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February 23, 2021

Dun’s 100: Top 25 Law Firms’ Senior Partners Forum

Dun's 100 released yesterday its rankings of leading Israeli law firms. In a Calcalist article covering the launch event, former justice minister Avi Nissenkorn was interviewed. The article also featured an interview with Micky Barnea.  "We are in the midst of a year of attrition, a feeling shared by law firms, individual Israelis, and the political system. We have become accustomed to the reality of a continuous attack on, and thus erosion and damage to, the justice system."  

February 21, 2021

SPAC: A Dream Worth Half a Billion Shekels

In recent months, the IPO market has reached a boil. It seems anyone with any kind of business is dreaming about joining the Israeli stock market. Lets look at the figures. From 2008 (the outbreak of the subprime crisis) through 2019, 76 new companies entered the Israeli stock market through an IPO process (an average of approximately 6.33 companies per year). In 2020 alone, 27 new companies entered the Israeli stock market, and in January 2021, seven new companies entered the Israeli stock market*.

February 18, 2021

Israel: Workplace Sexual Harassment – Disclosure of Materials in Internal Investigations

A new court ruling may require employers to disclose materials collected during investigations into incidents of sexual harassment.

February 18, 2021

Mediation Agreement between Actors' Organization and Eshkolot Reaches Court

Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has submitted his opinion regarding the mediation agreement signed by the actors' organization Shaham and a number of performing artists with Eshkolot.   An article published in TheMarker describes the management changes being undertaken by Eshkolot as a result of the legal proceedings against it.   Adv. Eyal Nachshon, who represents Shaham and the artists, noted in the article that Shaham and a number of artists have been leading this legal proceedings for some time, demanding both significant changes to Eshkolot's management and increased transparency. One of the most substantial achievements in the process so far, thanks to the mediation arrangement, is that for the first time members from the younger generation of performing artists in Israel are being included in Eshkolot's management.

February 18, 2021

Employers: Everything You Need to Know about Vaccinations

This past year has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride for employers in Israel, in terms of both their business activities and their role as employers. Now, when we can perhaps see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel in the form of Israel’s vaccination campaign, quite a few questions arise.

February 11, 2021

Temporary Procedure for Insolvency Procedures in Israel in Light of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked extensive economic havoc on the activities of many businesses and households in Israel. According to data from the Commissioner of Insolvency Proceedings, 2020 brought a rise of about 41% in the number of applications to commence insolvency proceedings compared to 2019.

February 3, 2021

Submission of Joint Offers in Tenders

When competing entities join forces to submit a tender offer, it reduces the overall number of entities competing for a tender. Reducing the number of competing entities may increase the market power of those participating entities against the tender holder and enable them to make less attractive offers.

February 2, 2021

The Effect of China-US Relations on Israeli Companies

Israeli companies that view the US as a relevant market for selling products, receiving investments, or a future sale or merger transaction should be aware of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

February 1, 2021

Class Action Lawsuits: What Are They?

What are class actions and what is their purpose? In what circumstances may a class action be filed? What are the important points to consider when filing a class action? Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm’s Litigation Department, answers all these questions and more on a new Calcalist podcast.

January 28, 2021

Can You Really Find a Sample Founders' Agreement on the Web?

Sample founders agreements are available online for download by anyone. Though there are numerous accessible founders agreements, a document downloaded from the web is not one you should rely on when establishing your new venture. 

January 26, 2021

Economic Court Restores Certainty to Profit Test for Dividend Distributions

The Tel Aviv District Court (Economic Department) has restored certainty to directors in relation to the profit test for dividend distributions. The court ruled that the profit test is a retroactive technical test, unless the directors are aware of a major event that could materially change the company’s accounting position.

January 25, 2021

Israel Securities Authority: Tokens May Be Classified as Securities

The Israel Securities Authority recently established guidelines on when a cryptographic currency (token) is considered a security. The ISA determined that Kirobo tokens meet the definition of a security. This is primarily because the The Israel Securities believes investors would intend to purchase the tokens for financial purposes. In addition, these investors would anticipate their holdings to go up in value.

January 21, 2021

Dentsply Sirona Acquires Datum Dentel Ltd.

We represented Datum BioTech Ltd and its non-wholly owned subsidiary, Datum Dental Ltd, an Israeli company that develops medical devices for the mouth and jaw, in its sale to American company Dentsply Sirona. Advs. Micky Barnea and Ariella Dreyfuss advised the client throughout the deal.

January 17, 2021

A new Supreme Court ruling considers the municipal property taxes for common areas in malls and shopping centers

The Tel Aviv Municipality sent the Ramat Aviv Mall a municipal property tax bill for its common areas. The mall’s management argued that shop tenants must pay municipal property tax payments for these areas, under their lease agreements with the mall.

January 17, 2021

Barnea's Pro Bono Activity Highlighted in Maariv

The severe economic damage caused by the coronavirus crisis has intensified the need for philanthropic ventures. The Maariv newspaper dedicated a section to highlight our firm’s pro bono activities. Adv. Sagi Gross, who leads our activity in the area of social welfare, discussed the firm’s work with the “Supportive Family” foundation.

January 17, 2021

The Secrets of Successful Fundraising

Ariella Dreyfuss lectured today to a group of Israeli medtech startups participating in the Hadassah Accelerator (powered by IBM Alpha Zone). The lecture was on the secrets behind fundraising. 

January 12, 2021

Employers: It’s Time to Protect Employee Privacy

Until recently, companies have focused their privacy policies on customers and suppliers, but have not placed enough emphasis on the privacy of their employees. We are now seeing a trend reversal, as employees are beginning to understand that an organization cannot do what it wants with their information and that there are legal limitations to collecting information about them. Organizations must now be more careful with employees’ privacy and this is how to do it. 

January 12, 2021

Collecting Employee Information? It's Time to Wake Up

Employers collect data about their employees. It starts with employees salary data, resumes, and work hours. It continues with fingerprints and images from security cameras, followed by employee meals and business trip information. Employers also collect medical information, personal messages on company phones, and location data of the company car for private trips. It goes on and on and on.

January 10, 2021

Israel Competition Authority Increases Enforcement against Exclusivity Arrangements

On December 30, 2020, the Israel Competition Authority (ICA) notified SOS, a company in the field of fueling services, it was imposing a financial sanction of NIS 6.3 million on the company. In addition, it imposed a financial sanction of NIS 350,000 on an executive officer in the company. Following a complaint an SOS competitor filed with the ICA, the ICA concluded SOS had entered into exclusivity agreements with its clients. The company also implemented a policy whereby it would not provide fueling services to a client if the client simultaneously engaged with a competing fuel service provider.

January 8, 2021

Prepare Your Workplace for Lockdown Number Three (and a Half)

Israel entered another general lockdown, which began at midnight (January 8, 2021) and will continue until January 21, 2021. We have summarized the main guidelines concerning workplace activity during lockdown. The final and binding version of the regulations regarding workplace activity during lockdown have yet to be published.