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December 15, 2022

Intricacies of SAFEs (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)

Contrary to its title, as a Simple Agreement for Future Equity, a SAFE may not be as simple as it seems, and it has complexities.

December 7, 2022

Stock Market Skeletons: Dudi Cohen Interview with Globes

Stock market skeletons are raising their heads. Recently, several skeleton companies have announced talks about merging with private companies who have substantial activity. Dudi Cohen, head of our firm’s Finance and Public Corporations Department, was interviewed by Globes on the phenomenon. He shed some light on the issue of stock market skeletons and the legal problems that may arise as a result.

December 4, 2022

Barnea: Representing Convent Capital in its Investment in BeeHero

Our firm represented Convent Capital, a private equity firm based in Amsterdam, in a USD 42 million funding round in BeeHero. The Israeli startup BeeHero is developing a platform for bee pollination and owns the largest database of bees and pollen in the world.   

November 30, 2022

Shareholder Transactions – Elad Reshtick Lecture

Elad Reshtick, a firm partner, lectured to members of a senior business management course on the do’s and don’ts of shareholder transactions. He delivered the lecture to the IDF unit of the Gender Affairs Advisor to the Chief of Staff in cooperation with the Israeli Directors’ Union.

November 23, 2022

Proposed Amendment to Israeli Class Action Regulations Could Infringe on Public Companies’ Rights

The proposed amendment to the Class Action Regulations contradicts the Courts Regulations (Review of Files). If enacted, any person, in any case and without providing justification, may review the statements of response filed by respondent-companies to the motions to certify class actions filed against them.

November 10, 2022

The Great Wall of China – Increasing Difficulty in Doing Business with China

The restrictions imposed by the United States are relevant to Israeli companies in at least two ways. First, they are imposed on anyone who is a US citizen or lives in the United States and who deals with regulated products. Second, the Americans have applied the Foreign Direct Product Rule to some of the regulated products and to a list of Chinese companies.

October 27, 2022

Legal Aspects of SAFEs (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)

Since a SAFE is a relatively standard agreement, there is no need for lengthy negotiations on comprehensive investment agreements. A SAFE defines clear rules about the investor’s rights (which include, inter alia, rights similar to those the next investors in the company receive during future rounds of funding).  

October 27, 2022

Barnea Represented Mouro Capital in USD 80 Million Investment in Vesttoo

Ariella Dreyfuss  represented Mouro Capital as the lead investor in an USD 80 million Series C financing round in the Israeli insurtch startup Vesttoo. The investment was based on a company valuation of USD 1 billion. 

October 6, 2022

Barnea: Representing Metuka Bakery in Sale to Adi Cohen, Former CEO of Tiv Ta'am

Ilan Blumenfeld, Yuval Lazi, and Dor Levi-Tam represented the founders of the coffee shop/bakery chain Metuka in the company's sale to businessman Adi Cohen, former CEO of Tiv Ta'am. 

October 3, 2022

Doing Business in Israel: Forming a Limited Liability Company in Israel

The Israeli Companies Law enables local and international businesses to engage in business activity easily and with relative efficiency and The procedure for forming a limited liability company is relatively simple.

October 2, 2022

Barnea: Representing Pronto Diagnostics and Owners in Sale to Novolog

Sagi Gross and Dor Levi-Tam represented Pronto Diagnostics and its owners in a transaction to sell control of the company to Novolog. Pronto operates in the field of molecular genetic diagnostics.

September 8, 2022

Barnea: Representing Naveh Pharma and Bigdam Ltd in Sale to Diplomat

The import giant Diplomat has acquired control of the companies Naveh Pharma and Bigdam Ltd for NIS 96 million. Advs. Sagi Gross, Dor Levi-Tam, and Izabel Pashayev successfully represented the companies and their owners in the transaction.

September 8, 2022

Barnea: Representing Neve Pharma in Sale to Diplomat for NIS 81 Million

Neve Pharma is engaged in the development, marketing, and sale of nutritional supplements, as well as medical accessories in the ENT field. Sixty-five percent of the company was recently sold to the public company Diplomat for NIS 81 million. Neve Pharma was represented by Sagi Gross, Dor Levi-Tam, and Izabel Pashayev in the transaction. 

August 15, 2022

Barnea Representing Migdal in Investment in Major European Infrastructure Project

Roy Engel and Yakov Vilenski represented Migdal in a NIS 130 million investment in one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Europe: the NeuConnect Interconnector. This project consists of a 725 km submarine power transmission line that will connect the English power grid with the German power grid for the first time. The investment agreement was signed with the French fund MIE III Co-Investment Fund II S.L.P.

July 14, 2022

Doing Business in Israel: How to Take Part in Israeli Innovation

Israel boasts a unique combination of academic excellence and an entrepreneurial approach. As a result, it is the home base for many startup companies. Most technologies underpinning startup companies develop at academic institutions.

July 11, 2022

Proud to Represent Cibus Fund in Biotech Company Investment

Barnea represented Cibus Fund in an investment in Phytolon, a biotech company that develops fermentation-based natural food colors.

July 7, 2022

Guide to the ESGI

Everyone agrees ESG principles are important aspects of companies’ activities, but these principles have also received considerable criticism. This criticism is not of the principles themselves, but rather is directed against companies that exploit these principles for the purposes of public relations and image-building. Such criticism also spotlights the considerable difficulties in implementing fundamental changes in business activities.

June 28, 2022

Barnea Represents Azrieli in Data Center Acquisition

We represented Azrieli Group in the acquisition of a London data center operator for GBP 52 million. The acquisition is part of Azrieli's expansion in the data center sector. Ariella Dreyfuss, Mayer Winkler, and Tal Freilich provided representation in the transaction.

June 22, 2022

District Court: Changing a Business Model after Purchasing Company Shares Does not Always Constitute a Tax Event

The Israeli court's ruling further details and explains the complicated tax issues that may arise from business restructuring and from transactions that create such restructuring.  

June 8, 2022

Sagi Gross Lectures to Bar-Ilan University’s Law and Environment Club

As part of our ongoing collaboration with Bar-Ilan University’s Law and Environment Club, Adv. Sagi Gross lectured to students of  on the environmental aspects of MA transactions. He discussed due diligence processes, indemnity mechanisms, ESG investments, and more.