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February 19, 2024

Dutch Data Protection Authority Fines Uber

Uber’s insufficiently clear privacy protection policy and lack of transparency about the collection of personal information on its employees resulted in a heavy fine.

February 18, 2024

Arbitration Clauses in International Agreements

The new law brings clarity to issues of international arbitration and helps parties to an agreement reach decisions and wisely plan ahead for any possible commercial disputes.

February 15, 2024

Barnea: Hosting Conference for Female Entrepreneurs

Our firm hosted a Fem Fck Up Night conference in collaboration with NOGAFEM, aimed at female entrepreneurs. The event included, among others, lawyers Ariela Dreyfus and Inbar Goralik, who discussed how to avoid mistakes

February 15, 2024

Imputed Value on Usage of Company Car as Income during Swords of Iron War

As a rule, employers in Israel that provide company cars for their employees’ use must attribute income to those employees in accordance with the imputed value of the use of the car prescribed in the Income Tax Regulations. Moreover, even if the car was in the employee’s possession for only part of the month, employers must attribute income to the employees for the full imputed value of the use of the car. However, the Israel Tax Authority has issued new special instructions because of the Swords of Iron War.

February 14, 2024

Election day for Israeli local authorities and regional councils

Is election day for local authorities and regional councils in Israel considered a statutory holiday, who is entitled to overtime for working on that day, and what happens in the event of repeat elections? Questions and answers ahead of February 27.

February 14, 2024

New Collective Bargaining Agreement in Israel: Welfare of Employees Serving in IDF Reserves

The collective bargaining agreement signed between the Histadrut-General Federation of Labor in Israel and the Presidium of Israeli Business Organizations will come into effect only after an extension order is issued. The agreement regulates the rights of both employees serving in the reserves and their spouses, including the addition of paid vacation days and anchoring protections against dismissal

February 14, 2024

Guide to Working Parents’ Rights – Jacki Silbermann Interviewed by Israel Hayom

As an employment law expert, Jacki Silbermann was interviewed by Israel Hayom about the rights of working parents. With regard to shortened work days, Jacki noted, “There are special arrangements that entitle parents to shorter work days for a certain period of time.  In the absence of a workplace arrangement regarding shorter work days, and if an employee requests such to take care of his children, he must reach an agreement with his employer."

February 12, 2024

Payment of Wages to Private-Sector Employees in Israel

The payment of wages to private-sector employees in Israel who were absent from work due to the war will be regulated under a new collective bargaining agreement, subject to the issuance of an extension order governing its provisions. This arrangement will also apply to employees placed on unpaid leave due to the war.

February 7, 2024

Webinar: Agreements with Brokers

Our firm was hosted on a webinar of the Hedge Funds Association in which Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured the Association members on the important points that should be included in agreements with brokers.

February 1, 2024

Institutional Investors, Investment Funds, and ESG

The European regulations that apply to investment funds are expanding to cover ESG issues. Israeli institutional investors should familiarize themselves with the regulations and prepare for similar regulations in Israel.

February 1, 2024

Critique of Proposed Amendment to Real Estate Taxation Law – Terry Almozlino Arnon Interview with ICE

"The goals of the amendment are important, but this is not the way to achieve them." Terry spoke with ICE about the Ministry of Finance's plan to impose additional burdens on the market for investment apartment buyers with the hope to increase housing supply and reduce prices. "To invigorate the real estate market, specific incentives, such as mortgage benefits, should be implemented," Terry proposed instead.

January 29, 2024

Privacy and AI in Israel and worldwide: a look to 2024

2023 trends are expected to continue in 2024, including the constantly evolving regulation of AI tools and new privacy protection and data security issues, as well as attempts by Israeli and global authorities to keep up with the pace at which technology is evolving and changing the face of the business world.

January 25, 2024

Monopoly: Meta to Pay ILS 25 Million for Failing to Report Mergers

The high fine spares Meta an official determination by the Israel Competition Authority that it violated competition law by failing to report mergers, and serves as a “warning sign” to other international corporations that may not be sufficiently familiar with the obligation pursuant to Israeli law to report a merger if the company fulfills the monopoly criterion.

January 24, 2024

Barnea: Webinar on AI Vendor Vetting

Our firm hosted a webinar in collaboration with the Association of Corporate Counsel in Israel. Dr. Avishay Klein, head of our firm’s Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Department, addressed a number of points, including the possible risks in contracting with artificial intelligence providers.

January 24, 2024

Professor Amichai Cohen Publishes Series of Articles on Law.com

Professor Amichai Cohen, a special counsel on international law at our firm, has published a series of articles on Law.com about the Israel-Hamas war.

January 23, 2024

The SEC Approves ETFs That Track Bitcoin

The SEC approval has aroused considerable excitement, especially among people in the crypto and bitcoin industry. However, these are approvals of specific applications and not across-the-board approvals, and the SEC still considers this an unstable sector requiring investors to remain cautious.

January 22, 2024

Legal Guide for Implementing AI Tools in Organizations

While AI tools offer significant contributions to businesses, even non-technological ones, it's crucial to understand the potential exposures these tools may present. This guide emphasizes the importance of conducting examinations and implementing AI tools in a legal and transparent manner.

January 21, 2024

The Israeli food producer Osem is continuing to transfer intellectual property rights to Nestle

Yuval Lazi and Harel Perlmutter were interviewed by Globes about the transfer of Osem’s intellectual property rights to Nestlé. They explained how this transfer is likely to affect the State of Israel.

January 11, 2024

Victory for Metpro DMY as Court Rejects Petition Against Metro Project Tender Win

Advs. Shai Avnieli and Tal Shirizli represented Metpro in a judicial review petition brought by Metro Dan contesting the results of the tender published by NTA for management of the Gush Dan metro project. The court dismissed the claims against Metpro and the other successful bidders, admonishing the petitioner's behavior. The court further ordered Metro Dan to cover ILS 85,000 in expenses for each respondent.

January 9, 2024

Mediterranean Towers and Clal Insurance & Finance Establish Joint Venture

Mediterranean Towers and Clal Insurance Finance have signed an agreement to invest ILS 500 million for the establishment of a joint venture to locate and develop senior housing enterprises. The ILS 500 million will serve as the JV's equity capital, for up to ILS 3.3 billion in financing. Mediterranean Towers, a leader in senior housing complexes in Israel, will invest ILS 200 million in the joint venture and will own 51% of the rights and capital of the JV. Advs. David (Dudi) Cohen and Omri Oren represented Mediterranean Towers in the deal.