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July 14, 2024

Israeli Monopolists Barred from Granting Discriminatory Rebates

The Israeli court’s precedent-setting ruling in Aviad Concrete Industries v. Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises found that Nesher violated provisions of the Economic Competition Law when it gave its major customers significantly higher rebates than those it gave to its small customers, thereby harming competition.

July 11, 2024

AI, Data Privacy, and Technology for the Modern Legal Counsel

Our firm developed a unique four-part course for legal advisors and last night the final session was held at our offices. The course was held in collaboration with Microsoft, TrustIZ, and Taylor Wessing UK. It covered AI regulation, drafting and negotiating the privacy aspects of artificial intelligence agreements, and how to deal with data breach events.

July 10, 2024

Barnea: Participating in ACC Israel Annual Conference

Zohar Lande, the head of our firm's Litigation Department, participated today in the annual conference hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsel in Israel (ACC Israel). Zohar took part in a fascinating panel on crisis management in companies. 

July 9, 2024

Barnea: Representing Aviad in Precedential Competition Lawsuit

Our firm represented Aviad Concrete and Clay Industries in a lawsuit against Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises that alleged Nesher abused its monopolistic position and harmed competition. The court's ruling set a precedent regarding the limits of the prohibition imposed on monopolies from discriminating between customers. Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi represented Aviad in the lawsuit.   

July 8, 2024

Federal District Court Vacates Rule under HHS's HIPAA Tracking Technologies Guidance

Until now, the HHS guidance provided a very broad interpretation of what constituted "protected health information" (PHI). This interpretation severely restricted data analytics service providers' ability to cater to hospitals and for hospitals to manage their digital assets, in addition to exposing them to class action lawsuits. A federal court's ruling to vacate the guidance is expected to facilitate both service providers and hospitals.

July 4, 2024

Insolvency: Idan Miller Lectures to Israel Builders Association Course

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, lectured to attendees of an Israel Builders Association financial management course. The focus of the lecture was how to handle and prepare for insolvency events.

July 3, 2024

Barnea: Representing Azrieli Group in Lease Transaction with NTA

Our firm represented Azrieli Group in a multimillion-shekel lease transaction with NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. As part of the transaction, NTA will expand its office space at Azrieli Business Park Holon from 8,000 to 12,000 square meters. Alon Wolner and Hili Michaeli represented Azrieli in the transaction. 

July 2, 2024

Contractor Loans: Terry Almozlino Arnon Interview with Globes

Terry Almozlino Arnon, the head of our firm's Real Estate Department, spoke with Globes about the future of contractor loans. 

June 30, 2024

Walla: Maya Carmi Lubartovski Discusses Important Details of Gifting an Apartment

No takebacks, receiving nothing in return, and a cooling-off period—gifting an apartment to a relative offers significant tax advantages. However, it is crucial to fully understand the consequences of this move for both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

June 26, 2024

New Precedent: Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings Accepts Military Reserve Duty as Justification for Relief

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, was appointed as the insolvency trustee for White Dress Marketing Ltd. (formerly Riki Dalal Group). Together with Hadar Eilon, Idan submitted an economic rehabilitation plan on behalf of the company and its shareholders for the Tel Aviv District Court's approval. In his request, Idan asked that the controlling shareholder's military reserve service be recognized as a contributing factor for the purpose of granting relief and avoiding a full insolvency procedure. When asked by the court for his response, the Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings accepted this position.

June 26, 2024

Transaction: Solrom Merges with Listed Company 3DM

Hagit Ross, Elad Reshtick, Omri Oren, and Alon Anava represented the public company 3DM in a merger transaction, wherein 3DM will acquire Solrom Electronics Ltd. Solrom is engaged in the development, planning, production, and marketing of products primarily for use in the defense market.

June 26, 2024

Globes: Protected Tenants and Key Money

Everything you need to know about key money transactions — the advantages, the disadvantages, and the law.

June 25, 2024

Barnea: Hosting “Demo Day” for Azrieli College of Engineering’s AtoBe Accelerator

We were happy to host the Demo Day event for the AtoBe Accelerator at the Azrieli College of Engineering. During the event, entrepreneurs presented their innovative ventures to an audience of investors.

June 20, 2024

Compulsory Online Reporting to the Israeli Registrar of Companies

Pursuant to the Registrar of Companies’ directives, every company incorporated in Israel, whether under local or foreign ownership, must file its reports and applications to the Registrar of Companies solely online, through the Corporations Authority’s website.

June 16, 2024

Israeli Law Prevails Over Foreign Jurisdiction Clauses in Consumer Contracts

A new Israeli Supreme Court ruling states that, in particular instances, Israeli law will apply to engagements and agreements, even if those agreements stipulate that foreign law applies to them. In its decision, the court also issued several significant rulings that could affect commercial relations, in instances when cogent provisions of law apply.

June 16, 2024

New Israeli Court Ruling on Artificial Transactions

Under what circumstances will a court rule a transaction is an artificial transaction for tax purposes? In the case of Shalam Packaging Products Group, the district court rejected the tax assessor’s claims and ruled that the group’s restructuring was a legitimate business action and that the group did not execute the restructuring merely to reduce tax liabilities.

June 16, 2024

Real Estate Taxation Updates: Maya Carmi's Interview with Bizportal

Maya Carmi Lubartovski, the head of our firm's real estate taxation practice, was interviewed by Bizportal about the Israel Tax Authority's planned updates in the real estate taxation field. Among other things, she discussed the consequences of higher purchase tax rates for second apartments and giving apartments as a gift.

June 10, 2024

Israel: Merger Parties Fined for Exchanging Sensitive Information

The Israel Competition Authority published a consent decree for public comment and ruled that Mizra and Zilber violated the Competition Law by exchanging sensitive business information during their transaction negotiations. Jointly, the companies must now pay a fine of ILS 1.5 million to the State treasury.

June 10, 2024

Increasing the Odds of Winning in an Insolvent Corporation Auction

The recent preference shown by the administrators of the insolvent ISBECO company toward the purchase offer from Hacarem Spirit indicates that, despite economic logic suggesting otherwise, the highest monetary offer will not always be the winning bid in the process.

June 10, 2024

Corporations in Israel Must Have an Official Digital Address

Companies that did not report their digital address to the Registrar of Companies as part of their 2023 annual reports must report them in the 2024 reports. If they fail to do so, they may face fines and sanctions.