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Summary of the Most Significant Legal Rulings in Real Estate for the Jewish Year

The Real Estate Center interviewed the leading legal experts in the real estate field, including Adv. Terry Almozlino-Arnon, head of our Real Estate Department, regarding the most significant rulings of the year in planning, construction, and urban renewal. Terry highlighted a Supreme Court ruling focused on contracts made with apparent intentions and the Court’s zero-tolerance stance towards such conduct.

Categories: Real Estate

Appeal Rejected – Coca-Cola Expected to Pay Hundreds of Millions of NIS to the State

Adv. Hanna Daher, a partner in our firm’s Tax Department, describes in an op-ed for N12 the precedent set by the court's ruling in the Coca-Cola case. Hanna notes that this decision could prompt Israeli companies to reassess their agreements and contractual arrangements with foreign entities.

Categories: Tax

Interview with Eyal Nachshon: When should you sue the airline in a class action?

Eyal Nachshon, an expert in class actions, was interviewed by Globes following the recent rise in motions to certify class action, mainly due to the escalation in the security situation. Among other things, Eyal noted: "Nowadays, people tend to rush to file lawsuits in order to be first in line, but it’s important to stop and consider whether this is the right legal tool for their specific case."

Categories: Class Actions | Litigation

Webinar: Payment Services Law – More Relevant Than You Thought

Our firm hosted a webinar in collaboration with the GCS organization for legal advisors, focusing on the Payment Services Law. The webinar was designed for legal advisors in companies within the financial and service sectors. Presenting at the event were our lawyers, Zvi Gabbay and Anat Even-Chen, along with CPA Julie Raboy, who delivered a lecture on the technological adjustments required in light of the law.

Categories: Financial Regulation | Regulation

Minimal purchase tax: the upcoming taxation decision that will affect real estate investors - an interview for Globes by Terry Almozlino Arnon

The minimum purchase tax for real estate investors is expected to decrease automatically by the end of the year unless the government decides otherwise. Adv. Terry Almozlino Arnon, was interviewed on this matter by Globes and noted, amongst other things, that "This is not a market that can wait for January. In the last two years, we have experienced as effects in the real estate market - the increase in interest rates, the legal reform, the Swords of Iron war and the general uncertainty that has prevailed here."

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Taxation

Dr. Avishay Klein in TheMarker on the importance of implementing an AI policy in public companies

As an expert in the field of artificial intelligence, Dr. Avishai Klein referred to the need for public companies to formulate an artificial intelligence policy. As per his advice, companies with a clear policy, transparent reporting, human supervision and proper management, can retrieve the most out of those technologies, increase the trust of investors and customers, and reduce risk.

Categories: AI Regulation | Privacy Law

Barnea: Representing Daily.dev – Top 21 Startups in Israel

Proud to represent daily.dev  - entrepreneur selected as one of the 21 most promising startups of 2024 by N12 in collaboration with the IVC.

Categories: Start Ups

Barnea: Representation of Qualtero in an acquisition transaction amounting to over 30 million US dollars.

Advs. Yuval Lazi and Nofer Rose David represented Qualtero – a company specializing in IT and consulting services - in its acquisition by Comply365 for over 30 million US dollars.

Categories: Corporate

Barnea: Representing the Aviv Group in an Administrative Petition

Zohar Lande, Adi Shoham, Shay Bello, and Anna Elenport are representing the Aviv Group in an administrative petition against the Herzliya Municipality. The petition was filed after the municipality undertook to approve a development plan for land within a year, a condition precedent to the transfer of the land to Aviv. The municipality however, has yet to review the plan. The Aviv Group is currently bearing the financial cost – whereas the construction is not expected to start any time soon.

Categories: Litigation

Naveh - Mandelblit Case: Searching Computer Materials and the Treatment of Suspects' Rights

In an op-ed for Calcalist, Shir Rozenzweig addresses the rights of suspects and the lack of oversight of investigative authorities concerning searches made on computer devices.

Categories: White Collar

Real Estate Taxation: Tax Aspects in Realizing Real Estate Rights

Maya Carmi Lubartovsky, head of our firm’s real estate taxation practice , participated in another episode of the ACC Podcast Series in collaboration with The new episode covers tax aspects of cash transactions, combination transactions, construction services transactions, the tax advantages and disadvantages of different transaction structures, etcetera.

Categories: Real Estate Taxation | Real Estate Taxation | Tax

Real Estate Taxation: Key Things to Know When Conducting a Real Estate Transaction in Israel

As an expert in the field of real estate taxation, Adv. Maya Carmi from our firm, is a guest on the ACC podcast series, providing clarity on all aspects related to real estate taxation. The first two podcasts which were uploaded yesterday, focus on capital gains tax and purchase tax.

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Taxation | Real Estate Taxation | Tax

Representation of Bank Hapoalim in a class action filed against it

Eyal Nachshon, Zohar Haim Levinger and Anna Elenport represented Bank Hapoalim in a class action lawsuit filed by the Association of Representatives of Society and the Environment. In the application for the class action, it is claimed that the bank charges excessive exchange fees when converting monies in foreign currency. The court rejected the application out of hand and stated that the submission of the application constitutes conduct in bad faith and misuse of a legal process.

Categories: Class Actions | Litigation

Singapore-based Prytek acquires TipRanks at USD 200 million valuation

Advs. Ariella Dreyfuss and Rahaf Awawdi represented TipRanks in a transaction whereby Prytek acquired an additional 40% stake in TipTanks, becoming its controlling shareholder. In 2021, TipRanks raised $77 million, partially through a secondary offering led by Prytek. This transaction was also handled by the firm, with Adv. Hanna Daher assisting in all tax aspects.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Mergers and Acquisitions | Tax

Barnea: Adjudication of the Entrepreneurship Program at Tel Aviv University

Our firm is the legal partner of the Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center, providing support for various programs, including the "Entrepreneurs on Campus" program, which is designed for female students pursuing a second degree or higher for purposes of developing a startup. Yesterday, the program's Pitch Night took place, in which the entrepreneurs presented their ventures. Adv. Inbar Katzir, who supports early-stage startups, served as a judge at the event's finale

Categories: Corporate

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Lectures to Corporate Secretariat Course at BDO Academy

Dr. Zvi Gabay, the head of our firm's Capital Markets Department, delivered an introductory lecture to a corporate secretariat course at BDO Academy. The lecture focused on topics such as defining the role of the corporate secretariat, its importance to the organization, getting to know board directors, case law analysis, and corporate governance.

Categories: Capital Markets

Barnea: Representing Trivago in an Investment in the Israeli Startup Holisto

Our firm represented Trivago, a leading global hotel search platform, in its strategic investment and call option to acquire Holisto, an Israeli AI-driven travel tech platform that serves as a hotel rate aggregator and white-label booking engine provider. Ariella Dreyfuss and Dean Weinberg represented Trivago.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Investments | Mergers and Acquisitions

Podcast: The Payment Services Revolution

Anat Even-Chen, who heads the Regulatory Practice at the firm, was a guest on the BDO Business Talk podcast. During her interview, she discussed payment services, the new regulatory requirements, and their impact on the financial industry.

Categories: Regulation

International Bar Association: Ariella Dreyfuss on Acquiring Startups

Partner Ariella Dreyfuss spoke on an IBA webinar about the key legal considerations of acquiring startups and early-stage companies in India.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Mergers and Acquisitions | Start Ups

Entrepreneurship: Tal Freilich Hai Lectured at Tel Aviv University's Entrepreneurship Center

Tal Freilich Hai spoke to participants of Tel Aviv University's "Yazamiyot - Female Entrepreneurs on Campus" program about core legal concepts in the world of entrepreneurship and startups.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Start Ups