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April 1, 2016

Enforcement Agreement - Is Any Confession Required?

An article by Adv. Zvi Gabbay that examines the willingness of the Israeli SEC to sign an enforcement agreement without a confession with regards to the offence by a violator and without such violator taking responsibility for such offence. Additionally, the article states that comparing the administrative enforcement with the criteria of criminal enforcement would not necessarily be overlapping, and one not should expect a correlation between them. Moreover, the article compares both the Israeli enforcement agreement policy and the United States enforcement agreement policy. The conclusion is that enforcement agreements without confession are not illegitimate and the intervention in the SEC's judgement will be acceptable only when there is a fundamental flaw in the enforcement agreement. 

March 27, 2016

From a Start-Up Nation to a Cyber Security Nation: The Evolution of Israel as a Security Leader

Most people who think about leading global players in online security concerns think big: the United States, China, and Russia. Quietly, though, Israel has emerged as a world leader in this area. Known as “Start-up Nation” since the release of Dan Senor and Saul Singer’s 2009 book of the same title, Israel has created a culture of technological development and growth. It promotes learning and understanding in technology, both culturally and through its recruitment of top minds in service to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), resulting in a country continually pushing the technological curve forward.

March 27, 2016

Barnea & Co. represented Continuity Software

Barnea represented Continuity Software in a transaction for the sale of the company to Kedma Capital for an amount of NIS 160 million. Continuity Software is the leading provider of service availability risk management solutions. Representing Continuity Software- Adv. Micky Barnea and Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss. Adv. Yuval Lazi represented Kedma Capital.

March 22, 2016

Algorithmic Trading - An article by Moran Bickel

In recent months the ISA has  stopped the activity of many algo-trading companies, because their businesses constitute investment portfolio management without a license required by law. In an opinion article in Bizportal,  Adv. Moran Bickel argues that the ISA should create a specific regulatory system in order to assess algo- trading companies.

March 22, 2016

The Israel Securities Authority bans binary options

In a letter circulated yesterday to companies engaged in the binary options industry, ISA informed these companies that it has decided to completely halt binary option trading in Israel. 

March 20, 2016

How Can Share Options Help To Grow Your Start Up?

March 20, 2016

Latest changes in the process of hiring interns at law firms

In an opinion article in Calcalist Magazine by Adv.  Zohar Lande, Partner and Head of the Litigation Department in our office, he  discussed the latest changes in the process of hiring interns at law firms. According to Zohar, despite shortcoming in these changes, regulatory intervention is necessary.

March 17, 2016

Every country in crisis is an opportunity for invesotrs?

Adv. Gal Oren was interviewed by the prominent Israeli business newspaper, Globes, for an article regarding  the financial opportunities to be found in countries suffering economic crises.

March 15, 2016

Israel Broadens Definition of Accredited Investor

The prestigious Bloomberg BNA’s World Securities Law Report published  an article by Ron Shuhatovich discussing the recent order of the ISA regarding the accredited investor definition.

March 14, 2016

Israeli VAT Taxation of Inbound e-Commerce and Digital Services

Yesterday the Israeli Ministry of Finance opened a consultation process in respect of draft legislation aimed at amending the Israeli VAT legislation, introducing VAT liability on out of state e-commerce and digital services providers that provide electronic and digital products and services into Israel. This, even if such providers do not have any place of business in Israel.

March 10, 2016

Non Israéliens – 10 conseils essentiels pour acheter un bien immobilier en Israel

L’acquisition d’un bien immobilier est généralement l’une des décisions les plus cruciales, onéreuses et importantes de votre vie. Cela est d’autant plus vrai lorsqu’il s’agit de l’acquisition d’une propriété située à l’étranger. Nous avons dressé une liste contenant 10 conseils primordiaux afin de vous aider à y parvenir comme il se doit

March 10, 2016

Antitrust Update

Recently the Israeli Antitrust Authority has stepped up its enforcement measures, and the local Courts began imposing stricter penalties on violations of the Antitrust Law.

March 10, 2016

Raising of the retirement age for women- Globes magazine

Our head of the employment department, was interviewed by Globes magazine (in Hebrew) regarding the raising of the retirement age for women "this move is important both for promoting gender equality and for the status of women in the labor market, but I believe that the Israeli labor market is not ready for it". 

March 7, 2016

Casino in Israel - another role of the dice

In the last 20 years, the notion of examining whether to establish a casino in Israel comes back from time to time, to life. So far, this issue has not received much advancement by the government, for various reasons, such as religious parties' opposition, the fear of an increase in gambling addictions, ideological opposition to casinos and so on and so forth.

March 7, 2016

A lecture by Micky Barnea at the BDO Academy

As an expert in the technology field, Micky Barnea was invited to lecture at a unique course for entrepreneurs organized by the BDO Academy, in association with the Technion’s Division of Continuing Education. Micky discussed founders agreements and investment agreements.

March 6, 2016

Pending tax changes to short term apartment rents

The Israeli Tax Authority (ITA) recently announced, during a discussion of the parliamentary committee, that it is about to publish a tax circular in the matter of renting apartments for a short periods of time, including through Internet platforms such as Airbnb. According to recently released data, In 2015 about 128,000 tourists visiting Israel rented apartments through Airbnb. This represents an increase of 45% compared to 2014, as well as an increase of 40% in the number of Israelis who offer their apartments for rent through Airbnb, which is now over 13,000.

March 6, 2016

Compensations for late delivery of new apartments

Developers can no longer rely on changes to an apartment, requested by the purchaser, as reason to avoid payment of compensation for late delivery. This was ruled recently by the Supreme Court in a case involving a dispute between purchasers of an apartment and a contracting company. The Sale (Apartments) Law states that a delay of over 60 days from the date specified in the sale contract for the delivery of the apartment to the purchaser, means that the purchaser will be entitled to compensation without proof of damage, and this from the first day of delay. In the abovementioned case, the sale contract which was signed by the purchasers and the contracting company stated that any request to change or supplement the apartment will postpone the delivery date of the apartment for at least 60 days. It should be noted that clauses of this nature are common and appear in almost every sale contract from a contractor. The Supreme Court ruled that the wording of the relevant clause is broad and vague, and gives the contractor unlimited options to determine the date of delivery, which creates uncertainty among the purchasers. Thus, the contractor prevents the purchasers from preparing themselves for a new and clear date on which the apartment will be delivered to them, and to plan their moves accordingly. The Court further ruled that from now on, the contractor cannot rely on sweeping clauses in apartment sale contracts, which include provisions exempting him from paying compensation for delays in delivery of apartments, in any case where changes to the apartment were ordered by the purchasers. However, the Court held that the parties can agree, for example, on a new and concrete postponed delivery date, in the case of making changes in the apartment at the request of the purchaser, in a later agreement signed by the parties. The Court also noted that a new and postponed delivery date that will be determined by agreement, as mentioned, may be examined by the Court, in terms of its reasonableness in relation to the scope of changes made to the apartment and their nature.

March 3, 2016

Globes IT magazine- Roundtable

We participated in a roundtable held by Globes IT magazine. The subject of the event was Internet law, Cyber Protection, Privacy Information and the effects of technology. (P. 28-29)

March 1, 2016

Corporate Governance - From the Procedural to the Substantive

An article by Adv. Zvi Gabbay that discusses the need to examine Corporate Governance in terms of its substantiveness and not just through a procedural form. The article reviews the development of Corporate Governance from the time it was adopted in Israel in the mid-2000’s to the present and delineates general principles for further future developments, while highlighting the integration of tests of substantiveness that would allow the implementation of Corporate Governance in an optimal manner.

February 28, 2016

How Share Options Help To Grow Your Start Up

Azrieli College Of Engineering Jerusalem and AtoBe Start Up Accelerator will host an event on "How Share Options Help To Grow Your Start Up", in a partnership with Barnea and Excellence, on March 16, 2016. Micky Barnea will lecture at the event on Options for start-ups’ partners employees.