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May 2, 2023

Distribution Waterfalls in Private Investment Funds

The growth of private equity funds in Israel derives mainly from the maturation of many Israeli companies. So what are the main differences between private equity funds (PE) and venture capital funds (VC)?

April 24, 2023

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Publishes ESG Questionnaire

The publication of the questionnaire aligns with global trends and reflects the importance of this subject for investors. According to the TASE press release, only 70 companies currently publish full ESG reports.

March 28, 2023

Barnea: Representing Daily.dev in USD 11 Million Seed Funding Round

Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir represented the Israeli startup Daily.dev in a USD 11 million seed funding round. The company aims to build the world’s largest professional network for the global developer community.

March 28, 2023

Barnea: Supporting ReCombinate Program

We are happy to be a partner in the ReCombinant program, an AB InBev-TAU Ventures collaboration dedicated to fostering pilot activity and joint RD. The program is supported by the Israel Innovation Authority.

March 27, 2023

Corporate Governance in Israeli Cooperative Societies

The segregation of duties between corporate organs (in private and public entities) derives from the principle of separation of powers. Although the laws governing cooperative societies in Israel do not address the tension between the organs in a cooperative society, the principles created and developed in corporate law may be applied to cooperative society law by way of inference.

March 22, 2023

Corporate Inversion – Turning an Israeli Company into a Foreign Company

A corporate inversion is a process of changing a company’s holding structure, largely with the intention of turning an existing company into a foreign company by positioning a foreign company as a parent company of the Israeli company and enabling the Israeli company to expand into new markets in the international arena.

March 15, 2023

The Israeli Arrangements Law of 2023-2024: Significant Harm to Environmental Quality

Notwithstanding growing awareness and the measures being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (as part of Israel’s commitment under the Paris Agreement), the emerging Arrangements Law could cause a regression in environmental legislation and hinder efforts to protect Israel’s population from environmental hazards.

March 12, 2023

Critical Considerations before Drawing up a Founders’ Agreement

A founders’ agreement is signed at the initial stages of forming a venture with an uncertain future. This is precisely the time to decide how matters will proceed if the venture is an enormous success, a failure, or anything in between.

February 26, 2023

Doing Business in Israel: Being an Employer

Employment law in Israel is dynamic and relies not only on the letter of the law, but also on rapidly changing case law. At the same time, Israeli employment law is highly regulated, and there are a wide variety of rules and standards that obligate the parties to an employment relationship.

February 21, 2023

Advantage to Israeli Banks When Self-Exercising a Deposited Pledge

Collateral in the form of a deposited pledge is an easy and inexpensive way to secure credit. However, Israeli law does not allow foreign banks to benefit from an efficient and effective mechanism enabling debt recovery by way of the self-exercise of collateral. There is no real justification for this and it harms competition in the credit market.

February 14, 2023

Yuval Lazi Leads Table at OurCrowd Leaders Forum

Yuval Lazi was chosen to lead a taskforce table at the annual OurCrowd Global Investment Summit, dealing with “MA Challenges in Light of Political and Economic Turmoil.”

February 5, 2023

Doing Business in Israel: Jurisdiction and Arbitration Stipulations

Jurisdiction and arbitration stipulations in contracts have a decisive impact on the forum that will adjudicate a lawsuit. The legal system in Israel tends to honor contract stipulations regarding foreign jurisdiction if they are unique and explicit.

February 5, 2023

Barnea: Hosting Conference with the Israel Hedge Funds Association

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Roy Engel, and Yana Zilbershtein lectured at a conference our firm hosted on the early years of hedge funds. The conference was held in collaboration with the Israel Hedge Funds Association. PWC and APEX Israel also took part.

January 24, 2023

Doing Business in Israel through Agents and Distributors

According to the law, the relationship with the local agent is classified as either an agency agreement or a distribution agreement, depending upon the substantive nature of the arrangements between the parties and not the title the parties gave to the agreement.

January 12, 2023

Misha Gitterman Lectures at Reichman University

Misha Gitterman, a partner in our firm’s Finance and Public Corporations Department, lectured to graduate students in Reichman University’s Law, Technology and Business Innovation program as part of the course “Startup Capital Raising – From Angel Investment to IPO.”

January 12, 2023

Barnea: Participating in Tel Aviv University Medical Innovation Hackathon

Ken Shaked acted as a judge for Tel Aviv University’s medical innovation hackathon and will serve as a legal advisor for the competition’s winners. Inbar Gorelick, Dana Ben Yehuda, and Inbar Katzir served as mentors and provided participants with professional input.

January 10, 2023

Yuval Lazi Lectures at Azrieli College of Engineering’s AtoBe Accelerator

Yuval Lazi, head of our firm’s international corporate practice, lectured to members of the AtoBe Accelerator on founders’ agreements.

January 1, 2023

2022: Antitrust and Competition in Israel – A Year in Review

2022 was characterized by many trends relating to competition law in Israel. Ramped up handling of monopolies, unfair pricing and restrictive trade practices, and enhanced collaboration between Israeli government ministries and the Competition Authority are just some of the trends we witnessed during 2022 in this field.

December 25, 2022

Representative Sells and Shareholders Miss out on Big Profit – Micky Barnea Interview in Globes

The Ista deal, in which representatives on behalf of a broad public oversaw a sale of assets at a price that turned out to be attractive to buyers, has faced severe criticism. As an expert on corporations and the capital market, Micky Barnea was interviewed by Globes about the deal. Micky explained the role and responsibility of public representatives, who manage members’ funds, and clarified some ways to manage long-term investments.

December 21, 2022

Doing Business In Israel: Regulation of Carbon Pricing

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to decelerate climate change processes is an important goal of many countries. The two main mechanisms that countries use to reduce GHG emissions are carbon taxation and carbon emissions trading.