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February 19, 2019

Adv. Ariel Nadler Interviewed on Globes' Facebook Live

Adv. Ariel Nadler was interviewed by Guy Liberman, the editor of the Globes newspaper's real-estate section, about the Director-General of the Planning Administration's initiative to cancel building easements.

February 19, 2019

Planning Administration to Seek Gov't Approval to Cancel Building Easements

Adv. Ariel Nadler was interviewed by Calcalist following notice of the Planning Administration's intent to bring to the government's approval a proposal to cancel building easements.

January 3, 2017

Local Planning and Building Committee Requirement of Deeds of Indemnity is Ruled Illegal

A Supreme Court judgment handed down in December by the Honorable Justice Yoram Danziger ruled that the demand by local planning and building committees that deeds of indemnity be signed is illegal (Bikel Flowers Ltd. vs. the Local Planning and Building Committee – Rishon Letsiyon).