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January 1, 2015

What to look out for in online gambling industry in 2015

In 2014, the online gambling industry faced many challenges, mainly due to regulatory issues but also due unsatisfactory results in several jurisdictions with the US States of Nevada and New Jersey probably the most disappointing in this respect. According to our head of gambling practice, 2015 will probably be challenging as well. One reason for this is that the new legislation in England, which came into effect towards the end of 2014, requiring any online gambling operator offering is services in England to operate under an online gambling license issued by the local Gambling Commission, as well as pay a substantial gambling tax. For the full article, please Click here

December 31, 2014

Lawyer of the year 2014 - Zohar Lande

Adv. Zohar Lande , senior partner and the head of the Litigation department at Barnea, was chosen by the prestigious "CorporateLiveWire " guide to the legal profession as "Lawyer of the year 2014" in Litigation Dispute resolution in Israel.

December 25, 2014

Zero% VAT on medication acquired for clinical trials in Israel

The new VAT amendments will lower the cost of clinical trials on humans in Israel. The amendment to the VAT legislation is expected to benefit international companies which conduct clinical trials in Israel. Adv. Harel Perlmutter, who specializes in international taxation at Barnea Co., was interviewed to Globes and stated that: "the new amendments will have two major implications – Firstly when the Israeli company acquires the medication from an overseas company, the Israeli company will not have to pay VAT or Customs Duty in Israel (the Israeli company will usually pass on these costs to the overseas company). Secondly, when the Israeli company charges fees for its services to the overseas company for doing the trials, the Israeli company will charge VAT at zero per cent."

December 18, 2014

The 2015 InterGame Year Book & Directory is now available in digital format

Barnea has once again been chosen to be included in the 2015 InterGame Year Book Directory as one of the law firms advising the gaming and games industries.

December 17, 2014

International Comparative Legal Guide to Gambling 2015 - ICLG

We are the authors of the Israeli chapter in the International Comparative Legal Guide to Gambling 2015. The Guide covers a range of topics including: relevant authorities and legislation, application for a license and license restrictions, enforcement, liability and more. This publication is one of 38 ICLG guides published which cover all major practice areas and provide in-house counsel with a legal overview in different jurisdictions.

December 16, 2014

The Treatment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries Law

The Treatment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries Law came into effect recently. Asaf Shalev,head of Environmental Law at Barnea Co explains the Law and its ramifications for suppliers, distributors and marketers.

December 16, 2014

Treatment of Electronic Waste

The Environment Treatment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries Law came into effect recently, as well as the regulations promulgated thereunder. The Law and the regulations prescribe arrangements for the environmental treatment of electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators in Israel in order to encourage re-use of electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators and in order to mitigate the negative effects of such equipment and batteries and of the waste generated by them on the environment and on public health.

December 11, 2014

Barnea & Co. represented Israel Natural Gas Lines

The Real Estate department, headed by Ariel Nadler, represented Israel Natural Gas Lines in the petition filed against it by Kibbutz Regavim. The judge rejected the petition stating that she did not see a reason to interfere in the government’s decision. In her view, once the safety concerns had been cleared, the kibbutz should have withdrawn the petition, which it did not do, The kibbutz will have to bear petition costs of NIS 4,000,000. 

December 9, 2014

Israel’s 2nd Foreign Law Firms Conference

As an expert in the technology field, Micky Barnea was invited to lead the high-tech panel at the Israel’s 2nd Foreign Law Firms Conference. The panel: Start-Up Nation Vs. Exit Nation will deal with the effect of startup nation on the Israeli legal scene, the current trends in high-tech exit transactions, IPO's and the interface between Israeli and foreign law firms in high-tech legal work.

December 4, 2014

Formation of a Governmental Committee to Review Mining Royalties is Not Grounds for Arbitration

The Jerusalem District Court recently issued its ruling in the matter of Dead Sea Works Ltd. vs. the State of Israel. The proceeding included a discussion of Dead Sea Works’ petition to activate the arbitration clause stipulated in its concession agreement with the State of Israel. The petition was filed after the State refused to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to the arbitration clause. Dead Sea Works sought to refer to arbitration the very formation of the Sheshinski Committee, pleading that it constitutes a violation the State’s covenant not to raise the rate of royalties payable by the Dead Sea Works for its mining license. Indeed, the Sheshinski Committee was formed for the purpose of reviewing the State’s policy on royalties due in consideration for the use of Israel’s natural resources. The District Court rejected Dead Sea Works’ petition. It ruled that the mere formation of the Sheshinski Committee does not give rise to a dispute according to the arbitration mechanism prescribed in the concession agreement. The Court issued its ruling based on the specific language of the arbitration clause in the concession agreement; it is conceivable that Dead Sea Works might have been allowed to pursue its position through arbitration proceedings had the arbitration clauses been worded differently.

November 30, 2014

Court decision on temporary residence abroad

On 21 October 2014, the Haifa District Court handed down its decision in “Yael Zor v the Tax Assessor Haifa” concerning temporary residency abroad. The case relates to a senior employee of a multinational enterprise the shipping company, Zim, who worked in Hong Kong for a subsidiary of the group from January 2006 to August 2008. 

November 26, 2014

Seminar: Employee Stock Option Plans – From A to Z

Ezra Katzen was a featured speaker at a meeting of the Association of Corporate Counsel – Israel (ACCI) in November.  The topic of his address was “The General Counsel, The Most Important Link in the Options Chain.”  Drawing on his many years of experience as an in-house counsel, Ezra spoke about the legal and practical challenges in administering an Employee Stock Options Plan from the perspective of the in-house lawyer. The meeting was jointly sponsored by Barnea and ESOP-Excellence, and was attended by general counsels and senior in-house attorneys from approximately 40 Israeli companies.

November 18, 2014

Who's Who Legal 2014

Our Head on Internet Department was nominated as a leading practitioner in the field of entertainment in Israel by the 2014 edition of Whos' Who Legal, one of the leading global legal guides.

November 16, 2014

Israel’s 2nd Annual Foreign Law Firms Conference

The Tel Aviv and Central District of the Israel Bar Association, is delighted to invite you to a unique conference held for the second time in Israel, discussing the entry and activity of foreign law firms in Israel. Michael Barnea, head of technology department at Barnea, will lead the Hi-Tech panel.

November 13, 2014

The Israel Antitrust Commissioner has teeth, but has no appetite"

Zohar Lande's criticism of the Anti-Trust authority for its conduct in the Israeli Food market- published in Calcalist

November 11, 2014

Barnea & Co. partner Ezra Katzen represented Global Invacom in the acquisition

Global Invacom Group has completed yesterday its acquisition of Israel-based OnePath Networks. OnePath - which trades as Foxcom - is one of the pioneers in radio frequency over fibre technology. It provides products and services to major satellite operators, teleports and broadcasters in over 35 countries.

November 6, 2014

Time to Start-Up! Follow the Challenging Road

Barnea and The MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel is delighted to invite you to a unique seminar: Time to Start-Up! Follow the Challenging Road. The event will take place on 19th November 2014, 16:30 - 20:15 at the Tel Aviv University.

October 30, 2014

Antitrust Chief, Prof. David Gilo Encourages Consumer Boycotts

In a meeting held by the Knesset Finance Committee on the high cost of living, Antitrust Commissioner Prof. David Gilo called on consumers to organize boycotts to pressure retailers and manufacturers to reduce their prices. He said: “An occasional boycott is not enough. Consumers need to undertake a personal boycott every day, to vote with their feet and compare competing prices.” Zohar Lande senior partner at Barnea Co, disagrees. Zohar was interviewed by Maariv newspaper where he was quoted for saying "it is both unfair and unwise to ask the consumers to fix the high cost of living".

October 21, 2014

A potential new double taxation agreement with Switzerland?

Tax treaties are intended to promote international trade by eliminating double taxation.  Although the Israeli Tax Authority and the Israeli Ministry of Finance have been reluctant to acknowledge a potential new double taxation treaty with Switzerland, the Swiss Finance Ministry has been more vocal. Swiss officials have confirmed that in recent weeks negotiations were indeed held with the Israeli tax authorities in connection with such proposed treaty between the countries. 

October 19, 2014

Being followed at work: what is allowed and what's not?

The increased use of technology in the workplace has created new concerns for both employers and employees in the area of privacy. Do Employers have the right to monitor their employees? Read more.