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Insights & News / Liav Shapira
Significant Shift in the Israeli Privacy Protection Authority’s Definition of Consent
The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority has issued a new statement introducing a significant change in the interpretation of the law and in the required methods for obtaining consent to the collection and processing of personal data. While the dry wording of the law enabled reliance on tacit or tacit consent, the PPA now clarifies that explicit, informed and free consent must be prioritized.
Expansion of Privacy Protection Regulations regarding data from the EEA
As of January 1, 2025, the Israeli Privacy Protection Regulations (Instructions for data being transferred to Israel from the European Economic Area) will also apply to data being stored or processed in Israel or in other countries, such as the US and the UK, if these databases also contain data transferred from Europe. In other words, this means that as soon as a database in Israel or another country also contains personal information transferred from Europe, all data in the database must comply with the regulations’ requirements – not just the data that came from Europe, but also the local data or data that came from other countries.