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January 25, 2022

Dr. Avishay Klein Lectures on Privacy to Compliance Officer Training Course

Dr. Avishay Klein, who leads our firm’s privacy and data protection practice, gave a lecture to future compliance officers on privacy protection risks and the GDPR.

January 24, 2022

Crowdfunding for Startups

In 2020, these offering coordinators raised a total of ILS 60 million, in more than 35 campaigns by various private companies. Compared to 2019, when about ILS 45 million was raised through offering coordinators, this is an increase of about 33%. There is an expectation the data for 2021 will show a further increase.

January 23, 2022

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Adapts Privacy Protection Laws

The draft bill is an important step toward achieving the objectives set by the Privacy Protection Authority and the government to increase privacy protection.

January 20, 2022

Netta Bromberg Clarifies Obligation to Notify Employer of Pregnancy

In an interview with Globes, Netta Bromberg, a partner and the head of our firm's Employment Department, dispels some myths about an employer's obligation to notify her employer about her pregnancy.

January 20, 2022

Cyber Events in Public Companies

Hagit Ross, a partner in our firm, lectured today at the annual convention of the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on the required preparations public companies must make in the face of cyberattack threats.

January 20, 2022

Legal Tools Workshop for Entrepreneurs in EdTech Program

Our firm represents EdTech Israel, a project to promote technological innovation in the fields of education and learning. In a meeting held today, Itay Gura and Yuval Lazi lectured to the venture's participants on founders’ agreements, intellectual property, and financing agreements, respectively.

January 19, 2022

Senior Israeli Lawyers Discuss Changes in the Legal Market

High-quality lawyers have become a particularly sought after commodity, and law firms are adapting themselves to the new market. In an interview with Globes, Micky Barnea, our firm's managing partner, discusses the advantage large firms have in preparing for change.

January 18, 2022

Right to Privacy when Issuing Search Warrants of Computers and Cellular Devices

In an expanded panel of nine justices, Israeli Supreme Court prescribed a set of rules concerning procedures and judicial discretion on the granting of search warrants of computers and cellular devices as part of an investigation. 

January 18, 2022

Israeli Competition Authority Taking Strict Position toward Vertical Price Maintenance Arrangements

A few days ago, the Israeli Competition Authority published for public comments draft public statement 1/22, presenting its position on vertical price maintenance arrangements. The final public statement 1/22 will replace the Competition Authority’s previous statement 2/17 published in 2018.

January 18, 2022

Expansion of Permit for Employees to Work Overtime

Omicron is taking control of the labor market in Israel. Many employees are stuck at home in quarantine (or are ill). At the same time, there is still plenty of work. As a result, and in order to enable the Israeli economy to contend with the drastic drop in the number of available employees in the labor market, the government issued a new special permit on January 16, 2022, extending permitted overtime hours

January 17, 2022

“Court Ruling: Did You Approve a Price and Payment Terms? It’s a Binding Agreement” – Maya Zisser Column in Globes

Maya Zisser, a partner in our Real Estate Department, has published an op-ed column in Globes on the new conditions for determining a binding agreement in a sale transaction. Click to read

January 12, 2022

A Share Deal or An Asset Deal in Israeli Mergers & Acquisitions?

You have identified an Israeli target company to purchase. Now the question is how to structure the acquisition? There are two traditional routes in Israeli private MA transactions. The first is to purchase the shares of the target company, and the second is to purchase its assets. Each structure has benefits and disadvantages for the purchaser.

January 12, 2022

Will Israel Enter the MSCI Europe?

The global stock index provider Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) recently announced it is seeking market feedback on Israel’s possible inclusion in its European indices. MSCI, considered one of the largest stock index providers in the world, plans to announce a decision by the end of February 2022.  

January 11, 2022

Regulating Israeli Banks’ Provision of Services to Licensed Cryptocurrency Service-Providers

The Bank of Israel is proposing to regulate the provision of services to licensed cryptocurrency service-providers so that banks will not be able to sweepingly refuse to provide service and will have to formulate a risk management policy.

January 11, 2022

Hadar Israeli Interviewed about Extradition Proceedings on Channel 12's "Galit and Yoav"

Hadar Israeli, a partner in our firm, was interviewed on the Channel 12 television program hosted by Galit Gutman and Yoav Limor. She explained the difference between an extradition and a summons to an interrogation. You are invited to watch (starting at 32:00).

January 10, 2022

Corporate Law between Theory and Practice

Ilan Blumenfeld, a partner in our firm, lectured to students of a course on corporations at the College of Management on mergers and acquisitions and the various stages of MA transactions.

January 10, 2022

Dramatic Ruling on Excessive Pricing: District Court Denies Two Motions to Certify Class Actions against Tnuva

In December 2021, the Jerusalem District Court dismissed two motions to certify a class action against the leading dairy manufacturer in Israel, Tnuva, for charging excessive prices. Both the motion and the dismissal are part of an intense dispute for years. The dispute revolves around whether the prohibition of a monopolist charging an “unfair” price applies to charging excessive fees. In 2014, the director-general of the Competition Authority published a public statement on the prohibition of excessive pricing by a monopoly.

January 5, 2022

Israeli Environmental Protection Ministry Takes Major Step to Ensure Environmental Rehabilitation per Polluter Pays Principle

The Knesset Finance Committee, headed by MK Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beitenu), recently approved a mechanism for compensation for the rehabilitation of industrial waste damages caused by Rotem Amfert (of the ICL Group). The committee arrived at the mechanism as part of discussions on the extension of the phosphate mining concession currently granted to the company.

January 4, 2022

jumpTAU Accelerator and Barnea Embark on New Cycle

A new cycle of the jumpTAU accelerator program, from Tel Aviv University, has begun. The accelerator supports multicultural ventures, in an effort to promote cooperation between Arab and Jewish entrepreneurs. Our firm advises the accelerator as part of a broad collaboration with Tel Aviv University. In a meeting held today, four of our attorneys lectured to the entrepreneurs on a number of relevant topics.  Itay Gura lectured on startup financing and Anat Even-Chen lectured on website regulations and privacy policies.

January 3, 2022

Representing Migdal in USD 20 Million Investment

Migdal is investing USD 20 million in Tipa, an Israeli cleantech company that is developing and marketing compostable flexible packaging solutions for foods and various other consumer goods. Our firm is advising Migdal, who took part in Tipa’s investment round alongside Millennium Food-Tech and Meitav Dash. Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir represented Migdal in the transaction.