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December 5, 2022

Hagit Ben Moshe Interview with TheMarker on Purchasing Agricultural Land

Israel’s housing crisis has increased the attractiveness of purchasing unimproved agricultural land. Hagit Ben Moshe, head of the firm’s Kibbutz Sector Department, was interviewed by TheMarker on the complexities of purchasing such land for investment. She shed light on the many risks that can accompany these types of deals.

December 4, 2022

Closing a Deal – Transaction Closing in the World of Malls and Chain Stores

Terry Almozlino-Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Irit Brodsky are participating in a panel on how to successfully complete mall real estate transactions and commercial tenders. The panel is being held as part of the Israel Mall Chain Store Conference held in Eilat.

December 4, 2022

Court Rules: Despite Substantial Defects, the Amutah will not be liquidated

While substantial defects were found in the nonprofit organization (amutah), the court accepted and approved a settlement. Issuing a dissolution order to the amutah would have affected a large community of people that require its services.

December 4, 2022

Barnea: Representing Convent Capital in its Investment in BeeHero

Our firm represented Convent Capital, a private equity firm based in Amsterdam, in a USD 42 million funding round in BeeHero. The Israeli startup BeeHero is developing a platform for bee pollination and owns the largest database of bees and pollen in the world.   

December 4, 2022

New Ruling on How to Conduct Sexual Harassment Investigations

The Israeli National Labor Court’s ruling indicates there is no fixed or standard format for the proper conduct of an investigation pursuant to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law. Rather, complaints should be clarified within their specific context and considering the unique issues that arise during the process.

December 1, 2022

Effects of Trade Agreement between Israel and Japan – Amichai Cohen Op-Ed in Maariv

Israel and Japan have announced negotiations to sign a free trade agreement. In an op-ed for Maariv, Professor Amichai Cohen, an expert in the field of international law, explains how such an agreement will affect the Israeli economy.

November 30, 2022

Shareholder Transactions – Elad Reshtick Lecture

Elad Reshtick, a firm partner, lectured to members of a senior business management course on the do’s and don’ts of shareholder transactions. He delivered the lecture to the IDF unit of the Gender Affairs Advisor to the Chief of Staff in cooperation with the Israeli Directors’ Union.

November 28, 2022

Crowdfunding – Elad Reshtick Lecture

Elad Reshtick, a partner in our firm, lectured to an Ayelet Or course on the legal aspects of crowdfunding.

November 28, 2022

Can Israeli Employers Request Medical Information during the Hiring Process?

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority recently published a document presenting its position and recommendations on the privacy protection aspects pertinent to waivers of medical confidentiality and disclosures of medical information during the hiring process.

November 28, 2022

Institutional Entities Investing in Urban Renewal – Success Story?

Will an alliance develop between urban renewal companies and the capital market? Elad Reshtick, a partner in our firm’s Capital Markets Department, addresses the issue in an op-ed for Calcalist.

November 28, 2022

Tax Aspects of Cryptocurrency-Based Compensation to Employees and Service Providers

The use of token-based compensation has grown in recent years. It is important to understand the tax aspects of such compensation, especially when a company is gearing up for a major deal.

November 23, 2022

Proposed Amendment to Israeli Class Action Regulations Could Infringe on Public Companies’ Rights

The proposed amendment to the Class Action Regulations contradicts the Courts Regulations (Review of Files). If enacted, any person, in any case and without providing justification, may review the statements of response filed by respondent-companies to the motions to certify class actions filed against them.

November 23, 2022

Barnea: Providing Representation in Powermat Shareholders' Dispute

We are providing representation in a shareholders' dispute at Powermat, one of the first startups to develop wireless charging technology. The company holds overs 145 patents, is considered a significant player in the market, and has signed large-scale deals with international companies.

November 22, 2022

Real Estate: Slowdown of Israel Building Inputs Price Index Affecting Buyers

In the last three months, Israel's Building Inputs Price Index rose by only 0.1%, affecting both apartment buyers and contractors. As part of a Globes interview with experts in the real estate field, Terry Almozlino Arnon, head of our firm's Commercial Real Estate Department, discussed the importance of Amendment 9 to the Sales Law (Apartments).

November 21, 2022

Luxury Apartments in Israel: What Is the Maximum Exemption from Land Appreciation Tax?

The Israel Tax Authority and the Real Estate Tax Appeals Committee disagree on the entitlement to the maximum exemption from land appreciation tax.

November 20, 2022

Regulation: Tips for Online Purchases for a Month Full of Sales

Anat Even-Chen, the head of our firm's regulation practice, was interviewed by Walla for a special article ahead of Black Friday. She offered readers a number of tips for safe online shopping.

November 16, 2022

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Attends Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies' Legal Counsel Forum

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm's Capital Markets Department, was a guest on the accompanying forum webinar and lectured on the do's and don'ts of administrative enforcement procedures.

November 16, 2022

How to Maintain Patient Privacy when Digitally Transferring Medical Information

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority has published a document containing a series of recommendations that address the use of ordinary and non-designated applications for sharing information among a variety of parties.

November 16, 2022

Doing Business in Israel: Hedge Funds

Hedge funds can prove to be a particularly attractive channel in a small market like Israel, precisely because more sophisticated investment strategies and exposure to the international capital market are necessary to create added value over the “usual” market volatility.

November 14, 2022

Lecture – New Challenges and an Organization’s Obligation to Prevent Sexual Harassment According to Law

Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm's Employment Department, lectured to members of the In-House Counsels for In-House Counsels Forum on the challenges organizations face in order to comply with Israel's Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law.