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July 3, 2024

Barnea: Representing Azrieli Group in Lease Transaction with NTA

Our firm represented Azrieli Group in a multimillion-shekel lease transaction with NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. As part of the transaction, NTA will expand its office space at Azrieli Business Park Holon from 8,000 to 12,000 square meters. Alon Wolner and Hili Michaeli represented Azrieli in the transaction. 

July 2, 2024

Contractor Loans: Terry Almozlino Arnon Interview with Globes

Terry Almozlino Arnon, the head of our firm's Real Estate Department, spoke with Globes about the future of contractor loans. 

June 30, 2024

Walla: Maya Carmi Lubartovski Discusses Important Details of Gifting an Apartment

No takebacks, receiving nothing in return, and a cooling-off period—gifting an apartment to a relative offers significant tax advantages. However, it is crucial to fully understand the consequences of this move for both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

June 26, 2024

Globes: Protected Tenants and Key Money

Everything you need to know about key money transactions — the advantages, the disadvantages, and the law.

April 8, 2024

Terry Almozlino Arnon Interviewed by Relevant about Third Apartment Tax

Terry Almozlino Arnon, the head our firm’s Real Estate Department, was interviewed by new Israeli media channel Relevant about renewed plans for a third apartment tax. She noted, “Reducing purchase tax will stimulate the market. A serious boost of encouragement is needed, even for a short period.”

March 31, 2024

Pinui-Binui: Court Rules in Favor of Recalcitrant Tenants in Pinui-Binui Project

In an exceptional step, an Israeli court dismissed a claim filed by 243 residents against a couple in its 70s who refused to sign an agreement for a pinui-binui project. Part of the court’s rationale had to do with the couple’s age. Alon Wolner, a partner in our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Globes about the case. Alon noted, “The court sided with the couple opposed to the project, even though they do not meet the law’s definition, and should not technically receive an elderly persons designation. The ruling thus provides an escape route, by allowing the couple to receive this designation, and enabling the project to proceed.”

March 13, 2024

Terry Almozlino Arnon Attends Dun’s 100 Real Estate Forum

Terry Almozlino Arnon attended the Dun’s 100 forum for senior legal professionals in the real estate field. She noted, "Real estate is a main artery in the economy and there is no area it does not touch. A real estate slowdown simulates a clogging of the arteries, and just as the body cannot survive long in such a state, neither can the economy." To continue reading, click here.

February 1, 2024

Critique of Proposed Amendment to Real Estate Taxation Law – Terry Almozlino Arnon Interview with ICE

"The goals of the amendment are important, but this is not the way to achieve them." Terry spoke with ICE about the Ministry of Finance's plan to impose additional burdens on the market for investment apartment buyers with the hope to increase housing supply and reduce prices. "To invigorate the real estate market, specific incentives, such as mortgage benefits, should be implemented," Terry proposed instead.

December 25, 2023

Barnea: Representing Aviv Group in Investment Transaction

Ilan Blumenfeld, Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Daniel Kleinman represented Aviv Group in a ILS 45 million investment by Menora Mivtachim in Aviv Group’s ILS 1.2 billion skyscraper project in Herzliya.

December 11, 2023

Barnea: Counsel in Israel’s Most Expensive Real Estate Transaction in October 2023

Alon Wolner and Shoval Mandel, provided legal representation in the purchase of a Tel Aviv penthouse for over ILS 22 million. This was the most expensive real estate transaction in Israel in the month of October.

November 12, 2023

Operation Swords of Iron: Rise in Diaspora Jews Purchasing Real Estate in Israel

Recently, and against the backdrop of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, there has been an increasing number of diaspora Jews purchasing apartments and properties in Israel. Along with other experts in the field, Liat Keisary, the head of our firm’s Private Clients Department, was interviewed by Ynet for an article on the subject. Liat explained that this trend, along with the weakening of the shekel, is expected to lead to a sharp increase in the purchase of luxury properties in Israel.

October 5, 2023

NPOs Receive Exemptions from Real Estate Betterment Levies

The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that NPOs are entitled to receive an exemption from real estate betterment levies, provided they use the proceeds from the sale of such real estate for a public purpose specified in the law.

September 26, 2023

Condominium Apartment and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Tel Aviv Land Registry’s Supervisor rejected a claim for the removal of infrastructure for an electric vehicle charging station installed in a parking space attached to an apartment in a condominium.

September 13, 2023

What to Know about Joining a Purchasing Group – Alon Wolner Interview with Bizportal

For years, the purchasing group trend made transactions to purchase an apartment more viable. Today, as part of the drive to deal with sky-high housing prices, the trend has seen a resurgence. As an expert in the real estate field, Alon Wolner was interviewed by Bizportal on the subject.  Alon noted that “naturally, when there is an attempt to lower prices, creative solutions are sought, but we should remain aware of the risks inherent in purchasing groups.”

August 31, 2023

Who Owns the Building Rights?

An important ruling handed down by the Israeli Supreme Court clarifies how specific rights holders acquire additional or future building rights in real estate assets.

July 17, 2023

Barnea: Representing 120 Apartment Owners in Pinui-Binui Project against Three Recalcitrant Owners

Lawyers from our firm’s Real Estate Department, are advising apartment owners in a residential complex designated for pinui-binui in Herzliya. They represented a group of about 120 apartment owners in court against three recalcitrant owners who are objecting to the project due to their demand for higher recompense from the contractor. The court made the extraordinary decision to order the recalcitrant owners to pay NIS 7.8 million in compensation (NIS 2.6 million apiece). In addition, each recalcitrant owner was ordered to pay NIS 20,000 for legal expenses.

July 15, 2023

Representing Aviv Group in ILS 1.1 Billion Financing Agreement

Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Nadav Shoshan represented Aviv Group in a financing agreement for the purchase of land for the construction of 733 housing units in Herzliya. The scope of the financing agreement is over NIS 1.1 billion.

June 8, 2023

Simulated Contracts and Concealed Agreements

The Israeli Supreme Court’s ruling contains strict determinations regarding simulated contracts whose sole purpose is to defraud the tax authorities and the banking system. Inter alia, the Supreme Court addressed an ongoing judicial debate about the classification of simulated contracts.

May 18, 2023

Terry Almozlino Arnon Op-Ed: Supreme Court Rules to Invalidate Artificial Agreements

In a new ruling, the Supreme Court takes a step forward in declaring artificial agreements as invalid and illegal. (An artificial agreement is an agreement in which there is a discrepancy between the apparent agreements of the parties, as embodied in the contract, and their true will and intention.) Terry Almozlino Arnon, head of our firm’s Commercial Real Estate Department, sheds light on the subject in an op-ed for Globes.

April 2, 2023

Dissolution of Real Estate Partnership: Terry Almozlino Op-Ed in Globes

A recent Supreme Court ruling found that during the dissolution of a real estate partnership, it is preferable to issue a decision already during the pre-trial hearing. As an expert in the field of commercial real estate, firm partner Terry Almozlino Arnon published an op-ed in Globes analyzing the ruling.