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April 17, 2016

Adv. Yuval Lazi to represent Barnea as a judge on "Demo Day"

Adv. Yuval Lazi will participate tomorrow as a judge at the final event of the Startau elite entrepreneurship program "demo day". This program is a unique acceleration program intended for young entrepreneurs, whose involvement in the program commences at concept stage. The program gives these young entrepreneurs the tools and knowledge to advance the concept to the point where it is ready for investment within three months. Among the judges will be Samsung Venture Invesment, Krypton Venture Capital and Deutsce Telekom.

April 12, 2016

A New Guidelines Issued by the Israeli Tax Authority

The Israeli newspaper TheMarker interviewed our head of internet department, to discuss the new guidelines issued by the Israeli Tax Authority, according to which shall begin collecting  VAT and income taxes from foreign companies which conduct substantial business over the internet in Israel, such as Facebook and Google.

April 12, 2016

Legal Business: Israel 2016

The Legal Business magazine has dedicated its April edition to Israel, with a focus on current topics and trends in the country. Simon Jaffa was interviewed regarding Israel's high- tech industry.

April 12, 2016

Taxation of E-commerce: Israeli Tax Authority Issues New Circular

A few weeks ago, the ITA published a new circular which provides guidelines for the taxation of foreign corporate entities operating in Israel via the internet

April 11, 2016

China's Fosun to buy Dead Sea cosmetics

Yesterday, the signing ceremony of the Share Purchase Agreement for the sale of Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories Ltd. to Fosun (China), for approximately NIS 290 million, was held in Jerusalem. Micky Barnea, Ariella Dreyfuss and Itay Gura from our firm represented Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem, one of the selling shareholders.

April 10, 2016

Angel Investor – Important Factors to Ensure Your Money Is Best Invested

Israel is brimming with high tech ideas and you want to be part of the action, one way to do so is by providing a start-up with early seed money. But you need to protect your investment.

April 6, 2016

The watershed of the purchasing group- Interview with Ariel Nadler

A conversation with Ariel Nadler regarding purchasing groups and the pros and cons thereof.

April 5, 2016

Must-Have Legal Checklist for Startups

Building a startup company takes vision and great ideas. But before you can get up and running, it also requires legal understanding and planning. Startups need to go through steps to protect the owners and the organization. Before you start doing business, make sure you have worked through these preliminary steps.

April 3, 2016

Yuval Lazi to participate in the student entrepreneurship program

As an expert in advising entrepreneurs, Yuval Lazi will be a mentor in an evening event involving 40 participants in the student entrepreneurship program at the University of Tel Aviv. The event will be held on Tuesday 05/04/16 at 6pm at Tel Aviv University

April 1, 2016

Enforcement Agreement - Is Any Confession Required?

An article by Adv. Zvi Gabbay that examines the willingness of the Israeli SEC to sign an enforcement agreement without a confession with regards to the offence by a violator and without such violator taking responsibility for such offence. Additionally, the article states that comparing the administrative enforcement with the criteria of criminal enforcement would not necessarily be overlapping, and one not should expect a correlation between them. Moreover, the article compares both the Israeli enforcement agreement policy and the United States enforcement agreement policy. The conclusion is that enforcement agreements without confession are not illegitimate and the intervention in the SEC's judgement will be acceptable only when there is a fundamental flaw in the enforcement agreement. 

March 27, 2016

From a Start-Up Nation to a Cyber Security Nation: The Evolution of Israel as a Security Leader

Most people who think about leading global players in online security concerns think big: the United States, China, and Russia. Quietly, though, Israel has emerged as a world leader in this area. Known as “Start-up Nation” since the release of Dan Senor and Saul Singer’s 2009 book of the same title, Israel has created a culture of technological development and growth. It promotes learning and understanding in technology, both culturally and through its recruitment of top minds in service to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), resulting in a country continually pushing the technological curve forward.

March 27, 2016

Barnea & Co. represented Continuity Software

Barnea represented Continuity Software in a transaction for the sale of the company to Kedma Capital for an amount of NIS 160 million. Continuity Software is the leading provider of service availability risk management solutions. Representing Continuity Software- Adv. Micky Barnea and Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss. Adv. Yuval Lazi represented Kedma Capital.

March 22, 2016

Algorithmic Trading - An article by Moran Bickel

In recent months the ISA has  stopped the activity of many algo-trading companies, because their businesses constitute investment portfolio management without a license required by law. In an opinion article in Bizportal,  Adv. Moran Bickel argues that the ISA should create a specific regulatory system in order to assess algo- trading companies.

March 22, 2016

The Israel Securities Authority bans binary options

In a letter circulated yesterday to companies engaged in the binary options industry, ISA informed these companies that it has decided to completely halt binary option trading in Israel. 

March 20, 2016

How Can Share Options Help To Grow Your Start Up?

March 20, 2016

Latest changes in the process of hiring interns at law firms

In an opinion article in Calcalist Magazine by Adv.  Zohar Lande, Partner and Head of the Litigation Department in our office, he  discussed the latest changes in the process of hiring interns at law firms. According to Zohar, despite shortcoming in these changes, regulatory intervention is necessary.

March 17, 2016

Every country in crisis is an opportunity for invesotrs?

Adv. Gal Oren was interviewed by the prominent Israeli business newspaper, Globes, for an article regarding  the financial opportunities to be found in countries suffering economic crises.

March 15, 2016

Israel Broadens Definition of Accredited Investor

The prestigious Bloomberg BNA’s World Securities Law Report published  an article by Ron Shuhatovich discussing the recent order of the ISA regarding the accredited investor definition.

March 14, 2016

Israeli VAT Taxation of Inbound e-Commerce and Digital Services

Yesterday the Israeli Ministry of Finance opened a consultation process in respect of draft legislation aimed at amending the Israeli VAT legislation, introducing VAT liability on out of state e-commerce and digital services providers that provide electronic and digital products and services into Israel. This, even if such providers do not have any place of business in Israel.

March 10, 2016

Non Israéliens – 10 conseils essentiels pour acheter un bien immobilier en Israel

L’acquisition d’un bien immobilier est généralement l’une des décisions les plus cruciales, onéreuses et importantes de votre vie. Cela est d’autant plus vrai lorsqu’il s’agit de l’acquisition d’une propriété située à l’étranger. Nous avons dressé une liste contenant 10 conseils primordiaux afin de vous aider à y parvenir comme il se doit