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September 26, 2023

Condominium Apartment and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Tel Aviv Land Registry’s Supervisor rejected a claim for the removal of infrastructure for an electric vehicle charging station installed in a parking space attached to an apartment in a condominium.

September 21, 2023

Derivative Claims and Independent Committees: Eyal Nachshon Lecture on Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies Webinar

Following the publication of draft regulations on derivative claims, Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm's litigation department, was invited to participate in a webinar hosted by the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on the issue. In his lecture, Eyal referred to the draft regulations with an eye toward litigation.

September 20, 2023

Doing Businesses in Israel: Obligations for Social Security

Employers in Israel must be aware of their rights and obligations vis-à-vis Israel’s National Insurance Institute in order to avoid overpayments, legal risks, and fines.

September 20, 2023

Does the Proposed Amendment to the Israeli Contract Law Change the Aprofim Ruling?

Contrary to the headlines, a careful examination of the amendment shows it is anchored in Supreme Court case law, and that it creates greater certainty with regard to contract interpretations in the business sector.

September 19, 2023

Contracts, Signatures, and Smileys: Are Emojis Legally Valid?

Courts around the world are being asked to determine the legal standing of emojis and to include ideograms in contract doctrine when a consensus about their meanings has not yet been reached. 

September 18, 2023

Privacy Protection Obligations: Boards of Directors’ Role

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority recently published a draft directive that imposes the responsibility for fulfilling certain obligations on the board of directors, including the obligation to appoint an officer responsible for compliance with the Privacy Protection Regulations

September 14, 2023

Emojis Are Going Legal – Daphna Klein Op-Ed Calcalist

The use of emojis is expanding, redefining the bounds of interpersonal communication. For instance, a Canadian court recently determined that a text message with a thumbs-up emoji was considered as valid acceptance of contractual terms. Read Daphna Klein’s op-ed on the case in Calcalist.

September 13, 2023

What to Know about Joining a Purchasing Group – Alon Wolner Interview with Bizportal

For years, the purchasing group trend made transactions to purchase an apartment more viable. Today, as part of the drive to deal with sky-high housing prices, the trend has seen a resurgence. As an expert in the real estate field, Alon Wolner was interviewed by Bizportal on the subject.  Alon noted that “naturally, when there is an attempt to lower prices, creative solutions are sought, but we should remain aware of the risks inherent in purchasing groups.”

September 10, 2023

Contract Workers’ Hourly Wages in Israel

New regulations in Israel regulate for the first time the wage components of contract workers in the security guard, cleaning, and catering sectors.

September 10, 2023

What Is and Isn’t Permissible When Startup Founders Split

A founders’ agreement should resolve problems that might arise in the event of the dissolution of a joint venture. However, even in the absence of such an agreement, the founders cannot evade their obligations pursuant to the Israeli Companies Law.

September 7, 2023

Back to Work in the Office – Netta Bromberg Interview with TheMarker

The pandemic is over and employers are demanding employees return from remote work back to the office, despite some employees’ reluctance. Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm’s Employment Department, was interviewed by TheMarker for an article on the subject. Netta noted, “Not every change in employment conditions constitutes a worsening of conditions, especially not an evident one, that allows an employee to qualify for resignation as dismissal. The employer has a workplace and a business to manage, and he has the authority to manage it as he sees fit, including demanding that employees work from the office.”

September 6, 2023

Price Display in Credit Transactions: What Are the Obligations?

The Haifa District Court recently granted a motion to certify a class action regarding the manner in which price is displayed in installment transactions and the interest charged on those installments. This ruling holds great significance for businesses seeking to levy surcharges for customer installment payment options.

September 6, 2023

Successful and Proactive Institutional Activism in Israel

Following a lengthy battle by the majority shareholders in Megureit, led by Phoenix Group and More Investment House, a significant reduction was made to the REIT fund’s management fees. The agreement was reached after an institutional activist struggle, including a petition to the court and a demand for a special shareholders’ meeting. Phoenix and More were represented by firm partners Zohar Lande and Hagit Ross, with additional assistance from Shachar Rothschild, Alon Anava, Tzofiya Shenfeld, and Ronit Lerer.

September 6, 2023

Compliance Forum: Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel Webinar

We held, together with the Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel, a webinar focused on compliance. Dr. Zvi Gabbay gave a lecture entitled, “What Do Regulators Want to See? Training and Implementation of Compliance Procedures.” Anat Shubat from our firm, along with Ella Chertok from ICL Group, explained how to combine creative thinking with best practices in compliance trainings.

September 5, 2023

Collective Labor Law: Lecture at Israel Bar Association’s Midrasha

Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm's Employment Department, lectured to a professional study course at the Israel Bar Association’s Midrasha – National Attorney's Academy. The lecture addressed expansion orders and collective bargaining agreements. Netta also touched on conducting legal analysis during due diligence procedures.

August 31, 2023

Who Owns the Building Rights?

An important ruling handed down by the Israeli Supreme Court clarifies how specific rights holders acquire additional or future building rights in real estate assets.

August 30, 2023

Securities, Digital and Financial Assets: New Definitions

After considering public comments, the Israel Securities Authority is promulgating a revised draft bill seeking to regulate the field of digital assets.

August 30, 2023

Advising on a ILS 300 Million Issuance of a New Series of Bonds

Elad Reshtick, Omri Oren, and Raz Landau represented Mediterranean Towers Ltd. in a ILS 300 million issuance of a new series of bonds held earlier this week. The company received offers for approximately ILS 533 million in the institutional phase.

August 28, 2023

United States: Can AI Systems Hold Copyrights?

Who owns the copyright to an AI-generated image—the creator, the technology, or no one? A recent court ruling in the United States determines that the right to copyright protection depends on the degree of human involvement in the work.

August 28, 2023

Insolvency: Debt Settlements on the Rise

Idan Miller, the coordinator of our firm’s insolvency and corporate recovery practice, was interviewed by Globes about the wave of companies in financial distress. Idan noted that “what we’re seeing in the newspapers is only the tip of the iceberg.”  According to Idan, a large number of unpublicized debt settlements are currently underway in contracting, high-tech, and security procurement companies.