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September 25, 2017

Purchase Group United Sarona about to Fall Apart

The purchase group United Sarona, which won a tender a year and a half ago to build several towers near Sarona Market in Tel Aviv, is about to fall apart. In the last few days, several members of the group have begun organizing, through Adv. Zohar Lande, Head of the Litigation Department at Barnea, to file a lawsuit against United Sarona's organizers, after they failed to recruit new members or find alternative funding sources to ensure the progress of the project.

September 24, 2017

Israeli Binary Options CEO Arrested in US on Suspicion of Committing Electronic Fraud

The Israeli CEO of a binary options company has been arrested by federal investigators in the United States on suspicion of committing electronic fraud. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, partner and head of our firm's Capital Markets Department, is representing the company in this matter. In an interview with TheMarker on the subject, he noted this is a relatively early stage in the legal process and that an indictment has not yet been filed.

September 24, 2017

Registration for an Application Is Tantamount to a Binding Contract

The New York Circuit Court of Appeals ruled recently that when a new user confirms the “terms of service” and “privacy policy” on an application’s registration screen, even without perusing the legal documents provided through these links, such approval suffices to raise the user’s legal engagement with the company to the standing of a binding contract.

September 19, 2017

ICO Whitepaper

ICO is the abbreviation of Initial Coin Offering, a term inspired by the capital market term IPO (Initial Public Offering). This is when a company recruits debt or capital by publishing a prospectus offering of its securities to the public for the first time. A prospectus is a profound legal and accounting document that furnishes information about the company, its management, its businesses, and its financial position. Once a company’s securities are held by the public, it becomes a public company.

September 18, 2017

Article to The Times of Israel on the "Drag along Provision"

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss, Partner at Barnea contributed an article to The Times of Israel on the "drag along provision" included in most investment documents. Ariella outlines five tips for minority shareholders looking to ensure the drag along mechanism works for them when negotiating investments.

September 18, 2017

Spain Fines Facebook for Collection of Information without Consent

The Spanish Data Protection Authority slapped Facebook with a USD 1.4 million fine over three instances in which Facebook collected information on ideology, sex, religious beliefs, personal tastes, and browser history without properly notifying users what such information was being obtained for.

September 14, 2017

Itay Gura to Lecture on Founders Agreements and IP

Adv. Itay Gura will lecture today at StarTAU's acceleration program on founders' agreements and IP.

September 14, 2017

What Constitutes Personal Information According to EU Law? The Examination Script Example

In a case recently brought before the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the Advocate General provided an opinion according to which a candidate's examination script, as well as the comments made on the script by the examiner, is personal data the candidate is entitled to receive.

September 14, 2017

How Does TAMA 38 Begin?

Dozens of TAMA 38 projects are never implemented for a variety of reasons. Here is a short overview of points to help you ensure your TAMA 38 project is put into practice.

September 12, 2017

Dr. Zvi Gabbay speaking at the EY Anti-Fraud Forum

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of Barnea's Capital Markets Department, will participate today in the EY Anti-Fraud Forum. Zvi will discuss how workers can take an active role in self-regulation and compliance.

September 12, 2017

India: Right to Privacy Declared to Be Protected under the Constitution

The Supreme Court of India recently ruled that the right to privacy is an integral part of the right to life and personal liberty enshrined in the Indian constitution, and as such is entitled to the same legal protection.

September 10, 2017

Ministry of Communications to Form a Tender Committee for the Allocation of a New Cellular Spectrum

The Ministry of Communications has appointed a tender committee to formulate and draw up a tender for the allocation of a spectrum for the provision of advanced cellular services.

September 7, 2017

Deliver a Strong Value Proposition to Raise Funds Effectively

When you are ready to raise money to begin or expand operations for your startup, you cannot just ask and wait for money to pour in. Todays investors are savvier than ever. They need to understand the value you create, for investors and for the market your company will serve. You need to understand your business model thoroughly, but you should also prepare concise answers to the questions any smart investor will ask.

September 6, 2017

Marie Tsion to Address the Various Legal Issues of Job Acceptance

Adv. Marie Tsion, Head of the Employment Department, will lecture today at the Human Resources Forum of the North on legal issues related to job acceptance: evaluation centers, refusals, and the law for the prevention of discrimination.

September 6, 2017

Yuval Lazi to Lecture on Intellectual Property in the Entrepreneurship World

Adv. Yuval Lazi will lecture today at the Heseg Innovators Program (HIP) on issues of intellectual property in the entrepreneurship world.

September 5, 2017

Micky Barnea to Discuss Late-Stage Startups' Challenges at IBM Accelerator

Adv. Micky Barnea, Managing Partner, will lecture today at the IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator on the challenges of late-stage startups.

September 5, 2017

Who Owns Employee-Created Inventions: the Employer or the Employee?

We were interviewed by TheMarker on the subject of who owns the Facebook page of a popular TV program—the host or the network and asserted that all intellectual property created by a worker in the framework of the workplace belongs to the employer.

September 4, 2017

Government Approves National Policy for Safe Identification

Israel's government recently set forth a decision approving the key points of a national “safe identification” policy. The purpose of this policy is to define how a person’s identity is to be verified when receiving government services in a digital mode, in order to improve the services being provided to residents, and to simplify the access to these services.

September 4, 2017

September 2017 News Flash – Employment Law

Several new updates regarding lifting the corporate veil, calculating severance pay for hourly employees and issuing electronic pay slips.

August 30, 2017

Consumer Protection Law Prescribes a General Arrangement for Canceling Transactions

An amendment to the Consumer Protection Law was enacted recently, regulating the ways by which consumers can cancel transactions and imposing obligations on businesses to disclose to consumers how they can cancel transactions.