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November 30, 2014

Court decision on temporary residence abroad

On 21 October 2014, the Haifa District Court handed down its decision in “Yael Zor v the Tax Assessor Haifa” concerning temporary residency abroad. The case relates to a senior employee of a multinational enterprise the shipping company, Zim, who worked in Hong Kong for a subsidiary of the group from January 2006 to August 2008. 

November 26, 2014

Seminar: Employee Stock Option Plans – From A to Z

Ezra Katzen was a featured speaker at a meeting of the Association of Corporate Counsel – Israel (ACCI) in November.  The topic of his address was “The General Counsel, The Most Important Link in the Options Chain.”  Drawing on his many years of experience as an in-house counsel, Ezra spoke about the legal and practical challenges in administering an Employee Stock Options Plan from the perspective of the in-house lawyer. The meeting was jointly sponsored by Barnea and ESOP-Excellence, and was attended by general counsels and senior in-house attorneys from approximately 40 Israeli companies.

November 18, 2014

Who's Who Legal 2014

Our Head on Internet Department was nominated as a leading practitioner in the field of entertainment in Israel by the 2014 edition of Whos' Who Legal, one of the leading global legal guides.

November 16, 2014

Israel’s 2nd Annual Foreign Law Firms Conference

The Tel Aviv and Central District of the Israel Bar Association, is delighted to invite you to a unique conference held for the second time in Israel, discussing the entry and activity of foreign law firms in Israel. Michael Barnea, head of technology department at Barnea, will lead the Hi-Tech panel.

November 13, 2014

The Israel Antitrust Commissioner has teeth, but has no appetite"

Zohar Lande's criticism of the Anti-Trust authority for its conduct in the Israeli Food market- published in Calcalist

November 11, 2014

Barnea & Co. partner Ezra Katzen represented Global Invacom in the acquisition

Global Invacom Group has completed yesterday its acquisition of Israel-based OnePath Networks. OnePath - which trades as Foxcom - is one of the pioneers in radio frequency over fibre technology. It provides products and services to major satellite operators, teleports and broadcasters in over 35 countries.

November 6, 2014

Time to Start-Up! Follow the Challenging Road

Barnea and The MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel is delighted to invite you to a unique seminar: Time to Start-Up! Follow the Challenging Road. The event will take place on 19th November 2014, 16:30 - 20:15 at the Tel Aviv University.

October 30, 2014

Antitrust Chief, Prof. David Gilo Encourages Consumer Boycotts

In a meeting held by the Knesset Finance Committee on the high cost of living, Antitrust Commissioner Prof. David Gilo called on consumers to organize boycotts to pressure retailers and manufacturers to reduce their prices. He said: “An occasional boycott is not enough. Consumers need to undertake a personal boycott every day, to vote with their feet and compare competing prices.” Zohar Lande senior partner at Barnea Co, disagrees. Zohar was interviewed by Maariv newspaper where he was quoted for saying "it is both unfair and unwise to ask the consumers to fix the high cost of living".

October 21, 2014

A potential new double taxation agreement with Switzerland?

Tax treaties are intended to promote international trade by eliminating double taxation.  Although the Israeli Tax Authority and the Israeli Ministry of Finance have been reluctant to acknowledge a potential new double taxation treaty with Switzerland, the Swiss Finance Ministry has been more vocal. Swiss officials have confirmed that in recent weeks negotiations were indeed held with the Israeli tax authorities in connection with such proposed treaty between the countries. 

October 19, 2014

Being followed at work: what is allowed and what's not?

The increased use of technology in the workplace has created new concerns for both employers and employees in the area of privacy. Do Employers have the right to monitor their employees? Read more.

October 15, 2014

World Tax 2015 rankings

World Tax, the International guide to the world's leading tax firms, recognized Barnea as a recommended tax firm in Israel.

October 14, 2014

Are Facebook, Apple and Google’s Israel based R&D Centers a Blessing in Disguise?

This has not gone unnoticed by foreign multinational companies. A study by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics shows that 63% of all investments in RD centers in Israel come from international technology companies operating in Israel. More than 67% of all employees in RD centers in Israel are employed by foreign companies who have established research centers, such as Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, HP and more. Such companies employ no less than 34.3 thousand employees in RD, with an annual increase of 2%. The presence of these corporate giants in Israel is growing, as many more companies understand the benefits and success they could have by placing their RD centers in the hotbed of innovation and invention. These outstanding figures are irritating to some, as the growth in the RD centers gives the foreign companies firstbid at breakthrough technologies. Science, Technology, and Space Minister Yaakov Peri went as far as saying that “Israel’s economy relies heavily on funding from other countriesfor research and development…this is a fragile situation…in which the main beneficiaries of Israeli creativity are the multinational companies.” But there’s another way to look at it. These centers are effectively nurturing the best and the brightest, training them and serving as incubators for budding entrepreneurs. Many of these employees leave the multinational companies ready to start their own start-ups, armed with the considerable skillset, knowledge, and experience acquired at these RD centers. Furthermore, having foreign RD centers and multinationals in Israel has proven to be a source for creating jobs, spawning new business and contributing to economic output.

October 14, 2014

IFLR 2015 edition ranks Barnea & Co.

The international IFLR 1000 ranking guide recognized the expertise of Barnea in Mergers and Acquisitions and Project Finance. In addition, Simon Jaffa is recognized as a 'leader in his field'.  The directory noted that “Barnea has always delivered excellent work. They have a profound understanding of our company's needs and expectations, and do it in an efficient, expedient, cost-effective manner. Their knowledge of the local market is a plus, and they are always a pleasure to work with.”

October 13, 2014

Recent Tax Developments

Two pending amendments to Israeli tax legislation will, if adopted, permit the exchange of information about taxpayers in a multinational context. The passing of these amendments will also allow for implementation of multilateral agreements for ‘exchange of information’ regarding individuals and corporate tax payers.

October 7, 2014

Zero VAT on first home will be for seven years only

The initiative to apply 0% VAT for first-time homebuyers will be a temporary ordinance for seven years. The leading newspaper Globes described the legal effects of this and interviewed senior lawyer, Liat Keisary Yahalomi.

October 6, 2014

Kibbutz Sector- The Challenges of Becoming a public Company

In recent years many kibbutz enterprises have grown from small manufacturers to international corporations. Echad Ha'am  magazine, by Globes, held a roundtable with six experts to discuss the latest changes and developments in the kibbutz sector. (attached, p.21)

October 5, 2014

Barnea & Co. is growing

The firm welcomes Adv. Ezra Katzen , a new partner in the technology department, Adv.  Daniel Lorber and Adv.  Mayer Winkler that will work in the firm’s commercial department.

October 5, 2014

2014 Legal Highlights

This year’s summary of Maariv puts the spotlight on key legal developments in Israel, covering the following topics: Capital Markets (by Micky Barnea); Anti-Trust (by Zohar Lande); Constitutional Law; Criminal Law nfrastructure ; Tax and Money laudering

September 30, 2014

Ezra Katzen spoke at the OurCrowd Mentor Breakfast

Ezra Katzen was the featured speaker at a meeting of the mentoring group of OurCrowd.  Ezra spoke about director liability in a talk entitled “Board Oversight: Oversee, Don’t Overlook”

September 25, 2014

Do online ads that advertise various products and services, are prohibited according to the Israeli anti-spam law?

An Israeli District Court ruled last week  that advertisements posted on websites as the result of the use of services provided by Google do not constitute spam according to the Israeli anti-spam law. For the full article, refer to PDF below.