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Smart City – Israel’s Innovative Technologies

Smart City – Israel's Innovative Technologies

The future is here and Israel’s innovative Smart City technologies are creating a pathway for the nation as well as the world. Central to this crucial development is a remarkable collaboration between the private sector and the government.


Creating Successful Building Blocks

A Smart City is more than a collection of improved delivery systems impacting services in a better, more efficient way. In reality, it is the epicenter for digital connectivity that seamlessly aligns itself with nearly every aspect of human contact. It is a creative digital system that allows small municipalities, large metropolitan areas, startups, and international firms to procure and deliver immediate accessibility effectively and efficiently.


Developing the building blocks for the system begins with a coordinated financial commitment and a development of standards to guide cities in their creation of and transformation into functional Smart Cities. Essential to this development is the offering of basic assistance in providing and maintaining websites and necessary social networks. In Israel, the Digital Israel Bureau will develop crucial customer relationship management systems as well as the necessary apps to allow for their functionality and operation.


Business Startups’ Key to Smart City Innovation

Smart City development by the Israeli government includes its firm support for startups and companies to bid on creative ways to address cities’ problems via Smart City tenders. These officials are justifiably betting that startups can join alongside traditional big companies and offer successful innovation, as well as scale this innovation to meet small, medium-sized, or large municipalities’ needs.


Cyber Security a Smart City Goal

One of the primary goals of a Smart City platform is to ensure a city’s security. The replacement of antiquated approaches to protecting municipalities, businesses, utilities, and citizens is of primary concern. Cyber companies are working hand-in-hand with officials in addressing these needs and protecting against possible vulnerabilities that could compromise security.


The Private Sector’s Role

The private sector is also an essential partner in the development of Smart City technologies. For instance, Israel’s largest telecoms group, Bezeq, plays a key role. Bezeq is investing millions to create systems for municipalities that use the Internet to operate street lighting, pollution controls, and even trash collection. In addition, Bezeq is partnering with similar international telecom firms to create an innovative Smart City internet technology infrastructure.


Smart City’s International Appeal

Many nations have been watching the growth of Israel’s Smart City innovative technologies and are requesting assistance in developing their own. Cities in Brazil, India, and even East Africa have all sought out Israel’s expertise. 


Source: barlaw.co.il