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July 10, 2024

Barnea: Participating in ACC Israel Annual Conference

Zohar Lande, the head of our firm's Litigation Department, participated today in the annual conference hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsel in Israel (ACC Israel). Zohar took part in a fascinating panel on crisis management in companies. 

July 4, 2024

Insolvency: Idan Miller Lectures to Israel Builders Association Course

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, lectured to attendees of an Israel Builders Association financial management course. The focus of the lecture was how to handle and prepare for insolvency events.

June 26, 2024

New Precedent: Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings Accepts Military Reserve Duty as Justification for Relief

Idan Miller, the head of our firm's insolvency practice, was appointed as the insolvency trustee for White Dress Marketing Ltd. (formerly Riki Dalal Group). Together with Hadar Eilon, Idan submitted an economic rehabilitation plan on behalf of the company and its shareholders for the Tel Aviv District Court's approval. In his request, Idan asked that the controlling shareholder's military reserve service be recognized as a contributing factor for the purpose of granting relief and avoiding a full insolvency procedure. When asked by the court for his response, the Commissioner for Insolvency Proceedings accepted this position.

June 16, 2024

Israeli Law Prevails Over Foreign Jurisdiction Clauses in Consumer Contracts

A new Israeli Supreme Court ruling states that, in particular instances, Israeli law will apply to engagements and agreements, even if those agreements stipulate that foreign law applies to them. In its decision, the court also issued several significant rulings that could affect commercial relations, in instances when cogent provisions of law apply.

June 10, 2024

Increasing the Odds of Winning in an Insolvent Corporation Auction

The recent preference shown by the administrators of the insolvent ISBECO company toward the purchase offer from Hacarem Spirit indicates that, despite economic logic suggesting otherwise, the highest monetary offer will not always be the winning bid in the process.

May 19, 2024

Court Ruling Could Change the Status of Lump-Sum Contracts

Contracts in the construction sector utilize various models for calculating the consideration. These models range from contracts aimed at maximizing accuracy to contracts aimed at maximizing certainty. A new Israeli court ruling creates ambiguity between the models and adversely impacts the status of lump-sum contracts.

May 6, 2024

Using a Name without Permission: Privacy Infringement

An Israeli court ordered the McDonald’s fast food chain to pay ILS 40,000 to Maayan Parti, a consumer reporter for Israel’s Channel 12 News, after McDonald’s used the reporter’s name without her consent in an advertising campaign for the chain’s ice cream.

April 21, 2024

New Class Action Bill: Eyal Nachshon Interview with Globes

A new bill seeks to oblige would-be plaintiffs to send letters of complaint to potential defendants before filing a class action motion. Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm’s Litigation Department and an expert on class action lawsuits, was interviewed by Globes about his position on the bill. Eyal believes the proposed model “will only strengthen the institution of class actions.”

March 12, 2024

Supreme Court Issues Important Ruling on Shareholder Disputes

Zohar Lande, Eran Winner, Lina Makhuli, and Chen Segal from our Litigation Department represented Panda, a private company embroiled in a shareholder dispute that caused a deadlock within its decision-making bodies. The dispute reached the Supreme Court, which issued an important and precedential ruling. The Court accepted the company’s position and outlined the proper manner for managing and resolving shareholder disputes, as well as rules of thumb for dealing with deadlocks in private companies. These included the option to classify a director in a private company as having a "negative personal interest" and even the possibility of not bringing a transaction for approval before the board’s general meeting.

March 11, 2024

Informal Agreements or a Binding Contract?

A new Israeli Supreme Court ruling redraws the boundaries for recognizing agreements and signals that informal agreements may also be legally binding.

March 7, 2024

Barnea: Representing Gencell in NIS 16 Million Lawsuit

Gal Livshits, Yatir Madar, and Liron Dahan from our firm’s Litigation Department are representing Gencell in a NIS 16 million lawsuit against the car importer EV Motors as well as Holon Motors. The suit alleges the defendants owe Gencell NIS 4.5 million for systems and equipment they purchased but did not pay for.

March 5, 2024

Copyright: US Court Rejects Some of the Claims against OpenAI

The subjects of copyright and the protection thereof are core issues for companies that use artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the agreements in place between different players in the economy and AI technology providers include provisions that protect such players against legal claims in relation to copyright

February 19, 2024

Court Takes Measures to Prevent Frivolous Class Actions

The Tel Aviv District Court recently reduced agreed settlements between respondents and petitioners in motions to certify class actions alleging website accessibility violations. It is thus signaling to serial petitioners that filing a motion to certify a class action is a last resort and that they must first complain to the website owner.

February 18, 2024

Arbitration Clauses in International Agreements

The new law brings clarity to issues of international arbitration and helps parties to an agreement reach decisions and wisely plan ahead for any possible commercial disputes.

January 4, 2024

Copyrights: The New York Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft

The conflict between copyright protection for content creators and the development of AI platforms by companies is being litigated once again in court. Can appropriate regulation reconcile between the parties’ needs?

January 3, 2024

Personal Liability for Debt to the Registrar of Companies

A district court in Israel has ruled to impose personal liability on a company’s CEO and director for the company’s accumulated debt to the Registrar of Companies in respect of annual fees, after the company ceased operating, because the CEO and director refrained from opening court proceedings to liquidate the company.

December 27, 2023

Barnea: Representing Eshkolot in Lawsuit against Screen iL

After filing a lawsuit against Netflix, Eshkolot, the Company for the Performing Rights of Israeli Artists continues to fight companies that use protected performances for commercial purposes without obtaining the artists’ consent and without paying them royalties. Last week, with our counsel, Eshkolot filed another lawsuit on the same issue against Stream IL Communication Ltd and the American company Stream IL Inc., which operate the website Screen iL. Eyal Nachshon, Avinadav Preuss, and Naama Ben Arosh Moshe prepared the statement of claim.

December 13, 2023

Document Subpoena from US Authorities: Critical Steps

When an individual or a corporation receives a document subpoena from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), from a US regulatory authority like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), or from any other law enforcement agency in the US, it is very important to know what to do next to ensure the first response serves the client’s legal interests and best defense. More importantly, the initial response must not compromise or harm the best possible legal strategy down the road. 

September 21, 2023

Derivative Claims and Independent Committees: Eyal Nachshon Lecture on Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies Webinar

Following the publication of draft regulations on derivative claims, Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm's litigation department, was invited to participate in a webinar hosted by the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on the issue. In his lecture, Eyal referred to the draft regulations with an eye toward litigation.

September 20, 2023

Does the Proposed Amendment to the Israeli Contract Law Change the Aprofim Ruling?

Contrary to the headlines, a careful examination of the amendment shows it is anchored in Supreme Court case law, and that it creates greater certainty with regard to contract interpretations in the business sector.