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November 14, 2022

Lecture – New Challenges and an Organization’s Obligation to Prevent Sexual Harassment According to Law

Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm's Employment Department, lectured to members of the In-House Counsels for In-House Counsels Forum on the challenges organizations face in order to comply with Israel's Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law.

November 13, 2022

Tips for the Self-Employed as End of Tax Year Approaches

Nir Ziman from our Tax Department was interviewed by several media outlets and shared how Israeli residents can obtain additional income tax credits. He also addressed what taxpayers should pay attention to when filing their income tax reports, and provided some helpful tips as the end of the tax year approaches.

November 10, 2022

The Great Wall of China – Increasing Difficulty in Doing Business with China

The restrictions imposed by the United States are relevant to Israeli companies in at least two ways. First, they are imposed on anyone who is a US citizen or lives in the United States and who deals with regulated products. Second, the Americans have applied the Foreign Direct Product Rule to some of the regulated products and to a list of Chinese companies.

November 10, 2022

"Dieselgate" Effect: Israel Changes Rules of Game for Class Actions over Environmental Damage

The Tel Aviv District Court recently allowed a motion to certify a class action against the Volkswagen Group and its importer in Israel, Champion Motors Ltd. The class action focuses on the Dieselgate scandal, after an investigation discovered that Volkswagen installed emissions management software in its diesel-powered vehicles that falsifies air pollution data.

November 10, 2022

Labor Law: Anti-Sexual Harassment Workshop

We held a workshop for our clients on how to prevent and handle incidents of sexual harassment at work. As part of the workshop, Netta Bromberg, head of our firm’s Employment Department, analyzed various incidents in accordance with the provisions of Israel’s Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law, as well as discussed how to conduct a proper investigation of a complaint and perform crisis management.

November 8, 2022

Important Tax Tips from Harel Perlmutter

It’s important to prepare yourself for the end of the tax year and be aware of all the benefits you may be eligible for. An expert in the tax field, Harel Perlmutter suggests to Mako readers that they check their eligibility for Covid-19 grants and stresses that income from renting a residential apartment is taxable.

November 7, 2022

Podcast: Adv. Harel Perlmutter Talks Real Estate Taxation on "Kesef Bakir"

Taxation can make or break real estate deals. Harel Perlmutter, head of our firm's Tax Department, talks with Guy Lieberman about tax hitches and opportunities in an interview also published on Globes.  

November 6, 2022

New Regulations Exempt Credit and Financial Service Providers from License Requirement

To make it easier for fintech companies to operate in Israel, the Knesset Finance Committee has passed regulations to exempt several types of credit providers and financial service providers from a licensing duty.

November 6, 2022

Ransomware Attacks – New Israeli Justice Ministry Recommendations

In light of the increase in fraud crimes in the digital space, the Israeli Justice Ministry has formulated recommendations for defining a policy to contend with ransomware attacks. The recommendations relate to both private entities and government bodies. The new recommendations are part of a more comprehensive examination conducted by the Justice Ministry of enforcement authorities’ handling of these cyberattacks, including regarding the provision of support to entities under attack, assistance to victims of fraud in the digital space, investigation, and enforcement.

November 3, 2022

Barnea: Representing Butcher Chain against Motion to Certify Class Action

Eyal Nachshon and Zohar Haim Levinger represented the Maadaney Gourmet butcher chain against a motion for certification of a class action filed against it. The claim alleged the chain violated provisions of the Economy Ministry's competitive procedure for 2018 regarding the import of fresh meat exempt from customs duty. After a long and in-depth mediation process, the parties reached a settlement agreement. Maadaney Gourmet agreed to donate food products to those in need, thus bringing the litigation process to an end.

November 3, 2022

New Draft Regulation on Financial Asset Service Providers

The Israeli CMISA published two draft circulars about its intent to tighten the supervision over crypto assets, in the wake of the Celsius crypto meltdown.

November 3, 2022

Eyal Nachshon Op-Ed in Ahad Ha’am Magazine

Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our Litigation Department, has written an op-ed addressing the new amendment to Israel’s class action regulations, which may harm the rights of public companies (page 14).

November 2, 2022

The Courts and the Metaverse – Service of Process through NFTs and Other Innovations

Extensive business activity in the metaverse and in the crypto sector is forcing judicial systems worldwide to evolve. Will the judicial system in Israel follow suit?

November 2, 2022

Precedent-Setting Israeli Supreme Court Ruling Limits Possibilities of Service of Process to a Foreign Company

The new ruling has significant implications since the question of service of process also involves the Israeli court’s acquisition of international jurisdiction to adjudicate a proceeding.

October 30, 2022

Ministry of Economy and Industry Increases Enforcement Measures

The Ministry of Economy and Industry’s Labor Branch – Regulation and Enforcement Administration is increasing enforcement measures in workplaces with regard to the fulfillment of employer obligations and employee rights.

October 27, 2022

Barnea Represented Mouro Capital in USD 80 Million Investment in Vesttoo

Ariella Dreyfuss  represented Mouro Capital as the lead investor in an USD 80 million Series C financing round in the Israeli insurtch startup Vesttoo. The investment was based on a company valuation of USD 1 billion. 

October 27, 2022

Interesting Ruling Regarding Workplace WhatsApp Group Chats and Wrongful Termination

Removing an employee from the workplace’s WhatsApp group chat before a hearing may expose employers to wrongful termination claims.

October 27, 2022

Legal Aspects of SAFEs (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)

Since a SAFE is a relatively standard agreement, there is no need for lengthy negotiations on comprehensive investment agreements. A SAFE defines clear rules about the investor’s rights (which include, inter alia, rights similar to those the next investors in the company receive during future rounds of funding).  

October 27, 2022

Dun's 100 Legal Forum for Senior Employment Law Professionals

Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm's Employment Department, participated in the Dun's 100 forum for senior legal professionals in the field of employment law. The forum discussed such relevant issues as sexual harassment in the workplace and remote work. Netta addressed recent changes in the world of employment and their impact on labor laws.

October 26, 2022

No Freebies? Harel Perlmutter Interview with "Tzeva Hakesef"

Many companies and businesses work with influencers to advertise their products on social media. This type of cooperation has tax implications. Harel Perlmutter, the head of our firm's Tax Department, was interviewed for the podcast "Tzeva Hakesef" (with Yair Weinreb) about the issue.