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Insights & News / Shir Rozenzweig

Significant Sanctions: Anti-Money Laundering Obligations in Israel

The Israel Securities Authority is tightening enforcement on companies, especially in the cryptographic assets sector, and is scrutinizing companies’ anti-money laundering procedures and policies and their implementation.

DSA: New European Digital Services Act for Online User Protection

Companies which distribute content online have been subject to the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) since February 2024, which obligates them to protect their users from offensive and illegal content, enable users to report such content, etc. The DSA applies to any company whose content is accessible to European audience, regardless of its country of incorporation or the identity of its owners.

SEC vs. Philips: Expansion of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The SEC is expanding the application of US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act provisions. It is commencing law enforcement proceedings against non-American companies operating outside the United States and against actions that merely raise concerns of acts of corruption. Companies with international operations must familiarize themselves with the FCPA’s provisions and prepare accordingly.

Cooperating May Credit Corporations with Leniency in Enforcement

Law enforcement authorities in the United States are adopting a policy of lenient law enforcement measures against corporations that cooperate during investigations, document their activities, and implement compliance programs. This policy also applies to Israeli companies operating in the United States.

Global Trends in Law Enforcement against Corruption Crimes

Corruption crimes and other economic offenses are being tackled more stringently in the global arena, but it appears the Israeli government’s wave of legislation could catapult it outside the global trend, and thus subject Israeli entities and individuals to international enforcement.

Representing Amir Birman before Supreme Court

Advs. Hadar Israeli, Eran Elharar, and Shir Rozenzweig represented Amir Birman, one of the directors of Keren Or, in a sentencing appeal. The Supreme Court significantly reduced his sentence and granted him permission to appeal to Israel’s President for a pardon.


Categories: Litigation | White Collar

NSO Affair and Supreme Court OK for Search of Netanyahu’s Aides’ Phones – Op-Ed by Shir Rozenzweig

Two recent major cases have involved privacy matters. One is the Israel Police’s alleged use of NSO’s Pegasus software to hack into civilians’ phones. The other is a Supreme Court verdict allowing police to search the phones of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s aides. With these cases in the headlines, N12 has published an op-ed by Shir Rozenzweig discussing our right to privacy of the information found on our smartphones and computers.

Categories: Privacy Law | White Collar

Right to Privacy when Issuing Search Warrants of Computers and Cellular Devices

In an expanded panel of nine justices, Israeli Supreme Court prescribed a set of rules concerning procedures and judicial discretion on the granting of search warrants of computers and cellular devices as part of an investigation. 

Representation in Defamation Lawsuit against Channel 13 and Guy Lerer

We are representing the singer Eyal Golan in a NIS 1 million defamation lawsuit against Channel 13 and journalist Guy Lerer, the host of TV program Hazinor, following an investigative article that dealt with the marketing of agricultural land by a company owned by Golan. Adv. Dror Arad-Ayalon and Adv. Shir Rozenzweig are providing representation in the matter. They argued in the statement of claim that Golan's company is not connected to the allegations presented in the article and that Golan and his company are not involved in the marketing process whatsoever.

Categories: Litigation

The Ultimate Guide to eDiscovery

This has opened the door to an era of massive discovery of thousands different kinds of documents of between the parties (Word documents, PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, emails, photos, and audio files), which was uncommon in the days of paper and binders.

An Opportunity for Regulators

The Israel Securities Authority's current enforcement policy forces officers and companies that have acted in good faith to prove as much in an administrative enforcement proceeding. Check out an opinion article by Dr. Zvi Gabbay and Shir Rozenzweig published in TheMarker about how regulators can adjust this policy.

Categories: Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Regulation

The Offense of Bribery

What is the definition of bribery in Israeli law and what are the maximum penalties for it?

Taking Testimony in Israel for Criminal Trials in the United States

Recently, United States federal courts have been more frequently approving the extra-territorial collection of testimony for use in criminal trials to be held in the United States. While the collection of such testimony for civil proceedings held in US courts is already commonplace, until now it has been a very rare occurrence in criminal proceedings.