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November 25, 2021

Representing Mouro Capital in Investment in Vesttoo

We represented Mouro Capital in its USD 8 million equity investment in the Israeli tech insurance startup Vesttoo, as part of its role as the lead investor in the company's USD 16 million Series B round. Ariella Dreyfuss represented Mouro Capital in the deal.

November 18, 2021

Representing NickNack in Sale to Papaya Global

Yuval Lazi, Itay Gura, and Inbar Katzir represented the Israeli startup NickNack in its sale to Papaya Global Ltd., a private Israeli company that provides payroll and human resource management computing services to multinational corporations. NickNack is developing a platform that fosters team engagement and togetherness for organizations working remotely.

September 29, 2021

Representing Niio in Strategic Partnership and Financing Agreement with Samsung

Our office has served as legal counsel for Niio, a unique digital art platform, since its establishment. The startup recently completed a USD 15 million fundraising round. Firm partners Simon Jaffa and Ariella Dreyfuss also represented Niio in a strategic partnership and financing agreement with Samsung Display, which will exhibit on hundreds of its frames the digital artwork Niio offers.

August 11, 2021

Calcalist Interview – Reason for Years-Long Drop in Establishment of New Tech Ventures

According to data from the Israel Innovation Authority, since 2014, when 1,404 new startups were formed, there has been a steady decline in the establishment of new startups. For instance, in 2020, only 520 startups were formed. Firm partner Yuval Lazi, an expert in the high-tech field, addresses the phenomenon and analyzes the data in an interview with Calcalist on the subject.

August 11, 2021

Webinar with IBM — Growth Tools for Infant Startups

Barnea is hosting today in collaboration with IBM a webinar on the technological and business challenges that startups in their infancy stages should pay attention to. As part of the webinar, firm partner Yuval Lazi will discuss the business and legal aspects that exist along the way. He will provide participants with tools on how to get their startups on the right path to success.

July 18, 2021

Expert Panel: Challenges of Entering the US Market

Firm partner Daniel Lorber, who specializes in high-tech and startups, will participate in an expert panel on the challenges of entering the US market. This subject is particularly relevant for young startups who have found such a move difficult.

July 1, 2021

Options to Buy Shares in a Company – Important Things to Know

Offering options to buy a company’s shares has become a legitimate benefit even for companies not in the high-tech field. As an expert in the field, firm partner Daniel Lorber was interviewed by Globes on what it means to receive options in a company.

May 26, 2021

Basic concepts in the world of entrepreneurship

Tal Freilich lectured as part of a program for novice female entrepreneurs at the Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center, which aims to provide a set of tools to female entrepreneurs at the beginning of their careers. Tal lectured on some of the most important basic concepts in the world of entrepreneurship.

May 15, 2021

Representing Migdal in NIS Millions Investment in Behalf

Our firm represented Migdal in a financing round worth millions of shekels in Behalf, a startup that provides alternative financing solutions to B2B companies. The client was represented by Micky Barnea, Ariella Dreyfuss, and Daniel Arbov.

May 5, 2021

Five-Session Workshop with Unit 669 Alumni

Together with the Black Cat Family, an organization for the alumni of the IDF’s combat search and rescue extraction unit, we launched a five-session workshop to provide basic legal tools for entrepreneurs. As part of the sessions, we lectured on founders’ agreements. We also lectured on the employee hiring process, and on how to build the right tax structure.

May 4, 2021

A Startup’s First Steps

Ariella Dreyfuss lectured to early-stage Israeli and Palestinian entrepreneurs as part of the 50:50 Startups tech accelerator in Jerusalem.

April 11, 2021

Representing a Project Management Startup in a NIS Millions Financing Round

Our firm represented IMGN, a startup in the project management field, in a financing round worth millions of shekels.

January 17, 2021

The Secrets of Successful Fundraising

Ariella Dreyfuss lectured today to a group of Israeli medtech startups participating in the Hadassah Accelerator (powered by IBM Alpha Zone). The lecture was on the secrets behind fundraising. 

January 5, 2021

Important Agreements for Setting Up a Startup

Yuval Lazi lectured this morning on founders' and investors' agreements as part of the "From Project to Startup" course at Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Engineering. During the course, students establish and develop a technology startup, with mentors and leading industry professionals guiding them throughout the project. Yuval serves as one of the mentors in the course.

September 24, 2020

Ariella Dreyfuss to Serve as Judge for IBM Alpha Zone Pitch Day

The IBM Accelerator Pitch Day will be held today. As part of the event, entrepreneurs will present their ideas to a panel of experts. Ariella Dreyfuss will serve on the judges' panel at the event

June 8, 2020

CardiacSense Signs USD 32M Deal to Sell Watches in India

Our firm serves as counsel for Cardiac Sense, a startup that developed a medical watch for remote patient vital signs monitoring and detection of fever and chronic diseases. We represent the startup in all legal matters. Recently, we assisted the company in an over USD 30 million agreement to supply medical watches for use in hospitals in India.

May 20, 2020

First Steps for Startups: Ariella Dreyfuss Lectures at Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss lectured today on founders' agreements and raising initial funding to Faculty of Business and Management students from Ben Gurion University’s Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship Innovation.

May 11, 2020

The Legal Aspects of Building a Startup

As part of our close relationship with AtoB, a professional accelerator in Jerusalem operated by the Azrieli College of Engineering, Yuval Lazi was invited today to discuss with early-stage entrepreneurs the legal aspects of building a startup. For more information, feel free to contact us.

March 31, 2020

Jump TAU Jewish-Arab Accelerator Program Demo Day

Yuval Lazi participated today in the demo day of the Jump TAU Jewish-Arab Accelerator Program. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the meeting took place online.

March 8, 2020

Ariella Dreyfuss Featured in Article on the Femtech Market

2019 was a record year for femtech (female technology), a term generally applied to a category of software, diagnostics, products, and services that use technology to focus on women’s health. As this is one of the most growing markets in recent years, Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss was asked by Start-Up Nation Central to discuss the challenges and potential in the market. In an interview, Ariella commented that "femtech is essentially a palatable term, a euphemism, to describe tech products and services in the field of female health: digital health apps, consumer health tech products, and medical devices that address menstruation, menopause, fertility, breastfeeding, incontinence, contraception, and female cancers.”