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May 14, 2017

The Court Orders Controlling Shareholders to Stop Payment of Executive Remuneration

There have been cases where bonuses have been paid by a controlling shareholder of a public company out of his own pocket to officers as remuneration for their work in the company. This raises the question as to whether a controlling shareholder is allowed to personally guarantee additional remuneration to officers of the company that is inconsistent with the company’s remuneration policy.

April 30, 2017

Ten Golden Tips for Distribution Agreements

Distributors, agents, resellers and OEM partners all share the same commercial function of selling goods to end users. Thus, although there are significant differences between the legal statuses of each of these players, this article below treats all of them collectively as distributors. Appointing a distributor involves significant inherent risks. The drafting of the distribution agreement may help in mitigating these risks and realizing the potential benefit of your relationship. While formulating distribution agreements you should pay special attention to the following key issues:

April 5, 2017

Barnea & Co. represented Avgol in issuance of a New Series of Bonds

Barnea represented Avgol Industries 1953 Ltd in connection with the issuance of a new series of bonds in the amount of NIS 197 Million. Avgol is one of the biggest manufacturers in the world of non-woven fabrics for the hygiene market. Its securities are traded in the leading indices on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

April 4, 2017

Barnea & Co. Represented Viola Credit in the Acquisition of Negev Ceramic

Barnea represented a group of investors, led by Viola Credit, in the acquisition of Negev Ceramics from creditor banks. Viola was represented by Adv. Michael Barnea, Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, and Adv. Sagi Gross.

March 29, 2017

Barnea & Co. Represented Viola Private Equity in an Investment in Similar Web

Barnea represented Viola Private Equity in an investment of USD 50 million in Similar Web, a leading digital market intelligence platform that provides insights for websites and applications.

March 2, 2017

Antitrust Authority Continues its Trend of Stricter Punishment

The Israel Antitrust Authority (‘’IAA’’) has announced its intention to impose a financial sanction in the sum of NIS 25,640,000 on Bitan Wines, due to its violation of the terms of the merger between Bitan Wines and the Mega supermarket chain.

February 27, 2017

Class action against Directors

The Tel Aviv District Court approved an action as a class action filed by the minority shareholders of Delek Energy Systems Ltd. against its controlling shareholder and officers of the company.

February 21, 2017

Does the US Visa Boom Herald New Opportunities for Law Firms?

Adv. Marie Tsion, Head of the Employment Department at Barnea was interviewed by The Lawyer regarding the effect of the E-2 visa programme on the legal market. Marie commented that the E-2 investor visas will allow US companies, entrepreneurs and employees to start business activities in Israel more easily. This visa is likely to increase the number of US companies establishing activities in Israel.

February 15, 2017

Delegation of Israeli ambassadors in Latin America

Barnea is today hosting a delegation of Israeli ambassadors who are stationed in Latin America, together with the Latin America division of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce and StarTau, the Entrepreneurship Center of Tel Aviv University.

February 12, 2017

Barnea & Co. will  accompany Accelerator Frankfurt Spring Program

The Accelerator connects Startups with Financial Institutions. Barnea Co is the firm which will provide legal services in Israel to the startups attending the Program in Frankfurt. On 12th February we will be holding an introductory event at which the Accelerator will describe the nature and aims of the Program and Micky Barnea will discuss the challenges for startups heading abroad. The event will be take place at Barclay's Techstars Accelerator. 

February 12, 2017

Foreign Companies are Immune to Private Antitrust Enforcement in Israel

Despite the growing sensitivity to violations of the competition laws and the uptrend in the imposition of stricter penalties by the authorities in respect thereof, business managers and consumers who have fallen victims to competition-law offenses in Israel hesitant in instituting civil proceedings against offenders.

February 5, 2017

Doing Business in Israel – Practical Law

Doing Business in Israel? A QA guide to doing business in Israel written by Barnea was published in the Practical Law website. The guide gives an overview of the legal system, foreign investment, regulation, and other issues pertaining to Israel.

January 31, 2017

International Taxation – New Draft Bill Will Require Foreign Companies to Report and Pay Tax in Israel

The Israel Tax Authority (“ITA”) is promoting legislation that will require foreign companies not subject to the Israeli tax regime today to report and even pay tax in Israel.

January 24, 2017

Draft Legislation Permitting Corporations to Obtain Loans Through Crowdfunding

Last week, the Israel Securities Authority published draft legislation for public comments that will permit corporations to obtain loans through crowdfunding with an exemption from the prospectus requirement.

December 29, 2016

Innovations in the Israeli Partnerships Legislation

In order to improve the Israeli partnership market and in order to bridge the wide gap that exists between partnership laws in Israel and the partnership laws in other countries, in December 2016, the Ministry of Justice published a draft Memorandum of Law – Partnerships.

December 21, 2016

Foreign Corporations Also Have No Immunity – Organizing a Restrictive Arrangement is Liable to Lead to Criminal Sanctions

A restrictive arrangement organized between an Israeli corporation and a foreign corporation, which results in significant harm to the competition in the Israeli market, is subject to the Israeli Restrictive Trade Practices Law.

November 23, 2016

Less Remuneration, More Responsibility

The issue of officers’ responsibility in general, and of directors in particular, is one of the key issues addressed in companies and securities laws in Israel. The subject has been deliberated, analyzed and gradually expanded over the years and, without doubt, onerous and extensive responsibility is imposed on directors in the current legal environment. 

November 16, 2016

Performing a Legal Due Diligence – Think before You Act

We have encountered numerous instances recently whereby investors were about to make an investment without performing a prior legal due diligence examination. There are various reasons put forward by investors for not performing a due diligence examination, such as: the contemplated investment is in a young company, insufficient budget, cost-benefit considerations, the volume of the investment, timetables, long-standing work relations between the investors and the corporation, and the like.

November 7, 2016

Doing Business in Israel: a Nation Friendly to Business Investment

Companies, countries, and individuals who are interested in doing business abroad are looking more and more towards Israel. This has not occurred by accident. Israel has devised and implemented national policies to make it a world leader in technology and innovation. The result is a nation friendly to business investment. With the right business and legal guidance, investors are discovering tremendous potential in this small but sophisticated country.

October 5, 2016

Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions 2016 - Virtual Roundtable

Corporate Live Wire held a Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions roundtable featured experts from around the world, including Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss. The chosen experts discussed regulatory changes, legislative precedent, challenges and opportunities as well as key trends and latest developments.