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March 12, 2024

Supreme Court Issues Important Ruling on Shareholder Disputes

Zohar Lande, Eran Winner, Lina Makhuli, and Chen Segal from our Litigation Department represented Panda, a private company embroiled in a shareholder dispute that caused a deadlock within its decision-making bodies. The dispute reached the Supreme Court, which issued an important and precedential ruling. The Court accepted the company’s position and outlined the proper manner for managing and resolving shareholder disputes, as well as rules of thumb for dealing with deadlocks in private companies. These included the option to classify a director in a private company as having a "negative personal interest" and even the possibility of not bringing a transaction for approval before the board’s general meeting.

March 11, 2024

Informal Agreements or a Binding Contract?

A new Israeli Supreme Court ruling redraws the boundaries for recognizing agreements and signals that informal agreements may also be legally binding.

March 11, 2024

Israel Innovation Authority: New Startup Fund “Boost for High-Tech”

The Israeli Innovation Authority hopes to encourage the growth of start-up companies with innovative technologies through the launch of new start-up funds, which will invest in Pre-Seed, Seed and Round A rounds.

March 7, 2024

Barnea: Representing Gencell in NIS 16 Million Lawsuit

Gal Livshits, Yatir Madar, and Liron Dahan from our firm’s Litigation Department are representing Gencell in a NIS 16 million lawsuit against the car importer EV Motors as well as Holon Motors. The suit alleges the defendants owe Gencell NIS 4.5 million for systems and equipment they purchased but did not pay for.

March 7, 2024

Barnea: Appointment of Four New Partners

We are pleased to announce the appointment of four new partners – Inbar Gorelick from the Corporate Department, Zohar Haim Levinger from the Litigation Department, Hani Shraier from the Kibbutz Sector Department, and Eran Elharar from the Capital Markets Department.

March 7, 2024

Regulation of Payment Services in Israel – Latest Developments

The Israel Securities Authority’s publications in recent months do not reflect the final version of the directives, but indicate the ISA’s approach when regulating payment services: setting out the licensing process and the licensing requirements, defining criteria for exemptions, technological requirements, safeguarding and protecting customers’ funds, examining service providers’ integrity, etc.

March 5, 2024

Copyright: US Court Rejects Some of the Claims against OpenAI

The subjects of copyright and the protection thereof are core issues for companies that use artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the agreements in place between different players in the economy and AI technology providers include provisions that protect such players against legal claims in relation to copyright

March 4, 2024

New Workplace Guidelines on Privacy Protection: Dr. Avishay Klein’s Guide for Employers Published on Mako

Israel’s Privacy Protection Authority has published new guidelines on the collection of biometric information in the workplace. In response, Dr. Avishay Klein, the head of our firm’s Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Department, has compiled a practical guide for employers on the subject The guide was published on Mako.

March 3, 2024

Israel Securities Authority: Oversight of Unsupervised Entities

In a paradoxical twist, the Israel Securities Authority also monitors unsupervised entities, to prevent them from exceeding their operational parameters without a license. Consequently, the ISA possesses the power to request documents and information from these entities, emphasizing the importance of responding honestly and comprehensively to such demands.

February 29, 2024

Fintech: Dr. Zvi Gabbay Lectured at Reichman University

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, lectured at Reichman University. In this lecture, he offered insights into the convergence of regulatory frameworks and fintech verticals, shedding light on how to navigate and comply with evolving regulatory conditions.

February 29, 2024

Israel Securities Authority: Diversifying SMEs’ Financing Channels

Small and medium-sized corporations are a central part of the Israeli economy’s growth engine and are considered major contributors to employment growth. The Israel Securities Authority is seeking to assist these businesses in diversifying their funding sources.

February 28, 2024

Barnea: Advising Tel Aviv University’s Student Exchange Program

Eyal Nachshon and Irit Brodsky, together with our firm’s administrative staff, is helping to guide Tel Aviv University’s student exchange program. As part of the program, the team met with Prof. Yishai Blank, the Dean of Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Law.

February 27, 2024

Micky Barnea Participated in Dun’s 100 Forum for Senior Legal Professionals

Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, participated in a forum for senior legal professionals hosted by Dun’s 100. Micky noted, “The legal reform was a distraction we got swept away by. The main point of the government’s reform was to say ‘we’re doing what we want’ and to undermine legal gatekeepers along the way.”

February 27, 2024

Environmental Aspects of M&A Transactions: Lecture by Sagi Gross

Sagi Gross, a partner in our firm, lectured at Bar-Ilan University as part of a course on environmental law. He discussed the environmental aspects of MA transactions

February 27, 2024

Municipal Elections – Netta Bromberg Interview with TheMarker

Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm’s Employment Department, was interviewed by TheMarker about the rights of employees on Israel’s municipal election day. Netta discussed why the day is considered a statutory holiday and what wages employees are entitled to if they do work.

February 26, 2024

US Regulatory Authorities Look to Increase Hedge Funds' Transparency and Stability

The new rules will require managers of large hedge funds to disclose additional information about their activities and strategies and provide more detail about their investments, including the countries and industries in which they are invested, leverage exposures, and more. As expected, fund managers are objecting, arguing that the new requirements will lead to superfluous information overload.

February 22, 2024

Risk to Israeli Entities Posed by International Sanctions – What Is the Exposure and What Are the Dangers?

The United States, the European Union, and other countries have been imposing economic sanctions on Israel for quite some time. The recent sanctions imposed on Israeli settlers suspected or convicted of committing violence against Palestinians may be a harbinger of a broad regime of sanctions that may affect business activities in Israel.

February 22, 2024

California Privacy Regulations Come into Effect

The court's decision to start enforcement proceedings, in addition to the provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) already being enforced, is expected to lead to a significant increase in enforcement against companies that fall in the scope of the CCPA.

February 21, 2024

International Law: Amichai Cohen Interviewed on "One a Day" Podcast

As an expert in international law, Professor Amichai Cohen, together with news correspondent Yaron Avraham, guest starred on Elad Simchayoff's "One a Day" podcast to discuss the sanctions imposed on Israeli settlers.

February 19, 2024

Court Takes Measures to Prevent Frivolous Class Actions

The Tel Aviv District Court recently reduced agreed settlements between respondents and petitioners in motions to certify class actions alleging website accessibility violations. It is thus signaling to serial petitioners that filing a motion to certify a class action is a last resort and that they must first complain to the website owner.