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February 25, 2019

Key Principles for Writing an Effective Website Privacy Policy

In order for a privacy policy to give you the legal protection you need, it should be written effectively. Here are a few key principles to keep in mind when writing a privacy policy for your website.

February 12, 2019

French Data Protection Regulator Fines Google for Violating the GDPR

Eight months after the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations came into force, the French regulator issued Google a EUR 50 million fine, the highest fine issued so far under the GDPR.

December 18, 2018

Event: What You Must Know for Your 2019 Website

We hosted today together with TitanBrandWise a seminar on how to optimize your website in 2019. 

November 27, 2018

Legislative Amendment Enables Filing Claims against Foreign Entities in Israel

A recently promulgated memorandum of law to amend judicial procedures proposes to add the possibility of filing claims against foreign entities in Israel for damage they caused in Israel as a result of acts or omissions performed outside of Israel.

November 22, 2018

Event Invite: What You Must Know for Your 2019 Website

Join Barnea and TitanBrandWise for a seminar on how to optimize your website in 2019. The event is geared for entrepreneurs, startups, and companies with e-commerce activities. Registration is required.

October 14, 2018

Officers’ Liability in “Spam” Lawsuits

It is not common knowledge that officers of companies who customarily disseminate advertising messages in a manner that constitutes a violation of the Israeli Anti-Spam Law are personally exposed to lawsuits, even to class actions at millions of shekels.

September 6, 2018

"Mechir Lamishtaken" Lottery Deemed Illegal

Our Head of the Internet Department, was interviewed by TheMarker about the lottery mechanism of the "Mechir Lamishtaken" plan. The mechanism was deemed illegal after it was discovered a permit was not obtained as required under Israel's Penal Code.

July 23, 2018

Competition in the Communications Market and Preventing Margin Squeeze

Recently, the Ministry of Communications ordered Bezeq to begin implementing a “wholesale market” and selling its competitors access to telephony infrastructure at a regulated price. The objective of this directive is to expand competition in the fixed-line telephone market and to establish a separation between the infrastructure market and the communications services being purchased by consumers.

July 5, 2018

Israel Supreme Court Precedent Allows Social Network Users to Sue in Israel

Israel's Supreme Court has handed down a precedent ruling whereby a legal dispute between a social network and its Israeli users will be adjudicated in the court in Israel, notwithstanding the fact that the social network's terms of use contain a jurisdiction stipulation vesting sole jurisdiction to the court in California.

June 25, 2018

The Role of GDPR in the World of Digital Advertising and Marketing

Our Head of the Internet Department lectured today on the new GDPR privacy regulation. He addressed digital, marketing, and information systems VPs who are members of the CDO Club.

May 28, 2018

GDPR – Why Should We Care about It?

The EUs General Data Protection Regulation is designed to help individuals better control their personal data. As this regulation applies also to those that offer products or services in the EU, major websites have begun updating their privacy policies to comply. Doing so is important for a number of reasons.

April 29, 2018

What Is the GDPR Revolution and How to Prepare for It?

Our Head of the firm's Internet Department, was interviewed by TheMarker about the introduction of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the way it will influence Israeli companies. He commented that a company looking to issue stocks, be sold to a European company, or raise an investment will increase its chances and value if it complies with GDPR.

April 23, 2018

Imposing Regulations on Online Technology Giants

Governments around the world say they are being pushed into creating regulatory frameworks to force tech giants to comply with laws. A regulatory net is closing in. And the types and effectiveness of these regulations and controls are set to evolve over the coming years.

April 9, 2018

Net Neutrality and Why It Should Matter to You

Net Neutrality represents the way that the internet has worked thus far. It is the principle that the internet service providers, such as Verizon, Comcast, and ATT, cannot discriminate or charge different amounts according to users, content, platform, application, equipment used, or methods of communication.

March 29, 2018

Facebook Scandal and Data Privacy Regulation

Our Head of Barnea's Internet Department, was interviewed on a financial TV program at the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation following Facebook's privacy scandal (starting at min' 13.55).

February 13, 2018

Oracle conference on the GDPR regulation

We were invited to speak today at the Oracle conference on the new EU privacy regulations (GDPR) and their legal implications for the organization.

January 18, 2018

Internet Taxation and Jurisdiction Authorities

Our head of our firm's Internet Department, lectured at Tel Aviv University to visiting American law students from the University of Virginia. The law students came to Israel for a course on the legal aspects of the "Startup Nation."

January 16, 2018

Increasing Competition and Reducing Inequality between Israeli and Foreign E-Commerce Websites

Online shopping websites not owned by Israelis, or whose owners have no registered representation in Israel (even if the website is offered in Hebrew), tend to enjoy a significant advantage over Israeli-owned websites. Namely, these foreign-owned websites operate according to the perception that they are not subject to the provisions of the Israeli Consumer Protection Law.

January 7, 2018

Pre-Paid Cards and the Online Gambling Industry: Illegal According to an Israeli District Court

An Israeli district court rejected an appeal lodged by a person who was involved in providing pre-paid cards used for the purpose of wagering with online gambling websites. The court ruled that such activity amounts to aiding and abetting illegal online gambling activities, as well as contravenes the Israeli Anti-Money Laundering Act.

December 31, 2017

Goodnight 2017…

It has certainly been an interesting 2017 in the Israeli Hi-Tech world, here is a rundown of 5 highlights, in case you missed them.