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December 25, 2023

Barnea: Representing Aviv Group in Investment Transaction

Ilan Blumenfeld, Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Daniel Kleinman represented Aviv Group in a ILS 45 million investment by Menora Mivtachim in Aviv Group’s ILS 1.2 billion skyscraper project in Herzliya.

December 20, 2023

Israel Innovation Authority Funds Proof of Concept

The IIA’s funding tracks for proof of concept (PoC) give breathing room to fledgling entrepreneurs and ventures during their efforts to transform an idea into a product, even before outside investors are considered.

December 18, 2023

Freedom of Expression in Workplaces during the Israel-Hamas War

An Israeli regional labor court overturned the dismissal of an employee who made statements against IDF soldiers, citing defects in the hearing held for the employee. 

December 13, 2023

How to Gain a Tax Credit before the Year’s End

Hanna Daher, a partner in our firm’s Tax Department, was interviewed by Globes, along with a number of other tax experts, about end-of-the-year tax tips . Hanna noted the tax credits that individuals or business owners can obtain if they donated over NIS 200 this year to a public institution.

December 13, 2023

Document Subpoena from US Authorities: Critical Steps

When an individual or a corporation receives a document subpoena from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), from a US regulatory authority like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), or from any other law enforcement agency in the US, it is very important to know what to do next to ensure the first response serves the client’s legal interests and best defense. More importantly, the initial response must not compromise or harm the best possible legal strategy down the road. 

December 12, 2023

Swords of Iron War: Expansion of Employee Layoff Protection

The various restrictions being imposed on the population, including evacuations of many residents from northern and southern regions, the unique situation of the families of abductees, captives, and missing persons, and the massive mobilization of reservists, have led to an amendment to the Protection of Employees in Times of Emergency Law. This amendment expands the protection of employees from layoffs under exceptional circumstances. 

December 12, 2023

EU Data Act Regulating the Use of Data from Smart Devices (IoT)

The EU Data Act will supervise companies that manufacture and supply smart devices (IoT devices) and companies that handle data collected by these devices, as well as enact a series of regulations designed to protect consumer privacy.

December 11, 2023

Barnea: Counsel in Israel’s Most Expensive Real Estate Transaction in October 2023

Alon Wolner and Shoval Mandel, provided legal representation in the purchase of a Tel Aviv penthouse for over ILS 22 million. This was the most expensive real estate transaction in Israel in the month of October.

December 7, 2023

Effect of Israel-Hamas War on Israeli Startups

In a recent interview with Calcalist, Itay Gura, a partner and the head of our firm’s startup practice, provided insight into how the Israel-Hamas war is affecting Israeli startups, and offered a nuanced perspective on the evolving tech landscape. Itay concluded the interview by noting the potential pathways and opportunities emerging for Israeli startups amidst the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict.

December 6, 2023

Proportionality in Armed Conflict: How to Assess, and Who Decides

Prof. Amichai Cohen published an op-ed in Law.com on the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. This conflict raises important legal questions about the application of the law of armed conflict.

December 5, 2023

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Recognized as Leading Blockchain Lawyer

Zvi is among an exclusive list of lawyers nominated for the Lexology 2024 Client Choice Awards. Zvi is the only Israeli lawyer recognized in the Blockchain field.

December 5, 2023

Gal Rozent Ranked as Leading Competition Lawyer

Who’s Who Legal has ranked Gal Rozent in its exclusive list of leading lawyers in Israel in the Competition Antitrust field for the year 2024.

December 5, 2023

Barnea: Webinar on Employment during the Israel-Hamas War

We hosted a webinar in collaboration with the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies. During the webinar, Lior Girshevitz, from our Employment Department, lectured on the Law for Protection of Workers in Times of Emergency.

December 5, 2023

Advising Summa Technologies on Obtaining Financial Services License

We guided Summa Technologies, which operates in the field of open banking, in obtaining a financial information services license from the Israel Securities Authority. Summa is the seventh company in Israel to receive this license. Anat Even-Chen, Elad Reshtick, and Ori Rodriguez represented the client in this matter.

December 5, 2023

Operation Swords of Iron: Contending with a Cyberattack

Israel’s government has drafted new regulations in the wake of Operation Swords of Iron, due to the increase in the scope and quality of cyberattacks against civilian entities.

December 4, 2023

Stock Market Investors Knew of Hamas’s Attack in Advance and Profited – Interview with Dr. Zvi Gabbay

Mako interviewed Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, after a US study revealed an unusual volume of transactions on the New York and Tel Aviv stock exchanges gambling on the collapse of the Israeli stock market a week before Hamas’s October 7th attack.

December 4, 2023

Making Aliyah or Returning to Israel – Maariv Interview with Liat Keisary and Amos E. Rosenzweig

One of the ramifications of the Israel-Hamas war is the growing interest of diaspora Jews and expat Israelis in immigrating to Israel. In Maariv’s article on the topic, Liat Keisary explains that most new immigrants are coming from countries such as the United States, England, and Australia, driving an increase in demand for the purchase of real estate properties in Israel. In addition, Amos E. Rosenzweig answers questions on the rights of returning residents and new immigrants to Israel.

December 3, 2023

Rights of New Immigrants (Olim) and Returning Israeli Residents

A large number of expat Israelis and diaspora Jews are considering returning or making Aliyah to Israel in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. These two groups are entitled to a basket of absorption and social security benefits from the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, the National Insurance Institute, the Israel Tax Authority, and other authorities. It is important for would-be immigrants to be aware of these benefits and to include them in their considerations.

November 29, 2023

Israeli Court Criticizes the Israel Police over its Use of AI Tools

A man who entered Israel with drugs in his possession sought to expose the Israel Police’s use of AI tools that resulted in his inclusion in a list of suspected drug couriers. The court’s criticism of the police’s tactics clarifies that even if the AI system leads to correct identification or to accurate decisions, its mechanisms must be transparent, explainable and auditable. 

November 23, 2023

Barnea: Webinar on Taxes and National Insurance

Our firm hosted a webinar in collaboration with the Israel Hedge Funds Association on the social security aspects of Operation Swords of Iron. As part of the webinar, Amos E. Rosenzweig discussed the financial grants designated for reservists, hostages’ families, and employees placed on unpaid leave. He also answered questions about the issues facing employers at this time.