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May 26, 2022

SightVision Completes Acquisition of Terravision

SightVision Information Systems Ltd. has completed a 100% acquisition of Terravision Ltd., which develops applications and provides services in the geographical field, and has been developing advanced mapping systems for over 30 years. SightVision also completed the acquisition of 100% of the rights in the partnership Terra-Design 3D Mapping, which provides 3D modeling services. Advs. Ilan Blumenfeld and Dor Levi-Tam represented SightVision in the transaction.

May 24, 2022

Danel Acquires Additional 10% of Enaim Medical Center

The NIS 43 million acquisition will make Danel the owner of 61% of Enaim Medical Center. Advs. Ilan Blumenfeld and Daniel Kleinman represented Danel in the transaction.

May 23, 2022

Hagit Ben Moshe Speaks at Water Economy and Renewable Energy Conference

Adv. Hagit Ben Moshe, a partner and the head of our firm's cooperative societies practice, was a featured speaker at the annual Water Economy and Renewable Energies Conference. Hagit discussed the challenges of contracting between rural settlements and entrepreneurs in renewable energy projects.

May 22, 2022

BioGenCell Completes USD 16 Million Seed Round

Our firm represents BioGenCell, a stem cell research and development company located at Laniado Hospital. The company recently announced the completion of a USD 16 million seed round investment, aided by counsel from Advs. Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir. Our firm has represented the company since its inception.

May 22, 2022

Full Disclosure: Netta Bromberg Featured in Globes Article on Amendment to Equal Pay Law

Amendment 6 to Israel's Equal Pay Law includes a new reporting obligation that brings with it a host of difficulties and questions. Netta Bromberg joins a team of experts to answer for Globes the essential questions arising from the amendment.

May 18, 2022

Conference on Complex HR Situations

We hosted the HR managers of numerous companies for a conference dealing with the optimal management of complex human resources situations. Adv. Netta Bromberg, head of the Employment Department, Adv. Jacki Silbermann, and Adv. Lior Girshevitz discussed complicated hearing procedures, harassment in the workplace, recruitment crises, and more.

May 18, 2022

Sick Pay from First Day for Employees with Malignant Diseases

The Amendment will become effective on June 1, 2022. Under this amendment, an employee suffering from a malignant disease or a condition that requires regular dialysis, or who recovered from such a disease, is eligible for full sick pay (100%) from the first day of his or her absence

May 17, 2022

ESG, from Voluntary Process to Legislation

As part of the compliance forum our office leads, in collaboration with the ACC and with Tali Guy, Teva's VP of Compliance, we hosted a meeting of legal counsels. Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured on ESG’s implications for the compliance field and how companies should prepare for future regulations.

May 16, 2022

Netta Bromberg Lectures to Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on Amendment to Equal Pay Law

In preparation for the entry into force on June 1 of an amendment to Israel’s Male and Female Workers (Equal Pay) Law, firm partner Netta Bromberg lectured to members of the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on the law, its significance, and how companies can prepare.

May 16, 2022

Israeli Supreme Court Limits Possibility of Pleading Reliance on Assistance of Counsel as Defense against Indictment

The Supreme Court issued a ruling in principle that it sees no merit in the approach of releasing a person who breached the law from criminal liability based on the fact his or her lawyer failed to warn that the planned action was criminal.

May 16, 2022

Israeli Draft Bill Obligates Monopolists to Publish Financial Statements

The striking innovation in this draft bill is that, upon its enactment, monopolists, even if not declared as such, must publish their financial statements, even if they are not reporting companies.

May 16, 2022

Everything Beginner Entrepreneurs Need to Know: Tal Freilich Hai Lectures at Aspire Pre-Accelerator

Aspire is a program of Azrieli College, intended for women entrepreneurs making their first steps in the business world. Adv. Tal Freilich Hai lectured to program participants on founders’ agreements.

May 8, 2022

Globes Interviews Micky Barnea on Options and Executive Salary Increases

In 2021, capital compensation grew to become a more dominant component in the salaries of senior executives of companies traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. As part of an interview series with a number of capital markets experts in Globes, Micky Barnea noted, among other things, that "we are talking about managers who usually received their capital component, whether in options or in shares, before the company's issuance. This is not a negative phenomenon, as we would expect the chairman of the board, for example, whose role is to provide strategic support to the management staff, to have an identity of interests with the shareholders. When he holds such a capital component, which is positively affected by the rise of the stock, this creates an identity of interests."  

May 8, 2022

Plus Ventures and Oren Abeksis Sue Unicorn Company Lusha for Fraud

The investment fund Plus Ventures and private investor Oren Abeksis claim they invested millions of shekels in a previous incarnation of Lusha and that they were defrauded by the entrepreneurs. Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, Dana Bookstein, and Naama Ben Arosh Moshe are representing the plaintiffs.

May 4, 2022

Israeli Tech in 2032: Anat Even-Chen in Geektime

Ahead of Israeli Independence Day, Geektime published an article asking experts to predict what Israel will be like in ten years. As an expert in the privacy field, Anat Even-Chen was asked to provided her prediction for the data protection field. Anat believes legislation will continue to concern itself with individuals' privacy and eventually there will be a uniform standardization between companies and countries regarding the issue of privacy.

May 2, 2022

Environmental Sexual Harassment – It’s No Joke, It’s Harassment

Inappropriate memes, sexual innuendo, degrading jokes, intimate details—these all create what is known as environmental sexual harassment. While Israeli law does not precisely define this offense, it treats it similarly to other forms of sexual harassment.

April 28, 2022

Victory in Lawsuit against Shavei Israel NPO

The Tel Aviv District Court ruled the non-profit organization Shavei Israel had operated improperly for two decades in reporting to the Registrar of Associations that Ms. Sarah Green was a member of the organization. Ms. Green’s ex-husband, the founder of the non-profit, was apparently falsifying her signature on documents submitted to the Registrar. Ms. Green was represented by Advs. Zohar Lande, Gal Livshits, Zohar Haim Levinger, and Naama Ben Arosh Moshe.

April 25, 2022

Netta Bromberg in Ynet: Working on Israel’s Memorial and Independence Days

There are unique work regulations on Israel's Memorial Day and Independence Day. Netta Bromberg, partner and head of our Employment Department, details to Ynet the major ones related to overtime hours and missing work.

April 14, 2022

Migdal Group invests in Scandinavian energy

Migdal Group has invested, together with other partnerships, in the alternative energy projects of Fu-Gen AG and Fu-Gen Assets 4 AB. Firm partners Micky Barnea, Ariella Dreyfuss, and Roy Engel advised on the NIS 1 billion investment.

April 14, 2022

Development Expenses Not Included in Property’s Purchase Value

The Israeli Supreme Court rejected the Israel Tax Authority’s position regarding the inclusion of development expenses in property values for tax purposes.