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June 26, 2017

Internet Companies: Beware of Mandatory Israeli Court Jurisdiction

Recently, the Israeli Attorney General, in a legal opinion filed with the Israeli Supreme Court as part of an appeal filed by Facebook, opined that foreign companies (specifically those that do business via the internet) may not escape Israeli court jurisdiction even if the terms and conditions posted on their website state otherwise.

June 25, 2017

Updates and Reliefs to the Rules about Industrial Wastewater

New rules came into effect recently that constitute an amendment and update of the principal rules addressing industrial wastewater flowing from factories into the sewer system.

June 25, 2017

China Increased Tech Investments in Israel

Within a nation exceeding 8.5 million people, Israel is a world leader in technology and innovation, consistently producing an impressive number of tech startups. From drone technology and ride sharing applications, to unique online shopping platforms and breakthrough technologies in the field of life science, Israel’s tech companies cover a myriad of fields. It therefore comes as no surprise that Chinese investors are eager to delve into the countless possibilities, which stem from the advancement of Israeli tech companies.

June 25, 2017

Board of Directors 2017 - Challenges and Risks

Barnea, in cooperation with the Israel Director Union, is hosting a seminar on the challenges and risks in the functions of a Board of Directors. Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, will discuss the risks in the functions of the board of directors. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Partner and Head of the Capital Markets Department, will deal with corporate governance and enforcement programs.

June 22, 2017

Binary Options in Israel – The End?

On June 2017, the government of Israel approved a draft bill to amend the Securities Law that is intended to tip the scales in the battle being waged in the financial trading sector over binary options.

June 22, 2017

BEE program Demo Day

Adv. Daniel Lorber will serve today as a judge at the demo day of the BEE program, part of the Tel Aviv University entrepreneurship center.

June 22, 2017

Financial Radio Program at the Public Broadcasting Corporation

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of the Capital Markets and Financial Regulation Department at Barnea was interviewed on a financial radio program at the Public Broadcasting Corporation following the investigation of the heads of Bezeq and explained how the Securities Authority is investigating. (starting at min' 12.06)

June 21, 2017

New Court Decision on Transfer Pricing Taxation

New court decision on transfer pricing taxation may shift structuring of MA transactions from shares to assets.

June 20, 2017

Dr. Zvi Gabbay was interviewed by the Radio Program "Where is the Money"

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, head of the Capital Markets Department, was interviewed today on "Where is the Money" program on 103FM radio station, following the investigation launched by the Israel Securities Authority against Bezeq, the company's controlling shareholder, Shaul Elovitch, and senior officials on suspicion of committing offenses under the Securities Law. Zvi explained in the interview about transactions involving interested parties in a company. From min' 11.38

June 20, 2017

Dr. Zvi Gabbay was interviewed by Channel 2 News

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of the Capital Markets Department, was interviewed for a daily program dealing with economic and consumer issues on Channel 2 news, following the investigation conducted by the Israel Securities Authority against Bezeq. Zvi explained the ISA's claims and the reason for opening the investigation.

June 19, 2017

Precedent Ruling: a Bank May Refuse to Provide Service to a Company Engaging in Virtual Currencies

Precedent set by the Tel-Aviv District Court rules that a bank may refuse to provide service to a company engaging in virtual currencies.

June 18, 2017

Barnea & Co. is happy to be a part of the Unistream annual event

As part of the event, Adv. Micky Barnea, was invited to participate as a judge in Unistream's Entrepreneur of the Year Competition. In the competition teens will present their startup companies to leading high- tech experts.

June 18, 2017

Barnea & Co. Represents Africa Israel Europe in a Commercial and Residential Project in Serbia

Barneais representing Africa Israel Europe in the establishment of a new commercial and residential project in Serbia called "Skyline Belgrade" at an estimated cost of Euro 200 million.

June 14, 2017

Big Data, Big Legal Minefield

The speed in which vast and complex “bits” can now be processed is staggering. This information is being collected, stored and analyzed to drive efficiency and create actionable intelligence – translating into increased revenues. In short, in today’s world data is power.  

June 13, 2017

Adv. Ronit Offir was Appointed as a Judge to the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court

Adv. Ronit Offir, Partner in the Litigation Department at Barnea, was appointed as a judge to the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court. Adv. Offir joined our firm in 2010 and has extensive experience in representing Israeli and international companies in complex litigation cases before the District Court, the Supreme Court and in arbitration proceedings.

June 12, 2017

BEE - Business Entrepreneurial Experience

Adv. Itay Gura will lecture today on founders agreements and IP at the BEE program, part of the Tel Aviv University entrepreneurship center.

June 12, 2017

The Life Science Industry in Israel

The life sciences are advancing at dramatic rates in capabilities and goals. For most of human existence, we have been trying to keep up with the path of diseases as they emerge. Now, we are starting to push more toward prevention and improvement of life in a forward-looking manner. Israel sits at the front of the developmental curve, with over 1,200 active life sciences companies. With its national innovative drive and start-up mentality, Israel provides fertile ground for growth in the sector.

June 11, 2017

Barnea & Co. is hosting Swiss Corporate Delegation

Barnea, together with Startau, Tel Aviv University's Entrepreneurship Center, are hosting a Swiss corporate delegation, who are visiting Israel for the first time and looking to connect to the Israeli innovation ecosystem.

June 8, 2017

Barnea & Co. represents Zeev Rom

The Haifa District Court ruled that Gad Zeevi would have to pay businessman Zeev Rom USD 1.5 million in brokerage fees in respect of a deal in which Zeevi acquired 20% of Bezeq in 2000. Adv. Zohar Landa and Adv. Moran Bickel from the litigation department at Barnea, represented Zeev Rom.

June 7, 2017

Why the World of Mergers and Acquisitions is Changing in The Big Data Era

Adv. Karin Kashi from Barnea, in an article for "People and Computers" about the changes that startups need to make in relation to their privacy aspects and the expected impact on merger and acquisition deals.