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May 31, 2016

TAU Innovation Conference 2016

Barnea invites you to the TAU Innovation Conference 2016. The conference is the largest international innovation conference in the Middle East, with over 6,000 attendees from across the world. This includes entrepreneurs, industry leaders, diplomats, investors, and highly respected keynote speakers at educational and networking events. As Barnea is a participant in the event, our clients enjoy a 35% discount (Password:  TAUBarnea2016) As part of the event, Micky Barnea will participate in the IPO and exits panel, Yuval Lazi will participate in the fundraising panel and Yuval Lazi and Ariella Dreyfuss will be judges at the Tel Aviv StartUp Challenge competition.

May 30, 2016

Israeli Securities Authority: Binary Options are Un-Licensable

In the last year, the Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has been reviewing license applications submitted for obtaining an online own-account financial trading license. As part of this licensing process, the ISA is intermittently issuing press releases clarifying various issues relating to the scope of the licensing legislation.

May 29, 2016

Barnea & Co. Represents Hanan Mor Group

Barnea represents Hanan Mor Group, a public traded company, and other companies of the Hanan Mor Group, in a lawsuit filed against them by the contractor relating to a number of real-estate projects.  The contractor claimed damages and requested an order to prevent the forfeiture of bank guarantees. The court rejected the contractor 's request. The court also accepted in full the arguments raised by Barnea and criticized the conduct of the other party, pointing out that the version of the other side "raises questions". The court awarded Hanan Mor Group fees and costs in the amount of NIS 12,000.The Hanan Mor Group is represented by Adv. Zohar Lande, Adv. Itay Wigoda and Adv. Shachar Parnes from the Litigation Department at Barnea

May 24, 2016

Top 10 Mistakes Founders Make

Engaging in any business startup can be risky, and even more so when you are attempting to initiate a startup in the technology sector. Available risks cross both B2C and B2B vectors, and while the risk percentage can fluctuate between said vectors, it clearly illustrates the wide array of risks present for your technology startup. When these risks are combined with potential missteps by the founders of the technology startup, a perfect storm can be created that only terminates with the complete failure of the endeavor.

May 19, 2016

Minister Haim Katz questioned over insider trading allegations

Following the suspicions that Likud minister, Haim Katz, used insider information for financial gain, Dr. Zvi Gabbay was interviewed by Reshet B Radio station, at London Kirshenbaum, a current affairs news show on Israeli Channel 10, and by Globes. 

May 18, 2016

Tel Aviv University nabs $50m donation

Simon Jaffa Adv. and Ariella Dreyfuss Adv. represented The Jeremy Coller Foundation in its donation of up to USD 50 million to the Tel Aviv University for its School of Management.

May 17, 2016

Micky Barnea will lecture on investment agreements

Micky Barnea will deliver a lecture to entrepreneurs tonight at TRI/O (Tech Entrepreneurship Hub) at Kfar Quasim, on investment agreements. TRI/O is a collaboration of three entities:  Tsofen, an Arab-Jewish organization promoting the integration of Israel’s Arab citizens into the hi-tech industry, MIT Enterprise Forum and MEPI - Middle East Partnership Initiative , a USA fund that offers assistance, training, and support to groups and individuals striving to create positive change in Israeli society.

May 17, 2016

Tax treaty between Israel and Germany

On 21 August 2014 a new tax treaty between Israel and Germany was signed. The new treaty, which is based mainly on the model tax treaty of the OECD, introduces a number of favorable amendments (for the taxpayer) and improvements. 

May 16, 2016


Entrepreneurs, you are creative and innovative, but when raising financing it is ok to follow the norm. There is no need to try and reinvent the wheel. Standard also works. I would even argue that from an investment perspective it is superior.

May 11, 2016

China-Israel Relations: What You Need to Know

China has a long-held reputation in the international community for being closed off from outsiders — a reputation that it cultivated for thousands of years. In recent decades, however, this past custom has rapidly been changing and China has become a world leader in manufacturing and production, leveraging a large population and an immense technological skill base. Today China is pushing for more growth, looking to drive innovation to launch its economy into the future. This has led to a trend of opening up to the world, and in keeping with that trend, China has begun to reach out to Israel.

May 10, 2016

Google Campus Startup School: Legal

Yuval Lazi will lecture (May 16, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM) at the Google Campus Startup School for entrepreneurs on 10 Annoying Legal Mistakes of Early Stage Start Ups as well as the advantages of Founders' Agreements. Google Campus is part of a global network including Campus Tel Aviv and Campus London.

May 8, 2016

Things you need to know about stock options

How  options are being used as a tool to solve the problem for start-ups of recruiting, remunerating, incentivizing and retaining quality employees. Daniel Lorber, head of the firm’s Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation team,  published an article in the IDC Legal Clinic for Start-ups website. In the article, Daniel  reviews the basic concepts of options and discusses how to adopt a stock option plan and the possible routes  available for the company.

May 3, 2016

5 Myths About Renewable Energy

Sources of renewable energy include, among others, wind energy, solar energy, and hydroelectric energy. With different groups fighting to maintain or increase their relevance on the world energy stage, many myths about these energy sources pervade our understanding of how, and how well, they work. Five myths in particular emerge consistently, and should be overcome for you to better understand how the world is powered.

May 3, 2016

Barnea & Co. represented Azrieli Group

Barnea represented Azrieli Group in its acquisition of the eCommerce platform and activities of Buy 2 Networks Inc., a public company traded on the TASE. The acquired platform and activities  provide an eCommerce platform for consumers to purchase a wide range of products. The acquisition price is NIS 70 million. Azrieli was represented by Micky Barnea.

May 2, 2016

Securities and Exchange Commission's Staff Position - Trading Fraud - Has the Ship Sailed?

An article by Adv. Zvi Gabbay that critiques the Israeli SEC's staff position paper it issued and which details actions which may be considered as "Trading Fraud". A short comparative review which was mentioned in the article indicates that the Israeli SEC’s staff position paper is problematic, hence it does not provide clear guidelines to the players involved in trading. Similar positions issued in other countries lean towards providing guiding principles, as opposed to a detailed specific list of actions, as indicating fraudulent trading.

April 26, 2016

The initiative to limit executive salaries could drive away Israeli high-tech companies

The high-tech sector is concerned about the impending passing of legislation which would effectively further restrict the salaries payable to executives in the financial sector. The concern is that this legislation could be extended to apply all types of listed companies , including Israeli high-tech companies listed on venture capital markets abroad. Micky Barnea, as an experienced lawyer in the high-tech field, was interviewed by TheMarker

April 25, 2016

Barnea & Co. represented East and West Stores Ltd

Barnea represented East and West Stores Ltd, a leading importer of foods into Israel from the Far East,  in a dispute concerning the use of the trade name "East and West" and its trademarks. Following an appeal to the Supreme Court filed by our litigation department,  the ruling made against the Company by the District Court ,which prohibited the Company from using the trade name "East and West" in some markets, was reversed (our firm was not involved in the District Court action). The Supreme Court  also reversed the contempt of court ruling issued against the Company. East and West Stores Ltd. was represented by Adv. Zohar Lande and Adv. Itai Wigoda. Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld assisted on the commercial aspects.

April 21, 2016

Barnea & Co.- one of the most decorated offices according to TheMarker

In an article on the best decorated offices, The Marker Real Estate magazine chose Barnea as having one of the most beautiful law firm offices.

April 20, 2016

5 Steps to Increase Sales for Commerce Sites

E-Commerce sites of both B2C and B2B oriented businesses still remain a positive growth vector across many industries and concerns. This will continue as more and more locations are provided with access to the Internet and as the bandwidth available correspondingly increases. However, the rising traffic is only one small factor in increasing overall e-commerce sales.

April 18, 2016

Dr. Zvi Gabbay and his team are joining Barnea & Co.

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, who was previously head of administrative enforcement at the Israel Securities Authority, will be joining our firm with five lawyers from his team. Micky Barnea commented to Globes regarding this expansion "together we create integrated capabilities that can handle a variety of challenges that the world of public companies and financial regulation present".