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April 12, 2016

A New Guidelines Issued by the Israeli Tax Authority

The Israeli newspaper TheMarker interviewed our head of internet department, to discuss the new guidelines issued by the Israeli Tax Authority, according to which shall begin collecting  VAT and income taxes from foreign companies which conduct substantial business over the internet in Israel, such as Facebook and Google.

April 12, 2016

Taxation of E-commerce: Israeli Tax Authority Issues New Circular

A few weeks ago, the ITA published a new circular which provides guidelines for the taxation of foreign corporate entities operating in Israel via the internet

April 10, 2016

Angel Investor – Important Factors to Ensure Your Money Is Best Invested

Israel is brimming with high tech ideas and you want to be part of the action, one way to do so is by providing a start-up with early seed money. But you need to protect your investment.

April 5, 2016

Must-Have Legal Checklist for Startups

Building a startup company takes vision and great ideas. But before you can get up and running, it also requires legal understanding and planning. Startups need to go through steps to protect the owners and the organization. Before you start doing business, make sure you have worked through these preliminary steps.

March 27, 2016

From a Start-Up Nation to a Cyber Security Nation: The Evolution of Israel as a Security Leader

Most people who think about leading global players in online security concerns think big: the United States, China, and Russia. Quietly, though, Israel has emerged as a world leader in this area. Known as “Start-up Nation” since the release of Dan Senor and Saul Singer’s 2009 book of the same title, Israel has created a culture of technological development and growth. It promotes learning and understanding in technology, both culturally and through its recruitment of top minds in service to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), resulting in a country continually pushing the technological curve forward.

March 22, 2016

Algorithmic Trading - An article by Moran Bickel

In recent months the ISA has  stopped the activity of many algo-trading companies, because their businesses constitute investment portfolio management without a license required by law. In an opinion article in Bizportal,  Adv. Moran Bickel argues that the ISA should create a specific regulatory system in order to assess algo- trading companies.

March 22, 2016

The Israel Securities Authority bans binary options

In a letter circulated yesterday to companies engaged in the binary options industry, ISA informed these companies that it has decided to completely halt binary option trading in Israel. 

March 14, 2016

Israeli VAT Taxation of Inbound e-Commerce and Digital Services

Yesterday the Israeli Ministry of Finance opened a consultation process in respect of draft legislation aimed at amending the Israeli VAT legislation, introducing VAT liability on out of state e-commerce and digital services providers that provide electronic and digital products and services into Israel. This, even if such providers do not have any place of business in Israel.

March 7, 2016

Casino in Israel - another role of the dice

In the last 20 years, the notion of examining whether to establish a casino in Israel comes back from time to time, to life. So far, this issue has not received much advancement by the government, for various reasons, such as religious parties' opposition, the fear of an increase in gambling addictions, ideological opposition to casinos and so on and so forth.

March 3, 2016

Globes IT magazine- Roundtable

We participated in a roundtable held by Globes IT magazine. The subject of the event was Internet law, Cyber Protection, Privacy Information and the effects of technology. (P. 28-29)

February 24, 2016

Angel's Investor workshop

As part of our cooperation with MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel, our office will take part in an Angel's Investor workshop consisting of 6 meetings. Adv. Micky Barnea, Adv. Yuval Lazi and Adv Ariella Dreyfuss will lecture at the workshop.

February 4, 2016

Israeli Gambling Market Review

Away from the media spotlight and public awareness, Israel has become a global player in the field of online gambling. Employees are able to make a career and earn good money in this field - but they do not always tell people what they do because of the negative image of this industry. Our Head of Internet department at Barnea was interviewed by TheMarker for their Gambling Market Special Report.

January 17, 2016

Shaming on the Internet and Social Networks – the Business Aspect

ou have tirelessly invested time, money and significant efforts in order to create a business and to grow it, and you finally see the fruits of your labor and maybe even begin to profit. Yet all of this can disappear with the stroke of a pen (or a tap on the “enter” key). One unsatisfied customer uploads a hostile post about your business to a forum or a social network, and it goes viral and spreads throughout the internet like wildfire

January 6, 2016

Do you play Texas Hold’em? An important court verdict was lately issued on this subject

Recently, the District Court discussed the legality of the Texas Hold’em Poker game. This was due to a criminal appeal against a Magistrate Court's verdict in regards to the charges that were served against the appellant and her husband, for organizing a Texas Hold’em Poker tournament in their apartment.

December 8, 2015

InterGame 2016 directory

Our firm was chosen as one of the three best Israeli law offices providing services in the gaming and gambling industry by the InterGame 2016 directory. The InterGame is the ultimate portal for the coin-op amusement, casino and online gaming industries.

December 7, 2015

Gambling via Mobile Device – Constraints and Opportunities

The online gambling industry generates billions of dollars annually and is one of the burgeoning industries on the internet today. The growth of this industry spurred online gambling operators to search for additional operating channels, besides PCs and laptops, such as applications customized for mobile phones and handheld devices that may be used on membership-based websites (such as online casinos).

November 27, 2015

Overview of the changes in the Internet gambling industry

Increasing competition in the online gambling industry is motivating leading players in the industry to try to find new sources of income.

November 17, 2015

Israeli Online Gaming Sector - Q&A

Q: You work extensively with companies operating in the online gaming sector – what are the legal and regulatory challenges faced by firms operating in this sphere? A: The main legal and regulatory challenges which face online gambling operators is the worldwide shift from what is known as the .com situation to the .country environment. This relates mainly to the changes facing online gambling operators that are required, due to legislative changes, to obtain online gambling licenses in numerous jurisdictions across the world in order to continue their operation in those jurisdictions.

October 8, 2015

Casino in Israel?

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has instructed the Transport Minister and the Tourism Minister, to evaluate the possibility and ramifications of establishing a brick and mortar casino in Eilat, one of Israel's main touristic destinations. The review will look into, inter alia, the economic potential of establishing such a casino, the impact it would have on Eilat and the potential social risks involved.

September 28, 2015

Israel Opens New Casino Inquiry With Netanyahu Backing

Following the declaration by Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, regarding the possibility of opening for the first time of a casino in Israel, the exclusive Gambling Compliance Magazine interviewed us. Our Head of Internet Department states that: "There is a higher probability for this to succeed this time. The reason for that being that due to the economic situation in Israel (and generally in the world), the government is seeking additional sources of income, which a casino could bring."