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Latest Updates /  National Insurance Institute (NII)

April 10, 2024

National Insurance: Amos Rosenzweig Interviewed by Bizportal about NII Deficit

Amos Rosenzweig, a former general counsel of the National Insurance Institute who leads our firm’s national insurance practice, was interviewed by Bizportal about the NII’s actuarial deficit. “2036 may look far away,” Amos noted, “but it’s sooner than it seems.”  

January 2, 2024

Reserve Benefits for Serving in a “Kitat Konenut”

The circumstances of the Swords of Iron War have led to new emergency legislation in Israel encouraging residents to enlist in their towns’ local defense squads. Anyone called up under an Order 8 for active duty in a kitat konenut is entitled to a reserve benefit from Israel’s National Insurance Institute.

December 4, 2023

Making Aliyah or Returning to Israel – Maariv Interview with Liat Keisary and Amos E. Rosenzweig

One of the ramifications of the Israel-Hamas war is the growing interest of diaspora Jews and expat Israelis in immigrating to Israel. In Maariv’s article on the topic, Liat Keisary explains that most new immigrants are coming from countries such as the United States, England, and Australia, driving an increase in demand for the purchase of real estate properties in Israel. In addition, Amos E. Rosenzweig answers questions on the rights of returning residents and new immigrants to Israel.

December 3, 2023

Rights of New Immigrants (Olim) and Returning Israeli Residents

A large number of expat Israelis and diaspora Jews are considering returning or making Aliyah to Israel in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. These two groups are entitled to a basket of absorption and social security benefits from the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, the National Insurance Institute, the Israel Tax Authority, and other authorities. It is important for would-be immigrants to be aware of these benefits and to include them in their considerations.

November 23, 2023

Barnea: Webinar on Taxes and National Insurance

Our firm hosted a webinar in collaboration with the Israel Hedge Funds Association on the social security aspects of Operation Swords of Iron. As part of the webinar, Amos E. Rosenzweig discussed the financial grants designated for reservists, hostages’ families, and employees placed on unpaid leave. He also answered questions about the issues facing employers at this time.

November 2, 2023

Wartime Financial Assistance Plan: Unemployment Insurance

The experience acquired in Israel during the COVID-19 pandemic provided the groundwork for the creation of a more favorable plan to support employees on unpaid leave, in order to assist businesses experiencing severe financial losses.

November 2, 2023

Draft Bill: Compensation for Businesses Affected by the War

The compensation for businesses will be based on their fixed expenses, which they must bear despite the decrease in revenue and business activity, and to help businesses survive the period.

October 29, 2023

Rights of Victims of Hostile Actions and Their Families

People injured by hostile actions in Israel and their families, as well as the families of those who were kidnapped, are entitled to benefits and continuing support from the National Insurance Institute, including medical treatments, recovery, rehabilitation, and financial support for loss of income and damages.

October 18, 2023

IDF Reservists’ Rights

Israeli men and women called up for reserve duty, whether salaried employees or self-employed, are entitled to reserve duty pay from the National Insurance Institute for the days they serve on reserve duty.

September 20, 2023

Doing Businesses in Israel: Obligations for Social Security

Employers in Israel must be aware of their rights and obligations vis-à-vis Israel’s National Insurance Institute in order to avoid overpayments, legal risks, and fines.

July 25, 2023

Employees’ Rights in Israel during At-Risk Pregnancies

Sick days, a social security benefit, or a disability pension from the pension fund? Employees have several options for receiving wages during at-risk pregnancies when they are unable to work, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

May 2, 2023

Israeli Court Rules Foreign Workers Not Entitled to Old-Age Pension

The Haifa District Court recently adjudicated on the rights to a pension of a group of foreign workers who had finished their employment and subsequently left Israel. The court determined, as a general rule, that a foreign worker who is not a resident of Israel is not entitled to old-age pension from the National Insurance Institute. Amos E. Rosenzweig, a special of counsel at our firm and former general counsel at the NII, sheds lights on this issue in an article for Calcalist.

January 2, 2023

Duties and Rights of Israelis Who Relocate – Amos E. Rosenzweig Interview with Walla!

In an interview with Walla! News, Amos E. Rosenzweig, a special counsel at our firm, explains that Israeli law possesses no positive definition of who is considered an Israeli resident, but rather who is not. In addition, Amos discusses the social welfare conditions and financial allowances of Israeli residents who live abroad or are considered returning residents.