewed as part of the article about the privacy of such platforms' users.  

March 6, 2020

Firm Partners Lecture at TAU Entrepreneurship Center

As part of the firm's collaboration with Tel Aviv University's Entrepreneurship Center, we were invited to lecture students on the relevant legal aspects of entrepreneurial activity. We discussed the basics behind founders’ agreements and why it's important to make such an agreement. Yuval Lazi explained the methods, possibilities, and challenges of venture capital raising, from family and friends to exits. Anat Even-Chen concluded with a lecture on online business activities, including what website policies should contain and how to build a business correctly so as not to be exposed to privacy issues.

February 23, 2020

Chambers TMT Guide 2020: Law in Practice

As experts in the TMT field, our firm was asked to contribute the Israeli law and practice overview for the Chambers Israel TMT guide. In their overview, Micky Barnea, Daniel Lorber, and Anat Even-Chen discuss legal considerations for big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. They also address key data protection principles, the challenges with IT service agreements, privacy matters, and more. As a whole, the TMT guide offers insights for each jurisdiction.

June 2, 2019

Event Invite: Privacy Regulations – Is Your Business Ready?

The entry into force of the GDPR and the Israeli information security regulations are undoubtedly among the most important legal events of recent years. Their impact on the activity of organizations and businesses concerns not only local companies but also any company wishing to operate in those jurisdictions. We invite you to attend an event where you will receive important instructions and tips on how to implement the obligations that apply to you.

May 23, 2019

An Investigation in Ireland Against Google: Privacy Infringement for the Purposes of Targeted Advertising

Adv. Anat Even-Chen in an interview for TheMarker in response to an investigation launched by the Irish Data Protection Commission against Google for violating the GDPR Regulations. According to Anat, the investigation focuses on the service of Internet advertising, and its findings may affect many companies around the world and in Israel, which operate in the field of Adtech.

June 25, 2018

The Role of GDPR in the World of Digital Advertising and Marketing

Our Head of the Internet Department lectured today on the new GDPR privacy regulation. He addressed digital, marketing, and information systems VPs who are members of the CDO Club.

May 27, 2018

Updating Privacy Policy for GDPR Compliance

Our Head of the firm's Internet Department, was interviewed by Mamon, Yediot Ahronot's financial supplement, about the introduction of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

May 8, 2018

Israel's Privacy Protection Regulations

Adv. Asaf Shalev was interviewed by Mamon, Yediot Ahronot's financial supplement, about the new privacy and information security regulation coming into force in Israel today. This regulation sets a new standard for the protection of personal information in databases.

April 29, 2018

What Is the GDPR Revolution and How to Prepare for It?

Our Head of the firm's Internet Department, was interviewed by TheMarker about the introduction of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the way it will influence Israeli companies. He commented that a company looking to issue stocks, be sold to a European company, or raise an investment will increase its chances and value if it complies with GDPR.

April 23, 2018

Seminar on EU Privacy Protection Regulations

Our firm is hosting today the participants of the IBM Alpha Zone Acceleration Program for a seminar on the EU's new privacy protection regulations.

March 29, 2018

Facebook Scandal and Data Privacy Regulation

Our Head of Barnea's Internet Department, was interviewed on a financial TV program at the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation following Facebook's privacy scandal (starting at min' 13.55).

February 13, 2018

Oracle conference on the GDPR regulation

We were invited to speak today at the Oracle conference on the new EU privacy regulations (GDPR) and their legal implications for the organization.

January 28, 2018

Zvi Gabbay Featured in Israeli Blockchain Association Legal Survey

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our Capital Markets Department, was featured in a legal survey conducted by the Israeli Blockchain Association on current trends in blockchain in Israel.