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July 12, 2018

2018 Opportunities in the Israeli Market

Despite the many internal and external challenges unique to Israel, the country has successfully transformed itself into a powerhouse of technological innovation. Israel has become an excellent destination for international business, boasting a strong local currency, an active local economy, and robust export industries. 

July 5, 2018

Workshop on Managing Israeli Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations

Barnea hosted today, together with the Ministry of Economy, a workshop on the corporate and labor laws relevant to officers of Israeli subsidiaries of multinational companies.

June 11, 2018

Micky Barnea Attends Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Event

Israel’s top legal experts and in-house counsels participated in the ACC Israel Annual Summit: "The Challenging Role of In-House Counsels in Israel.” At the event, Micky Barnea took part in the panel discussion on the relationship between corporate counsel and external legal advisors.

June 10, 2018

Israeli Non-profit Organizations (‘Amutot’), Public Benefit Companies and Everything in Between

New article by Advs. Asaf Shalev and Daniel Kleinman on founding an Israeli non-profit organization (of the type included in the third sector).

June 5, 2018

Justice Ministry Seeks to Empower Registrar to Strike Companies from Companies Register

The Ministry of Justice recently published a new memorandum regarding an amendment to the Companies Law. This amendment seeks to authorize the Registrar of Companies to administratively strike off a company from the Companies Register.

June 4, 2018

Israeli Court Scrutiny Over Decisions of a Board of an Israeli NASDAQ Traded Company in a Proxy Fight

Recently, a four month proxy fight over control of an Israeli incorporated NASDAQ traded company was settled, following a series of proceedings held before the Tel Aviv District Court. At a crucial juncture, the Tel Aviv Court was asked to issue a temporary injunction over a transaction initiated by the board, which included a highly dilutive (24.9%) issuance of shares.

May 30, 2018

How to Protect Your Trade Secrets

Barnea and Bird and Bird are hosting today a seminar on the protection of trade secrets from the Israeli and European perspectives. We will discuss the confidentiality and non-compete clauses in employment agreements.

May 28, 2018

GDPR – Why Should We Care about It?

The EUs General Data Protection Regulation is designed to help individuals better control their personal data. As this regulation applies also to those that offer products or services in the EU, major websites have begun updating their privacy policies to comply. Doing so is important for a number of reasons.

May 22, 2018

Landmark Israeli Court Decision Halts Deal between Two US Companies

An Israeli court has ordered to halt an investment deal in Arcturus Therapeutics, pending clarification of the lawsuit filed by Joseph Payne, the company's founder, regarding the cancellation of his dismissal as CEO. This decision was made despite the fact that the company operates in the United States with American management. Joseph Payne is represented by Advs. Micky Barnea, Zohar Lande, Omer Keydar, and Ron Shuhatovich.

May 16, 2018

Barnea & ACC Seminar: The Future of Compliance

We are hosting today, together with the Association of Corporate Counsel, a seminar on compliance and internal investigations. Dr. Zvi Gabbay will discuss new regulatory challenges, while managing directors from Duff Phelps will discuss the changing compliance environment.

May 14, 2018

Ethemba Capital Selling Control in Avgol to Indorama Ventures

Our firm is representing British private equity firm Ethemba Capital in its sale of control in Israeli company Avgol Nonwoven Industries Ltd. to Indorama Ventures Spain S.L., a chemical manufacturer whose shares are traded on the Thai stock exchange. The price of the sale is valued at NIS 1.7 billion.

May 9, 2018

Barnea Represented ADM Capital in Investment in Israeli Startup Rootility

Barnea represented ADM Capital, a UK-based investment fund, in an investment round in the Israeli plant-breeding startup Rootility.

May 7, 2018

Tread Carefully

The GDPR craze has left everyone trying to tick off all the boxes in terms of regulatory compliance, while little attention is given to addressing: what happens if you actually get attacked.

May 7, 2018

IFF to Buy Israel's Frutarom

Our firm represented International Flavors Fragrances Inc. (IFF) in its acquisition of Frutarom, the Israeli flavors and ingredients maker, for USD 7.1 billion.

April 29, 2018

Precedent Set: ‘Business Judgment Rule’ Also Applies to a Board Resolution on Filing a Derivative Suit

The Israeli Supreme Court has set a precedent by ruling that the Business Judgment Rule should also be applied to a company’s board of directors when it is deciding whether or not to file a derivative suit.

April 22, 2018

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Launches New Index: TA-Industrials

On March 23, 2018, the TASE board of directors approved the launch of a new index in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy and Industry.

April 20, 2018

Spinoff May Trigger Tax Bill for Bezeq, Israel's Telecom Giant

Adv. Harel Perlmutter was interviewed by Bloomberg BNA on the possible governmental decision to force Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Corp. to sell its infrastructure holdings in an effort to boost competition in the sector. This move may be considered a taxable event.

April 18, 2018

Barnea Represented Greenyard Fresh in Acquisition of Mor International

Our firm represented Greenyard Fresh, a global market leader of fresh, frozen, and prepared fruits and vegetables, in the acquisition of 49% of Mor International.

April 10, 2018

IFLR 2018 M&A Israel Report

A report on the MA market in Israel was written by Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss and published on the international IFLR 1000 ranking guide's website. The report analyzes the trends and developments in the MA market in Israel.

April 8, 2018

Law Reducing the Use of Cash

The Knesset recently approved the Law for the Reduction in the Use of Cash. This law imposes bans and restrictions on the making and receiving of payments using cash and checks at the sums therein prescribed.