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October 3, 2022

Israel Declares Independence of Privacy Protection Authority in Ministry of Justice

This declaration will help to maintain the European Union’s continuing recognition of the State of Israel as a country whose data protection laws are on par with the European Data Protection Regulation.

September 15, 2022

Real-Time Reporting of Major Data Breach Events

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority issues instructions to report data breach events or concerns of data breach events immediately.

September 4, 2022

In First, Company Fined for Violating California Consumer Privacy Act

Sephora, the cosmetics giant of the LVMH group, must pay a USD 1.2 million fine for failure to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), after receiving a warning from the California Attorney General and time to rectify its violations.

August 25, 2022

Informing on Cyber Risks during Sale of IoT Products

According to the Israeli Consumer Protection Authority’s draft directive, the disclosure obligation applies at all stages of a transaction, including when advertising and marketing an IoT product.

August 8, 2022

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Clarifies Scope of Duty to Inform on Collection and Use of Personal Information

The publication presents the PPA’s position on the duty to inform on the collection and use of personal data (as derived from the Privacy Protection Law), specifically highlighting the duty to inform when using algorithm-based or AI-based decision-making systems.

May 4, 2022

Israeli Tech in 2032: Anat Even-Chen in Geektime

Ahead of Israeli Independence Day, Geektime published an article asking experts to predict what Israel will be like in ten years. As an expert in the privacy field, Anat Even-Chen was asked to provided her prediction for the data protection field. Anat believes legislation will continue to concern itself with individuals' privacy and eventually there will be a uniform standardization between companies and countries regarding the issue of privacy.

February 3, 2022

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority’s Recommendations Regarding the Appointment of Data Protection Officer

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority has published recommendations that organizations and companies in all sectors of the economy should appoint data protection officers, along with an instruction kit in this regard. The document was published at the end of January 2022 as part of Privacy Protection Week.

January 27, 2022

NSO Affair and Supreme Court OK for Search of Netanyahu’s Aides’ Phones – Op-Ed by Shir Rozenzweig

Two recent major cases have involved privacy matters. One is the Israel Police’s alleged use of NSO’s Pegasus software to hack into civilians’ phones. The other is a Supreme Court verdict allowing police to search the phones of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s aides. With these cases in the headlines, N12 has published an op-ed by Shir Rozenzweig discussing our right to privacy of the information found on our smartphones and computers.

January 23, 2022

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Adapts Privacy Protection Laws

The draft bill is an important step toward achieving the objectives set by the Privacy Protection Authority and the government to increase privacy protection.

January 18, 2022

Right to Privacy when Issuing Search Warrants of Computers and Cellular Devices

In an expanded panel of nine justices, Israeli Supreme Court prescribed a set of rules concerning procedures and judicial discretion on the granting of search warrants of computers and cellular devices as part of an investigation. 

November 3, 2021

Do You Own a Database? You’re Also Responsible for Actions Performed by Third Parties

The Black Shadow hacking group’s attack on Cyberserve, reported a few days ago, has resulted (at this point in time) in the leaking of a database with more than 800,000 records pertaining to various individuals and the exposure of additional databases. This attack raises important questions about the relations between database owners and the third parties with whom they engage to receive various services relating to business activities that incidentally involve their data.

October 28, 2021

How Can China’s New Privacy Protection Law Affect Your Business?

On November 1, 2021, the new Chinese Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) will come into effect. This law is modeled after the well-known European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Like the GDPR, the PIPL will apply not only to Chinese organizations, but also to any organization processing the personal information of people located in China. Therefore, any organization that collects data from China must comply with this new law or risk suffering the consequences.

September 19, 2021

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Publishes New Statement Concerning Location Data in Workplaces

There has been an uptrend in recent years of employers using a variety of technological tools to supervise their employees and oversee the quality of their work. The use of these tools has become more prevalent due to the shift of many organizations to working from home last year.

August 25, 2021

Europe: Amazon Slapped with Record-Breaking Privacy Fine

E-commerce giant Amazon reported in its financial statements at the end of last month that the Luxembourg data protection authority had imposed on it a fine totaling EUR 746 million. The fine appears to have been laid on Amazon for its use of users’ personal data for targeted advertising, in violation of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

June 20, 2021

Webinar: Cyber and Privacy in International Law

Bar-Ilan University's International Law Club Global Law Forum is hosting the webinar "Cyber and Privacy in International Law". As part of the webinar, Anat Even-Chen, a partner and the head of our firm's regulation practice, will discuss the international aspects of privacy and cyber security law.

February 18, 2021

Employers: Everything You Need to Know about Vaccinations

This past year has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride for employers in Israel, in terms of both their business activities and their role as employers. Now, when we can perhaps see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel in the form of Israel’s vaccination campaign, quite a few questions arise.

January 12, 2021

Employers: It’s Time to Protect Employee Privacy

Until recently, companies have focused their privacy policies on customers and suppliers, but have not placed enough emphasis on the privacy of their employees. We are now seeing a trend reversal, as employees are beginning to understand that an organization cannot do what it wants with their information and that there are legal limitations to collecting information about them. Organizations must now be more careful with employees’ privacy and this is how to do it. 

December 29, 2020

Epidemiological Investigations and Privacy Protection

Israel’s Privacy Protection Authority published its guidelines and emphases for protecting the privacy of individuals when conducting COVID-19 epidemiological investigations in workplaces.

November 15, 2020

Privacy Protection Authority: Appointing a Privacy Protection Supervisor Is a Necessary Step for Israeli Companies

Israel’s Privacy Protection Authority has published its recommendation that every organization appoint a privacy protection supervisor. This supervisor’s task is to implement the privacy protection laws that apply to the organization. The PPA noted that although Israeli law does not impose such a duty, it is a best practice recommended for organizations that collect and analyze personal data.

October 25, 2020

H&M Fined EUR 35 Million for Violating Employee Privacy in Germany

In early October, the Data Protection Authority in Hamburg, Germany announced that the clothing retailer HM committed severe violations of its employees' privacy. Because of these European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) violations, the retailer would pay a fine of approximately 35 million euros.