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January 21, 2021

Dentsply Sirona Acquires Datum Dentel Ltd.

We represented Datum BioTech Ltd and its non-wholly owned subsidiary, Datum Dental Ltd, an Israeli company that develops medical devices for the mouth and jaw, in its sale to American company Dentsply Sirona. Advs. Micky Barnea and Ariella Dreyfuss advised the client throughout the deal.

January 17, 2021

A new Supreme Court ruling considers the municipal property taxes for common areas in malls and shopping centers

The Tel Aviv Municipality sent the Ramat Aviv Mall a municipal property tax bill for its common areas. The mall’s management argued that shop tenants must pay municipal property tax payments for these areas, under their lease agreements with the mall.

January 17, 2021

Barnea's Pro Bono Activity Highlighted in Maariv

The severe economic damage caused by the coronavirus crisis has intensified the need for philanthropic ventures. The Maariv newspaper dedicated a section to highlight our firm’s pro bono activities. Adv. Sagi Gross, who leads our activity in the area of social welfare, discussed the firm’s work with the “Supportive Family” foundation.

January 17, 2021

The Secrets of Successful Fundraising

Ariella Dreyfuss lectured today to a group of Israeli medtech startups participating in the Hadassah Accelerator (powered by IBM Alpha Zone). The lecture was on the secrets behind fundraising. 

January 12, 2021

Employers: It’s Time to Protect Employee Privacy

Until recently, companies have focused their privacy policies on customers and suppliers, but have not placed enough emphasis on the privacy of their employees. We are now seeing a trend reversal, as employees are beginning to understand that an organization cannot do what it wants with their information and that there are legal limitations to collecting information about them. Organizations must now be more careful with employees’ privacy and this is how to do it. 

January 12, 2021

Collecting Employee Information? It's Time to Wake Up

Employers collect data about their employees. It starts with employees salary data, resumes, and work hours. It continues with fingerprints and images from security cameras, followed by employee meals and business trip information. Employers also collect medical information, personal messages on company phones, and location data of the company car for private trips. It goes on and on and on.

January 10, 2021

Israel Competition Authority Increases Enforcement against Exclusivity Arrangements

On December 30, 2020, the Israel Competition Authority (ICA) notified SOS, a company in the field of fueling services, it was imposing a financial sanction of NIS 6.3 million on the company. In addition, it imposed a financial sanction of NIS 350,000 on an executive officer in the company. Following a complaint an SOS competitor filed with the ICA, the ICA concluded SOS had entered into exclusivity agreements with its clients. The company also implemented a policy whereby it would not provide fueling services to a client if the client simultaneously engaged with a competing fuel service provider.

January 8, 2021

Prepare Your Workplace for Lockdown Number Three (and a Half)

Israel entered another general lockdown, which began at midnight (January 8, 2021) and will continue until January 21, 2021. We have summarized the main guidelines concerning workplace activity during lockdown. The final and binding version of the regulations regarding workplace activity during lockdown have yet to be published.

January 5, 2021

Globes Conference: Cyber in 2021

Adv. Anat Even-Chen participated in Globes' "Material for Thought" conference on the cyber industry. Anat was featured on a panel about the effects of a cyber crisis on an organization, where she discussed how companies should prepare for upcoming challenges in 2021 in this field.

January 5, 2021

Important Agreements for Setting Up a Startup

Yuval Lazi lectured this morning on founders' and investors' agreements as part of the "From Project to Startup" course at Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Engineering. During the course, students establish and develop a technology startup, with mentors and leading industry professionals guiding them throughout the project. Yuval serves as one of the mentors in the course.

January 3, 2021

Relief from Insurance Requirements for Portfolio Managers and Investment Advisors

The Israel Securities Authority (ISA) has announced that, temporarily, it will not initiate or recommend taking enforcement measures against corporations licensed in portfolio management, investment advising, and investment marketing that have not fulfilled professional liability insurance requirements.

December 29, 2020

Summary of Projects in the Infrastructure Field in Israel 2020

As an expert in the infrastructure field, Shai Avnieli was interviewed for Calcalist’s podcast to provide his highlights for the year 2020. He analyzed how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the industry and where the infrastructure industry is headed.

December 29, 2020

Epidemiological Investigations and Privacy Protection

Israel’s Privacy Protection Authority published its guidelines and emphases for protecting the privacy of individuals when conducting COVID-19 epidemiological investigations in workplaces.

December 27, 2020

Update on Service Users’ Obligation to Hold Hearings for Service Providers’ Employees

Last July, the National Labor Court issued an important ruling on a service user’s obligation to take part in the termination and hearing process for contract workers employed on site. According to that ruling, the extent of the service user’s participation in the hearing depends on the circumstances. Accordingly, in our previous update, we tried to predict the criteria that would be taken into account, in order to analyze how the National Labor Court’s ruling should be applied in various scenarios.

December 27, 2020

The Battle Firing Up Prominent Artists in Israel

In recent years, leading artists in Israel have alleged a lack of transparency in how Eshkolot, a company that oversees artists' royalties, is managing their money. Several of these artists are stakeholders of the company, and some previously held various positions in the company.  Adv. Eyal Nachson was interviewed for an article by TheMarker on the subject. Eyal was quoted as follows: "On the recommendation of the court, Shaham – The Israel Actors' Association conducted a comprehensive and in-depth mediation procedure with Eshkolot. At the end of the mediation, the parties reached an agreement including achievements that will strengthen the control and supervision of the royalty amounts."

December 22, 2020

Employees Do Not (Necessarily) Have a Vested Right to a Bonus, Even If They Received One for Years

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown many employers into economic difficulties. In these uncertain times, many employers are asking themselves if they are obligated to pay their employees bonuses. Just before the end of 2020, the Tel Aviv Regional Labor Court issued a new ruling on this very subject. 

December 22, 2020

New Case Law: Can Employees Consent to Worse Employment Conditions through Conduct?

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, many employers have been forced to reduce employees' salaries. Such reductions, when not made through agreements or in an orderly fashion, may be fertile ground for claims regarding material worsening of work conditions, effective termination proceedings, and creating a stress-filled work environment.

December 20, 2020

An Act of Deterrence against a Polluting Plant

Israel's Ministry of Environmental Protection imposed a financial sanction of NIS 634,000 on Bazan Group's Gadiv Petrochemical Industries for not complying with a deadline to stop harmful emissions. The ministry stated that due to the severity of the violation, both a financial sanction and administrative enforcement measures would be imposed.

December 20, 2020

The Importance of Contracts in Israel

Law has a major role in Israeli business. Israelis feel their freedom to act is determined by what is allowed under law, and this includes what has been agreed to in a binding agreement. Therefore, legal contracts form the basis of the Israel business environment. The existence or absence of a binding agreement are the first question Israelis would consider. If a legal agreement has been entered into, Israelis would feel obliged to respect it. If however, the discussions have not been concluded in an agreement, most Israelis would feel they are not yet obliged to proceed with the other party. This is a strong contributor to the creation of certainty when doing business in Israel.

December 14, 2020

New Rules on Consumer Credit Marketing and Management

The Bank of Israel recently issued new rules on marketing and credit management. The purpose of the new rules is to prevent credit risks not tailored for the customer. They include restrictions on aggressive marketing and granting certain clients credit.