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April 7, 2020

ISA and TASE Publish Reliefs for Public Companies and Reporting Corporations

In light of the global coronavirus crisis, the Israel Securities Authority (ISA) has published several steps toward easing the burden on public companies and reporting corporations whose securities are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

April 6, 2020

Contractual Obligations during the Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus outbreak has stricken us all. Alongside the invasion of personal space, the virus’ effects have not spared the business arena, and the ability of both businesses and individuals to meet their contractual obligations is also in question.

April 2, 2020

Israel: Extending Validity of Regulatory Approvals in Light of the Coronavirus Crisis

On March 25, 2020, emergency regulations were adopted in Israel that include, among other things, an extension of the validity of regulatory approvals that expire in the near future.

March 31, 2020

Zvi Gabbay Hosts Online Seminar for Israel Hedge Funds Association Members

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, together with Lior Segev, the co-founder and CEO of Liquant Asset Management, hosted today an online seminar for members of the Israel Hedge Funds Association on business continuity planning during the coronavirus.

March 29, 2020

Coronavirus in Israel – Getting Your Business Seen as an Essential Service

Special coronavirus-related emergency regulations were promulgated in Israel on March 21, 2020, listing specific economic activities considered as essential that are allowed to operate with fewer limitations.

March 26, 2020

Protecting Privacy despite the Coronavirus

The global effort to fight the spread of coronavirus has prompted new privacy related questions around the world. Much has been written for and against the use of privacy-compromising measures to protect public health. Therefore, we have chosen to concentrate on the practical implications of privacy principles on companies and businesses.

March 19, 2020

Coronavirus: Is a Huge Wave of Debt Arrangement on the Way?

Micky Barnea was interviewed by Globes on the coronavirus’ effect on both the corporate and government bond markets.

March 18, 2020

Israel: Imposing Unpaid Leave on Employees Due to the Spread of Coronavirus - Updated

As a result of the economic downturn and in order to reduce expenses, one of the alternatives is imposing unpaid leave on employees.

March 15, 2020

Israel’s Privacy Protections and Data Security Recommendations for Telecommuting due to Coronavirus Spread

The Israeli National Cyber Security Authority published recommendations for business and organizations related to privacy protections and data security for telecommuting due to coronavirus spread.

March 10, 2020

Li Wenliang Was Not a Snitch – an Article by Michael Barnea

Lee Wenliang was the first person to identify the coronavirus. He sought to warn the public about the virus and paid a personal price for doing so. Individuals like Wenliang are referred to in Hebrew as “information leakers,” at best, and snitches, at worst. The apparent distinction between an "information leaker" and a snitch is in many cases a question of the party involved—one person's "information leaker" is another person's snitch. In an article published by TheMarker, Micky deals with the terminology surrounding the leaking of information and the need for organizations to stress appropriate language so such actions are seen as a positive. Employers should also encourage internal reporting mechanisms.

March 4, 2020

Protect Your Business by Learning How to Handle Data

In an attempt to assist businesses in addressing the privacy challenges they face, we prepared a short guide on the key principles of handling data.

March 3, 2020

Representing MAT Investment Holdings in Merger between Two Manufacturers of Control Valves from Kibbutz Industry

Our firm represented the Spanish multinational industrial group MAT Investment Holdings in the merger of its Israeli subsidiary Dorot Management Control Valves from Kibbutz Dorot with A.R.I. Flow Control Accessories, a company owned indirectly by Kibbutz Kfar Haruv.

February 10, 2020

Event Invite: New International Standards for Internal Alert Mechanisms

Join us for a seminar on the new international standards for internal alert mechanisms. The EU whistleblower protection directive that came into force in December 2019 and trends in the US signal a new duty—the obligation to formulate an in-house mechanism that allows employees to report improper or unethical conduct. To date, such mechanisms have largely been the responsibility of large companies subject to heavy regulation, but this reality is about to change. To what extent is your organization ready for such a mechanism? Are there any accepted standards for such mechanisms?

February 3, 2020

Event Invite: Whistleblower Protection: Israel, Europe, and the US

The entry into force of the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive in December 2019 and recent US legislative trends require local companies operating in the international arena to begin preparing accordingly. During the seminar, we will discuss the need to protect whistleblowers, existing regulation, and what the next steps should be.

December 16, 2019

IPO – What’s Important to Know

A private company considering an IPO should know it is a complex and long process, and one that may pose many challenges. Therefore, before deciding to undertake an initial public offering, a deep examination of the process is recommended.

December 12, 2019

Representing Sartorius in the acquisition of a majority stake in Biological Industries.

Our firm represented Sartorius, a leading multinational corporation in the field of life science, research and development  and biopharmaceutical industry, in a transaction to acquire a majority stake in the Israeli cell culture developer Biological Industries. Sartorius acquired the majority of Biological Industries shares by way of secondary purchase of shares from the Development Company of Kibbutz Beit Haemek and private equity fund Fortissimo Capital, in consideration for USD 50 million. In addition, as part of the transaction, Sartorius and the Development Company of Kibbutz Beit Haemek signed an option to purchase/sell additional holdings in the future.

December 2, 2019

The Companies Registrar Rears Its Head – Financial Sanctions for Failing to File Reports

The Companies Registrar has recently increased its enforcement efforts when companies failed to submit annual reports, imposing fines amounting to a few thousand shekels on companies that do not comply with the requirements.

November 19, 2019

Event: The Future of Money Transfers

Our firm hosted today ACC members for a seminar on money transfers. Dr. Zvi Gabbay reviewed the regulations and guidelines that exist today in Israel and around the world on the handling of money transfers. In addition, we conducted a panel discussion addressing the challenges and opportunities facing businesses who need to know how to solve problems that may arise. Participating in the panel were Anat Even-Chen, our regulation expert; Doron Cohen, CEO of Covercy; Idit Froim, General Counsel of Colu; Yitz Raab, Managing Partner of Tzur Management; Rami Sasson, Chief Compliance Officer of Discount Bank; and Ronen Siman-Tov, CTO of IBM Blockchain World Wire.

November 6, 2019

Barnea Representing Azrieli Group in Sale of Supergas Holdings

Our firm represented Azrieli Group in the sale of its holdings in Supergas to Elco Group for NIS 820 million. Azrieli was represented by Advs. Micky Barnea, Ilan Blumenfeld, Sagi Gross and Daniel Kleinman.

October 30, 2019

Micky Barnea Interview with Legal Business Magazine

Micky Barnea was interviewed by the British magazine Legal Business about whether the political situation in Israel has affected its economy. Micky noted that investments, from both overseas companies into Israel and in the local market, remain extremely strong, and expressed future confidence in the Israeli economy.