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December 18, 2016

First Conviction Pursuant to Israeli "FCPA" – Following the Footsteps of the US

On December 2016 for the first time in Israel, an Israeli company was convinced for bribing a foreign public official. This is especially interesting due to the fact that this is also the first time the general prosecution in Israel based an indictment on Section 291A of the Israeli Penal Law, that was enacted in 2008, in the course of Israel's efforts to join the OECD as a member country.

December 18, 2016

Create Effective Website Terms and Conditions

Your website exists to help your clients and customers find and interact with you. You may include e-commerce capabilities, or you may primarily seek to inform people about your company and your products and services. Whatever your goals are, though, you must be on guard; people naturally seek to rely on what they see online. This can be a good thing, but you need to create parameters around what they can and cannot rely on your site to do.

December 16, 2016

The Knesset Finance Committee Passed the Third Apartment Tax Bill

Adv. Maya Zisser, Partner in the Real Estate Department at Barnea, was interviewed by Bizportal following the approval of the third apartment tax bill by the Finance Committee. Maya commented that we will not see a wave of sales of flats by owners of third apartments, but instead, owners will pass on the burden to tenants by way of increased rentals.

December 15, 2016

End of Year Employment Law Summary to impact upon 2017

Adv. Marie Tsion, Head of Employment Department at Barnea was interviewed by The Marker. Marie presented the most important developments in labor law which will impact upon 2017. Marie commented that employee's right to privacy in the workplace was the focus of discussion in respect of 2017 and will continue to be discussed in the coming year.

December 14, 2016

Five Winning Tactics to Scale Your Go-to-Market and Channels

Barnea together with ChannelSmart and Syneron-Candela will host an event on December 22nd on best practices for go-to-market strategy and channel development. Adv. Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, will highlight the important information to include in Distribution Agreements.

December 13, 2016

Restrictive Arrangement in an Agreement May Possibly Lead to Nullification of the Entire Agreement

District Court rules that an unlawful restrictive provision can lead to cancellation of a 40 years agreement.

December 13, 2016

Financial Catch of affordable housing program “Mechir Lemishtaken” (Buyer’s Price)

Adv. Ariel Nadler, Partner and Head of the Real Estate Department at Barnea, was interviewed by Bizportal, following “Mechir Lemishtaken”'s cancellation of the winners because of funding problems. According to Ariel, when financing through a bank guarantee, the payment plan can be 20% of the payment for the flat at the beginning and 80% when the entry and permit is issued ("tofes 4"). The recommendation is to leave as much money for the last payment. 

December 12, 2016

Update on Binary Options - Regulation on Trading Rings

About a year and a half ago a new regulatory regime regulating trading rings entered into force, requiring the operators of trading rings to obtain a regulatory license as a pre-condition to operating them, and prohibiting the operation of a trading ring without such a license.  

December 12, 2016

Round-table Regarding the Employment of Arab Interns and Lawyers

Adv. Micky Barnea  will participate in a round-table meeting with other leading law firms regarding the employment of Arab interns and lawyers. The meeting was initiated by the Deans of the Universities' Faculty of Law.

December 11, 2016

“Wallet Companies” – Draft Tax Bill within the Scope of the Arrangements Law for 2017 - 2018

Recently, the Finance Committee concluded its deliberations regarding the imposition of tax legislation pertaining to “wallet companies” within the scope of the Arrangements Law for 2017 – 2018.

December 8, 2016

Three Technological Predictions for the Next 5 Years

The world around us is changing. In labs and living rooms around the world, people are creating new technologies and finding new applications for existing and emerging technologies. The products and services available to everyone thus expand exponentially every year. In the next five years, then, you can expect massive growth in what we can do. Three areas in particular will provide important developments.

December 6, 2016

Update on Employee Rights – Minimum Wage, Annual Paid Leave, Pension

Three updates to employee rights (Minimum Wage – Annual Paid Leave – Pension) came into effect on July 2016. The following is important news about the next update to employee rights, which is expected to come into effect on 1.1.2017.

December 6, 2016

Expected Amendments to Tax Legislation in 2017

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of the Tax Department at Barnea was interviewed by Ynet regarding the expected tax amendments going into effect in 2017.

December 5, 2016

Nochi Dankner, Former Chairman of IDB Group, was Sentenced to Two Years Imprisonment

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Partner and Head of Capital Markets Securities Department at Barnea was interviewed by Several Israeli Newspapers, after Nochi Dankner was sentenced today to 2 years in prison following his conviction on charges of stock manipulation. Zvi commented that unlike the verdict, which gave the impression that Dankner would receive a more severe punishment, it can be assumed that the District Court tried to impose a light sentence, but one which would not cause the prosecution to file an appeal.

December 4, 2016

Israel’s First Open Call for Bids for Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Explorations

November 2016 marked the first time that the Ministry of Infrastructures and Energy invited an open international call for bids for 24 licenses to 24 blocks (each not exceeding 400 km2) in Israel’s economic waters at a distance of at least 7 kilometers from the shore.

December 1, 2016

The Israeli Public Utilities – Electricity Authority to Hold a Hearing Regarding New Quotas for Photovoltaic Power Plants

In October 2016, the Electricity Authority published a draft resolution to hold a hearing regarding the arrangement of a competitive proceeding to set the tariff payable for electricity generation using photovoltaic technology.

November 30, 2016

Crowdfunding: Funding Companies in the Startup Nation

For many small businesses around the world, crowdfunding the pooling of usually small investments from a large group of investors facilitates the ability to start a business without large institutional investments in the company. The portfolio of crowdfunding investors is diverse and is comprised of a broad array of ROIs (returns on investment). Investors may be donating to a specific cause, seeking repayment with interest or claiming equity in the company.

November 30, 2016

Regulation of Crowdfunding in the UK, US and Israel: a Comparative Review

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Partner and Head of the Capital Markets Department at Barnea, in a comparative review of the regulation of crowdfunding for Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law. The article discusses how three jurisdictions, the UK, US and Israel, have dealt with the regulatory aspects of the equity crowdfunding sector, comparing and contrasting the approaches taken by the regulators.

November 28, 2016

Chinese Retail and Internet Giant Alibaba Invested 15 Million Dollars in the Israeli Tech Firm Infiniti AR

Adv. Yuval Lazi, Partner at Barnea represented Sun Corporation of Japan in a mutual investment with Alibaba the Chinese retail and Internet giant in the Israeli company Infiniti AR, which is developing augmented reality systems for medicine, training, and games.

November 27, 2016

Convertible Notes

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss, Partner at Barnea in an article on Convertible Notes. According to Ariella, Convertible notes are an attractive instrument for investors, they can also be advantageous to entrepreneurs and if drafted correctly should balance the interests of both parties.