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December 13, 2015

The Israeli Registrar of Companies now in English - Increasing Certainty

The State of Israel has two official languages – Hebrew and Arabic. As a result, in recent years the Israeli Companies Registrar has held that all documents submitted to the Registrar have to be submitted in either of these official languages. If a document was submitted in English it would be rejected. Such documents include the constitutional documents – the articles of association of Israeli companies and debentures creating pledges over the assets of such companies.

October 29, 2015

EU Court invalidates Safe Harbor Arrangement – repercussions for Israel

Recently, an official announcement was issued on behalf of the Law, Information and Technology Authority of the Israeli Ministry of Justice ("ILITA"), as a result of the ruling of the European Union’s Court of Justice invalidating the Safe Harbor Arrangement governing transfers of personal information from Europe to the United States – at this stage, the transfer of personal information from Israel to organizations in the United States on the basis of that arrangement is prohibited.

October 6, 2015

Barnea & Co. represented Bruker Nano

Barnea represented Bruker Nano, an American company, traded on Nasdaq, in its acquisition of Jordan Valley Semiconductors for $53m. The acquisition uniquely positions Bruker to offer unmatched solutions for advanced problems in nanotechnology research and semiconductor metrology. Adv. Simon Jaffa and Adv. Daniel Lorber represented the client.

September 2, 2015

New business in ancient lands

As an MA expert who is highly experienced in multi-jurisdictional transactions, Simon Jaffa was interviewed for the August edition of the China Business Law Journal. The article deals with China’s interests in the Middle East. Simon was selected by the Journal to represent Israel in its section on the Middle East on the strength of his prominence in Israel as an expert in the above field. To read the full article, please click here (p.109)

July 12, 2015

Barnea & Co represented Blender

Israeli startup Blender announced today that it had raised $5 million from Blumberg Capital. The company has raised $3.5 million since it was founded, not including the current round. 

June 7, 2015

Johnson Matthey buys Israel packaging co StePac

StePac, which has developed and manufactured special packaging, has been sold to Johnson Matthey Investments for £18 million in cash by DS Smith, which owned all of StePac. Barnea represented DS Smith in the deal.

June 2, 2015

Tadiran to acquire Supergas

Tadiran Holdings Ltd., controlled by Moshe Mamrod, is acquiring the gas distributor, Supergas, from Granite Hacarmel, a unit of Azrieli Group Ltd., for NIS 250 million. Micky Barnea and Ilan Blumenfeld represent Granite Hacarmel. 

April 22, 2015

Legal Business: Israel 2015

The Legal Business magazine has dedicated its April edition to Israel, with a focus on current topics and trends in the country. Michael Barnea and Simon Jaffa were interviewed regarding Chinese interest in doing business in Israel. "In some respects because of the geopolitical  limitation, there is less competition for certain deals. Investors may not face as much competition as businesses in the US and UK," says Barnea.  

March 11, 2015

Is it mandatory to publish an immediate report about negotiations regarding a potential transaction?

Recently, Judge Ruth Ronen of the Economic Department of the Tel-Aviv District Court handed down a ruling on the matter of a tender offer published by Africa-Israel Industries in 2012 for the purchase of shares of Negev Ceramics. 

February 1, 2015

Round Table: Director responsibility in today’s era

Due to the many regulations, legal advisors and statements of claims, the directors of public companies do not know if it's their job to manage or supervise. Micky Barnea, a renowned figure in this field, was invited to be a member of a panel of experts to discuss the responsibility of the Board of Directors in the new era.

January 29, 2015

Mergers & Acquisition 2015 - Virtual Round Table

Corporate Live Wire held a Mergers Acquisition Roundtable  with five experts from around the world, including Simon Jaffa. The international Mergers Acquisition experts examined the latest changes and developments in each expert's respective jurisdiction. The mergers acquisition roundtable  provides in depth analysis of the latest trends in the MA arena. This included topics such as the main risks and challenges facing cross-border activity, tax implications and the strength of technology-based investment in Israel.

November 26, 2014

Seminar: Employee Stock Option Plans – From A to Z

Ezra Katzen was a featured speaker at a meeting of the Association of Corporate Counsel – Israel (ACCI) in November.  The topic of his address was “The General Counsel, The Most Important Link in the Options Chain.”  Drawing on his many years of experience as an in-house counsel, Ezra spoke about the legal and practical challenges in administering an Employee Stock Options Plan from the perspective of the in-house lawyer. The meeting was jointly sponsored by Barnea and ESOP-Excellence, and was attended by general counsels and senior in-house attorneys from approximately 40 Israeli companies.

October 14, 2014

IFLR 2015 edition ranks Barnea & Co.

The international IFLR 1000 ranking guide recognized the expertise of Barnea in Mergers and Acquisitions and Project Finance. In addition, Simon Jaffa is recognized as a 'leader in his field'.  The directory noted that “Barnea has always delivered excellent work. They have a profound understanding of our company's needs and expectations, and do it in an efficient, expedient, cost-effective manner. Their knowledge of the local market is a plus, and they are always a pleasure to work with.”

September 24, 2014

Barnea & Co. represented Global Invacom Group Ltd.

Global Invacom Group Ltd.  of the United Kingdom entered into an agreement to acquire OnePath Networks Ltd. of Bet Shemesh, Israel. Barnea represented Global Invacom in the transaction.

August 24, 2014

Special report: Israel – Law in a war zone

Israel’s conflict with Hamas-controlled Gaza is escalating. The conflict broke out on July 8, when Israel launched "Operation Protective Edge" in response to Hamas launching rockets toward Israel. Is this still a place where lawyers can do international business?

August 19, 2014

Barnea & Co. represented Spirent Communications PLC

Barnea represented Spirent Communications PLC., a leading communications technology company, traded on the London Stock Exchange, and its Israel subsidiary, in the purchase of Radvision’s and Avaya’s Technology Business Unit for approximately USD 25 million. 

July 1, 2014

Barnea & Co. represented Dune Medical Devices Ltd.

Following the successful launch of MarginProbe System, which received Pre-Market Approval (PMA) from the FDA early last year, Dune Medical Devices Ltd. has successfully completed the first of a two stage USD21 million equity financing. The initial closing was completed for USD14 million with a second tranche of USD7 million to be completed by October 2014. Dune Medical Devices develops surgical devices and techniques for real-time, intra-operative optimization of excisions in surgical oncology procedures.Dune Medical Devices has offices in the U.S. and in Israel.

January 16, 2014

Barnea & Co. represented Pilat Media Global Plc.

Pilat Media Plc is a unique UK incorporated public company, as it was the only UK company listed on the Tel  Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) and the only company fully listed on both AIM and TASE – meeting the regulatory requirements of both jurisdictions. The firm has represented Pilat since its inception, through a spin-off (demerger) from an Israeli public company, and has assisted it with compliance with Israeli regulatory requirements through the years. In April 2014 Pilat Media was sold to Sintec Media, one of its major competitors for a cash consideration of more than $100 million. Barnea Co represented Pilat Media and its shareholders in Israeli aspects of the transaction.

October 15, 2013

China's Suncore represented by Barnea & Co acquired the assets of Israel's Zenith Solar

Barnea represented Suncore in a transaction, that was effected by both the litigation and  the MA departments, in which all of Zenith Solar assets were acquired by Suncore. Suncore is a concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems manufacturer. ZenithSolar's system provides electrical output from a PV array and also generates hot water at a temperature suitable for domestic and industrial applications. Suncore is owned by San’an Optoelectronics, the largest LED manufacturer in China. LED technology is in many ways similar to the multi-junction PV cells used in CPV.

May 28, 2013

Raising Finance & Investing in the UK workshop: Exploring Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions

Barnea Co and Mazars LLP in association with Bank Leumi (UK) Plc and UK Trade Investment take pleasure in inviting you to an Exclusive Workshop on: Raising Finance Investing in the UK: Exploring Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions. Date: Monday, 17 June 2013 When: 08:30 to 12:30 – includes Brunch and networking Where: Residence of the British Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, in Ramat Gan RSVP by 3rd June 2013 to Ms Dana Segev at [email protected]