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May 8, 2024

Barnea: Participating in Bar-Ilan University Environmental Law Hackathon

Anat Even-Chen introduced the environmental law hackathon and assisted Bar-Ilan University students in formulating their project proposals, which were presented for judging today before Dr. Zvi Gabbay.

February 27, 2024

Environmental Aspects of M&A Transactions: Lecture by Sagi Gross

Sagi Gross, a partner in our firm, lectured at Bar-Ilan University as part of a course on environmental law. He discussed the environmental aspects of MA transactions

July 6, 2023

Conference: ESG – What’s the Story?

Our firm hosted a morning workshop of experts from the ESG and sustainability field. Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured on the legal angle of ESG. Michal Weiss, the ESG manager at Doral, discussed how to undertake ESG activities within an organization. Hagit Genish Gil lectured on how to make ESG activity suitable for a large organization. Michal Gat, the CEO of Titan, closed the event with a lecture on how to build a branding story that is right for a company’s activities.

June 5, 2023

Sagi Gross Lectures at Bar-Ilan University

Sagi Gross, a firm partner, was a guest lecturer in an environmental law course at Bar-Ilan University. He spoke about the environmental aspects of merger and acquisition transactions.

April 24, 2023

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Publishes ESG Questionnaire

The publication of the questionnaire aligns with global trends and reflects the importance of this subject for investors. According to the TASE press release, only 70 companies currently publish full ESG reports.

April 18, 2023

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3

The monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions is not only important for protecting environmental quality, but it also offers commercial benefits, such as monitoring energy and supply chain expenses and participating in carbon emissions trading markets. 

March 15, 2023

The Israeli Arrangements Law of 2023-2024: Significant Harm to Environmental Quality

Notwithstanding growing awareness and the measures being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (as part of Israel’s commitment under the Paris Agreement), the emerging Arrangements Law could cause a regression in environmental legislation and hinder efforts to protect Israel’s population from environmental hazards.

February 9, 2023

Webinar for Legal Counsels on Role of Legal Advisor in Relation to ESG Risks

Our firm held a webinar for members of the In-House Counsels for In-House Counsels Organization, in which Dr. Zvi Gabbay presented existing regulation in Israel in the field of ESG and the trends in the US and Europe. He also discussed ESG risk management in an environmental context.

December 18, 2022

Representation in Class Action for Polluting Ashalim River

Following pollution to the Ashalim River and its surrounding areas in 2017, three plaintiffs filed a class action against Rotem Amfert, a subsidiary of ICL Group, for NIS 400 million. The plaintiffs demanded compensation for the ecological damage caused to the area.  

November 10, 2022

"Dieselgate" Effect: Israel Changes Rules of Game for Class Actions over Environmental Damage

The Tel Aviv District Court recently allowed a motion to certify a class action against the Volkswagen Group and its importer in Israel, Champion Motors Ltd. The class action focuses on the Dieselgate scandal, after an investigation discovered that Volkswagen installed emissions management software in its diesel-powered vehicles that falsifies air pollution data.

October 25, 2022

All Government Ministries Must Submit Climate Action Plans by the End of 2023

This week, the Israeli government approved the joint proposal submitted by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Environmental Protection to obligate all government ministries to formulate climate action plans. The proposal was approved ahead of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference, which will be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

June 8, 2022

Sagi Gross Lectures to Bar-Ilan University’s Law and Environment Club

As part of our ongoing collaboration with Bar-Ilan University’s Law and Environment Club, Adv. Sagi Gross lectured to students of  on the environmental aspects of MA transactions. He discussed due diligence processes, indemnity mechanisms, ESG investments, and more.

March 6, 2022

The Tesla Might Be Electric, but Is It Eco-Friendly?

Elon Musk declared he would build a Tesla manufacturing factory in Germany in as early as 2019. The factory only obtained a license to operate now. The German regulator, environmental protection organizations, and Russian President Vladimir Putin all played a part.

February 13, 2022

Illegal Spilling of Sewage Water into Sea Leads to Significant Fine

A boutique hotel in Jaffa was convicted of spilling sewage into the sea without a permit. The court fined the company and two of its employees.

January 5, 2022

Israeli Environmental Protection Ministry Takes Major Step to Ensure Environmental Rehabilitation per Polluter Pays Principle

The Knesset Finance Committee, headed by MK Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beitenu), recently approved a mechanism for compensation for the rehabilitation of industrial waste damages caused by Rotem Amfert (of the ICL Group). The committee arrived at the mechanism as part of discussions on the extension of the phosphate mining concession currently granted to the company.

December 27, 2021

Lecture: The Practice of Environmental Law

Dr. Zvi Gabbay will lecture today to members of the "Law and Environment" student club at Bar-Ilan University. The lecture will cover the practice of environmental law and include an analysis of precedent-setting judgments on the subject of the environment.

December 5, 2021

Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection: ILS 3 Million Sanction on Shufersal

The Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection announced this week its imposition of a pecuniary sanction totaling about ILS 3 million on the leading supermarket chain Shufersal for violations of the Clean Air Law. (In particular, the company violated provisions mandating the reduction and prevention of air pollution from its vehicles).

December 1, 2021

ESG – Risks and Legal Responsibility – A Lecture by Dr. Zvi Gabbay

Since the COVID-19 outbreak and the exacerbation of the climate crisis, ESG factors have increasingly influenced the profit line of businesses. The ESG Management Program at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University, which will open in March 2022, will bring the most important aspects of ESG to those whose activities have an impact on the investment chain: executives, directors, investors, analysts, and public sector personnel. As part of the program, Dr. Zvi Gabbay will give a lecture entitled: "Risks and Legal Responsibility - How ESG Becomes a Significant Part of the Duties of an Organization's Officers and What Happens When Neglected."

November 22, 2021

Indictments Filed in Israel over Officers’ Responsibility for Ecological Disaster

About seven years ago, one of the worst ecological disasters in Israel’s history occurred. During work to divert an oil pipeline, one of the old pipelines belonging to the government company Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Co. Ltd. (EAPC) ruptured near the Evrona Nature Reserve. As a result, about five million liters of crude oil poured from the pipeline into the nature reserve located in the Arava Valley.

October 25, 2021

Bar-Ilan University Law and Environment Club: Ethical Consumerism and Sustainable Fashion

As part of the inaugural event of Bar-Ilan University’s Law and Environment Club, firm partner Sagi Gross will deliver opening remarks on the importance of law and the environment. His speech will touch on developments and changes in recent years.