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Insights & News /  Antitrust and Competition

February 18, 2025

Podcast: Everything Businesses Need to Know About Competition Law

Adv. Irit Brodsky, a partner in our Competition and Antitrust Department, was a featured speaker on the Dun's 100 podcast, where she discussed key issues in competition law, including interactions with competitors, relationships with suppliers and customers, and essential considerations in MA transactions.  

December 2, 2024

Webinar on Competition Law Addressing the Strengthening of Merger Enforcement

This morning, our firm held a webinar in collaboration with the Association of Corporate Counsel on the strengthening of merger enforcement, especially in light of the landmark decision in the Strauss-Weiler merger. The webinar featured a presentation by Adv. Gal Rozent, head of our competition department, and was attended by dozens of in-house legal counsel.

July 18, 2024

Will the US Regulator Approve the Google-Wiz Deal? Gal Rozent Interview with TheMarker

Gal Rozent, a competition law expert, was interviewed by TheMarker following news of Google's interest in acquiring the Israeli company Wiz. Gal explained current trends in the US and Europe and what competition authorities will request to examine to approve the deal.

July 9, 2024

Barnea: Representing Aviad in Precedential Competition Lawsuit

Our firm represented Aviad Concrete and Clay Industries in a lawsuit against Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises that alleged Nesher abused its monopolistic position and harmed competition. The court's ruling set a precedent regarding the limits of the prohibition imposed on monopolies from discriminating between customers. Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi represented Aviad in the lawsuit.   

May 7, 2024

Webinar: Competition Authorities’ Recent Actions May Also Affect You. How Should You Prepare?

Our firm and the Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC Israel) co-hosted a webinar on competition law. The webinar featured the Israel Competition Authority’s Deputy Legal Counsel, who reviewed the latest developments in competition law enforcement, including from the ICA’s perspective.  

December 5, 2023

Gal Rozent Ranked as Leading Competition Lawyer

Who’s Who Legal has ranked Gal Rozent in its exclusive list of leading lawyers in Israel in the Competition Antitrust field for the year 2024.

October 16, 2023

Competition Law in Times of War: Globes Interview with Irit Brodsky

Michal Cohen, the Director General of the Israel Competition Authority, issued a special statement, emphasizing the prohibition on companies exploiting their monopolistic position to cause consumers harm during the Israel-Hamas war. As an expert in the competition and antitrust field, Irit Brodsky was interviewed by Globes on the issue. Irit noted, “In addition to the various reliefs, during this difficult period, businesses must take care not to harm consumers as part of their survival efforts, and certainly not to exploit the situation. The Director General intends to be vigilant, especially regarding practices that exploit a company’s monopolistic position and harm consumers, and will use the enforcement measures in her power against such entities.”

June 19, 2023

Barnea: Hosting Conference on Tenders in Collaboration with ACC Israel

We hosted a conference on tenders at our office in collaboration with ACC Israel. The event featured discussions on tender negotiation strategies, the role of competition in tenders, and insights into submitting tenders in the US. Among the guest speakers were Joy Sturm, a partner from the international firm Hogan Lovells, who participated in a panel with Shai Avnieli. Another keynote speaker was Gal Somech, legal advisor to the Haifa Port, who addressed the port’s privatization process.  

May 9, 2023

Gal Rozent Lectures at Annual Competition Law Conference

Gal Rozent, the head of our firm’s Competition and Antitrust Department, was invited to lecture at Haifa University’s annual competition law conference. Senior officials from the competition field and attorneys from Israel’s leading law firms attended.

May 3, 2023

Ministry of Economy and Industry v. Coca-Cola: Gal Rozent Interview

Last March, Coca-Cola alerted retailers of a 7% price increase for its sugary drink products. Yesterday, the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry informed Coca-Cola of its intention to examine the need for supervision of the company's products in Israel. The ministry suspects Coca-Cola’s significant product price increase may affect the beverage sector in Israel as a whole. As an expert in the competition field, Gal Rozent was interviewed by TheMarker on the subject.

January 25, 2023

Barnea: Hosting Conference on Labor Law and Competition Law

Firm partners Gal Rozent and Neta Bromberg lectured at a conference we hosted for the CEOs of Israel’s leading cleaning companies, part of Israel’s cleaners’ union.

January 15, 2023

Is AI-Based Pricing a Detriment to Competitiveness?

The increasing commercial use of AI-based pricing engines will place new challenges before Israel’s competition authorities, both due to concerns about the creation of new means of price coordination between competitors, and, perhaps primarily, because such pricing engines intensify the competition failures that already exist, especially in low-competition markets. Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi elaborate on these challenges in an op-ed for Calcalist.

December 20, 2022

Competition and Antitrust: Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi Article in Calcalist

Money laundering allegations against bid competitors convicted of coordinating a tender (coupled with charges of competition law offenses and fraud) may lead to aggravated penalties compares to those imposed on “regular” antitrust offenders. The Competition Authority’s decision to freeze and confiscate assets by virtue of Israel’s Anti-Money Laundering Law will exert heavy pressure, both financial and mental, on those under investigation and indictment. Read Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi’s article on the issue in Calcalist.

December 4, 2022

Closing a Deal – Transaction Closing in the World of Malls and Chain Stores

Terry Almozlino-Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Irit Brodsky are participating in a panel on how to successfully complete mall real estate transactions and commercial tenders. The panel is being held as part of the Israel Mall Chain Store Conference held in Eilat.

September 12, 2022

Public Statements: Hagit Ross and Gal Rozent Participate in Webinar Hosted by Israeli Association of Public Companies

Hagit Ross, a partner in our Capital Markets Department, and Gal Rozent, a partner in our Competition Department, participated today in a forum hosted by the Israel Association of Public Companies. They gave a joint lecture entitled, "Public Statements by Officers in Public Companies – Do's and Don'ts."  

April 4, 2022

Irit Brodsky Featured in Globes Article on Dramatic Changes to Merger Announcements

New Israel Competition Authority regulations impose a heavier reporting obligation on companies seeking to merge. These new regulations have many possible consequences, for better or worse. Firm partner Irit Brodsky discusses the changes in an in-depth article by Globes on the subject.

April 13, 2021

Barnea Represented Gnrgy in Sale to O.P.C. Energy

Firm partner Yuval Lazi and associate Mayer Winkler advised Gnrgy, a company operating in the field of electric vehicle charging, in its sale to public company O.P.C. Energy, part of the Idan Ofer Group. The transaction amount was NIS 67 million. Our legal services consisted of advising on all aspects of the transaction, including antitrust issues.

February 27, 2019

Event Invite: The Impact on Your Business of New Amendments to the Restrictive Trade Practices Law

Our firm is holding a seminar on March 18 about the ways in which recent amendments to the Restrictive Trade Practices Law meet the daily needs of a corporation and its officers. A representative from the Israel Competition Authority will also take part.

November 8, 2018

Barnea Represented Sakal Global Duty Free Ltd.

Our firm represented the owner of Sakal Global Duty Free Ltd. in the sale of the company as part of the sale of the entire Sakal Group to businessman Teddy Sagi.

January 14, 2018

Ilan Blumenfeld Participated in a Panel Discussion on Antitrust Issues for Haaretz's "Echad Ha'am"

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, a partner in Barnea's Antitrust Department, participated in a panel discussion on proposed amendments to the Antitrust Law for Haaretz's "Echad Ha'am" magazine (pages 16–19).