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May 9, 2024

Supreme Court: Metpro Tender Win for M1 Metro Line Stands

Zohar Lande and Shai Avnieli represented Metpro in an administrative appeal submitted to the Supreme Court, in which another bidder attempted to disqualify Metpro’s win in the tender for the management and planning of the M1 metro line. The Supreme Court accepted the district court’s position, recommending that the appellant withdraw its appeal and reach an agreement with Metpro regarding legal expenses.

January 11, 2024

Barnea: Representation of Metpro in a Petition Filed Against the Company’s Win in the Metro Project Tender

Advs. Shai Avnieli and Tal Shirizli represented Metpro in a judicial review petition brought by Metro Dan contesting the results of the tender published by NTA for management of the Gush Dan metro project. The court dismissed the claims against Metpro and the other successful bidders, admonishing the petitioner's behavior. The court further ordered Metro Dan to cover ILS 85,000 in expenses for each respondent.

July 4, 2023

Negotiating Tenders

We were invited to be guests on the Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel’s podcast, “ACC On the Road.” In this episode, we discussed key issues in the field of tenders, including whether and how to conduct negotiations during tender procedures, the best way to address such negotiations in tender documents, and more.

June 19, 2023

Barnea: Hosting Conference on Tenders in Collaboration with ACC Israel

We hosted a conference on tenders at our office in collaboration with ACC Israel. The event featured discussions on tender negotiation strategies, the role of competition in tenders, and insights into submitting tenders in the US. Among the guest speakers were Joy Sturm, a partner from the international firm Hogan Lovells, who participated in a panel with Shai Avnieli. Another keynote speaker was Gal Somech, legal advisor to the Haifa Port, who addressed the port’s privatization process.