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March 26, 2024

GDPR – Company Fined for Improper Data Collection

The French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) fined a corporation for violation of the GDPR due to flaws in its personal data collection and user consent practices, even though the data was collected by a third party.

March 14, 2024

DSA: New European Digital Services Act for Online User Protection

Companies which distribute content online have been subject to the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) since February 2024, which obligates them to protect their users from offensive and illegal content, enable users to report such content, etc. The DSA applies to any company whose content is accessible to European audience, regardless of its country of incorporation or the identity of its owners.

June 5, 2023

The Guide to Avoiding Lawsuits Stemming from Sponsored Advertising

To avoid lawsuits, companies that decide to publish sponsored marketing content and collaborate with influencers should be aware of the limitations that apply to them, including Consumer Protection Law provisions. Anat Even-Chen provides practical tips in an article for Calcalist.

May 4, 2023

Barnea: Hosting AI & Regulation Conference

Our firm hosted the “AI Regulation" conference, with the participation of Gilad Samama, head of the Israel Privacy Protection Authority, and other senior officials. The conference was held in collaboration with the International Association of Privacy Experts (IAPP) and the Israel-America Chamber of Commerce. At the conference, Dr. Avishay Klein, head of our firm’s privacy, data protection and cyber practice, lectured on the regulation of artificial intelligence in Israel and around the world.  

April 18, 2023

Webinar: Implications of Digital Services Act

The recently enacted Digital Services Act is considered a major reform of services, content, and information in the digital sphere. It imposes new obligations on a wide variety of Israeli high-tech companies. Dr. Avishay Klein, head of our firm’s privacy and data protection practice, lectured as part of a webinar hosted by the In-House Counsels for In-House Counsels Organization about the new law and its practical aspects, including when and how companies should prepare.

March 5, 2023

Avishay Klein Invited to Speak at Global Intellectual Property ConfEx in Dubai

Avishay Klein, the head of our firm’s privacy and data protection practice, attended the Global Intellectual Property ConfEx in Dubai. Avishay spoke as part of a panel on IP data breaches, including preparing for cyber threats and dealing with cyber crises.  

February 15, 2023

Privacy: Avishay Klein Interviewed by N12 about New European Regulations

The entrance into force of the European GDPR in 2018 had an international impact, imposing a series of privacy restrictions on companies. Now, new privacy laws concerning fair conduct in the digital market and consumer protection are about to come into force. Their impact on companies looks to be dramatic. Dr. Avishay Klein elaborates in an interview with N12.

January 18, 2023

2022: Trends in Israeli and International Privacy Regulations

2022 saw significant regulatory developments in the field of privacy protection in Israel and throughout the world. These developments directly affect companies whose business activities in Israel and internationally involve the collection and processing of personal information.

January 9, 2023

Hosting Entrepreneurs from jumpTAU Accelerator

Our firm hosted entrepreneurs participating in the jumpTAU program of Tel Aviv University’s Entrepreneurship Center. In this framework, Yuval Lazi lectured on founders' agreement and financing startups, while Anat Even-Chen lectured on setting up a website and the privacy issues that entrepreneurs must address at the very beginning.

June 13, 2022

Doing Business in Israel: Fintech

International companies and individuals seeking to expand into a new area of business or expand their international business into Israel must understand the relevant legal landscape and how it may shape their operations. In this article, we will focus on international companies in the fintech sector considering offering services in Israel or to Israeli clients.

February 21, 2022

Website Accessibility - Legislation and its Meaning

Adv. Anat Even Chen and Adv. Eyal Nachshon, Partners at our office, lectured today at the website builders forum on the requirements and obligations of owners, site builders, and site operators given the obligation to access the degrees.  

February 17, 2022

Product Descriptions Are Also Copyright Protected

The Bat Yam Magistrate’s Court recently deliberated on the question of whether a product description is protected by copyright. The court ruled that a marketing text constitutes a copyrighted work, even if it includes a technical description of a product.

January 25, 2022

Dr. Avishay Klein Lectures on Privacy to Compliance Officer Training Course

Dr. Avishay Klein, who leads our firm’s privacy and data protection practice, gave a lecture to future compliance officers on privacy protection risks and the GDPR.

January 23, 2022

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Adapts Privacy Protection Laws

The draft bill is an important step toward achieving the objectives set by the Privacy Protection Authority and the government to increase privacy protection.

December 30, 2021

Privacy Protection Laws in Israel – Outlook for 2022

The legislation of privacy protection laws in Israel has shifted into high gear and is beginning to close the gap with legislation in Europe. A major step in this direction occurred about a month ago when the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a series of legislative amendments designed to adapt the Privacy Protection Law to the consumers, technologies, and trends of 2022.

October 31, 2021

Websites Roll Out November Deals – Tips for Safer Shopping Online

November brings with it a variety of online shopping deals and promotions. Before making a purchase, it is important to know which products are tax-exempt, which sites to buy from, and what warning lights should not be ignored. Adv. Karin Kashi, coordinator of our firm’s privacy practice, addresses the issue in an interview with Ynet.

June 20, 2021

Webinar: Cyber and Privacy in International Law

Bar-Ilan University's International Law Club Global Law Forum is hosting the webinar "Cyber and Privacy in International Law". As part of the webinar, Anat Even-Chen, a partner and the head of our firm's regulation practice, will discuss the international aspects of privacy and cyber security law.

March 24, 2021

Retail and Tech in a Post-COVID World

2020 marked a monumental shift in consumer behavior, with the retail industry particularly affected by the global spread of COVID-19. Between nationwide quarantines and the looming threat of disease, retailers had to adapt quickly to survive the forced seclusion and distancing. While some have been building their e-commerce brands and marketplaces for years, others were less prepared and were left to either sink or swim.

August 11, 2020

Using Open Source in Your Business? Beware the Fine Print

Open source code is written by developers and for developers. The concept behind open source is to allow access to many developers and promote collaboration between them.

August 3, 2020

Barnea Represented Azrieli Group in Launch of New Fashion Website

Azrieli Group and MGS have launched a retail website to sell fashion and footwear products. This is the first time Azrieli has set up a company together with a retailer. The deal was led by Sagi Gross.