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January 2, 2019

Liability of Officers and Functionaries in an Insolvent Corporation

Chapter 8 of the new Insolvency and Economic Rehabilitation Law addresses the liability of officers and functionaries. The law’s main innovation is that - beyond liabilities toward the corporation, which already existed prior to the enactment of the law, such as fiduciary duty and duty of care - special liability will also be imposed on the corporation’s officers and functionaries.

December 24, 2018

Calcalist Article on the Breakdown of Control in Companies

Adv. Micky Barnea was interviewed for an article in Calcalist's Executive Magazine about the superseding power of CEOs over the board of directors in public companies.

December 20, 2018

Update to Block Exemptions for Joint Ventures and Restraints Ancillary to Mergers

Two important block exemptions have been updated recently: the exemption for joint ventures and the exemption for restraints ancillary to mergers. The amendments transfer the examination of the intensity of the harm to competition deriving from these arrangements from the Israel Antitrust Authority to the business sector.

December 18, 2018

Tax Aspects of Business Restructuring - New Tax Circular

Recently, the Israel Tax Authority published a circular discussing business restructuring in multinational groups.

December 13, 2018

Companies Required to Amend Option Plans

A new circular by the Israel Tax Authority determines the terms for granting options to employees when the vesting of such options is contingent upon performance milestones or the occurrence of an IPO or exit event.

December 4, 2018

US Court Allows Company to Cancel a Transaction Based on “Material Adverse Effect” Clause in Agreement

The Delaware Court of Chancery issued a precedent recently, whereby an acquisition agreement may be cancelled due to the occurrence of a “Material Adverse Effect” (MAE) in the acquired entity.

November 27, 2018

A Workshop: Legal Primer for US Hedge Fund Investing

Barnea and Friedman Kaplan hosted today a workshop for participants from the Israel Hedge Funds Association. Dr. Zvi Gabbay gave a lecture entitled "International Enforcement: Being in Israel Does Not Keep the SEC Away."

November 20, 2018

Barnea represented Senetas Corporation Ltd.

Our firm represented Senetas Corporation in a USD 8 million investment in the Israeli cyber company Votiro Cybersec Global Limited

November 15, 2018

How to Negotiate with a Prospective Angel Investor

How you negotiate with an angel investor goes a long way in determining whether you will receive funding or not. Click to read some top tips for negotiating with a potential angel investor.

November 8, 2018

Barnea Represented Sakal Global Duty Free Ltd.

Our firm represented the owner of Sakal Global Duty Free Ltd. in the sale of the company as part of the sale of the entire Sakal Group to businessman Teddy Sagi.

November 6, 2018

Israel Innovation Tour: UK Delegation

Our firm hosted today a delegation of senior executives from British companies and authorities. The delegation is part of a cooperation with the consulting company Ntegra, Bird and Bird law firm and Barnea. As part of the tour, the delegation visited our firm and met several startups for potential investment. Micky Barnea also provided a case study of the activity of foreign companies in Israel.

November 6, 2018

The People Who Shake Management: 70% on Mellanox

Micky Barnea and Adv. Steve Wolosky are featured in a TheMarker profile about being the representatives of the American investment fund Starboard Value during its investment in Mellanox.

October 25, 2018

Warranty & Indemnity (W&I) Insurance – It’s All in the Name

Sellers in an MA transaction are required to make certain statements about the company they are selling. If these statements are not true, the buyer can claim against the seller for any damages it incurs as a result of the inaccuracies. WI insurance can cover the cost (or part of the cost) of the buyer’s damages.

October 16, 2018

Hosting a Delegation of French Companies from the Aerospace Industry

Barnea hosted today a French delegation of major aerospace companies. The delegation's participants came to Israel to initiate commercial partnerships and technological cooperation with their Israeli counterparts.

October 14, 2018

Officers’ Liability in “Spam” Lawsuits

It is not common knowledge that officers of companies who customarily disseminate advertising messages in a manner that constitutes a violation of the Israeli Anti-Spam Law are personally exposed to lawsuits, even to class actions at millions of shekels.

September 17, 2018

Israel’s Innovation Authority Issues New Know-How Licensing Rules for Multinational Corporations

Israel’s Innovation Authority (the IIA, formerly the Office of the Chief Scientist) has issued new rules regarding the licensing of IIA-funded know-how for use by multinational corporations outside of Israel.

August 14, 2018

What's Best for a Business: Controlling Shareholder or Executive Management?

Adv. Micky Barnea, our firm's Managing Partner, is featured in an extensive interview with TheMarker on the question of what contributes more to the proper management of a company—a dominant controlling shareholder or executive management—and how this affects the work of the board of directors.

August 7, 2018

Legal 500 Briefing: Foreign Investment in Israel

Advs. Michael Barnea and Mayer Winkler co-authored the chapter on foreign investment in Israel in the Legal 500 guide, providing information on the key factors to consider when looking to invest in Israeli companies by way of MA.

August 6, 2018

The New Reform in the Field of Privacy Protection and Information Security - the Day After and the Future …

Israels new Privacy Protection (Information Security) Regulations came into effect this past May. These regulations constitute a significant reform and turning point in the field of personal information security in Israel and in protecting the privacy of Israeli citizens.

July 23, 2018

Competition in the Communications Market and Preventing Margin Squeeze

Recently, the Ministry of Communications ordered Bezeq to begin implementing a “wholesale market” and selling its competitors access to telephony infrastructure at a regulated price. The objective of this directive is to expand competition in the fixed-line telephone market and to establish a separation between the infrastructure market and the communications services being purchased by consumers.