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March 29, 2017

Barnea & Co. Represented Viola Private Equity in an Investment in Similar Web

Barnea represented Viola Private Equity in an investment of USD 50 million in Similar Web, a leading digital market intelligence platform that provides insights for websites and applications.

April 3, 2017

Barnea Event: Startups in Artificial Intelligence

Barnea, together with the patent firm, Ehrlich Fenster, will host today a seminar geared towards entrepreneurs who are launching an AI startup. Adv. Micky Barnea, will lecture on the legal and governance implications of AI.

March 26, 2017

Adv. Yuval Lazi Interviewed by the Blog 'Talks about Entrepreneurship' on Founders Agreements

Adv. Yuval Lazi, Partner at Barnea, interviewed by the blog 'Talks about Entrepreneurship' discussed the importance of Founders Agreements. Yuval discussed the risk of failure to make a founding agreement, in regard to how much it costs and how long the process takes.

February 23, 2017

Adv. Itay Gura to lecture at the Startau Entrepreneurship Course

Adv. Itay Gura will lecture today on the topic of founders agreements at 'Ignition' - the Entrepreneurship Course of Startau, Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center.

February 2, 2017

Tamid IDC Pitch Event

Adv. Yuval Lazi, Partner in the Technology Department at Barnea, participated as a judge at Tamid's Pitch Event. Tamid is part of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya program that connects American students with the Israeli economic landscape.

February 2, 2017

AtoBe – Azrieli College of Engineering Startup Accelerator

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of the Tax Department at Barnea, lectured today on taxation of startups at the AtoBe – Azrieli College of Engineering Startup Accelerator.

February 5, 2017

Considering Bitcoin an Asset Could Set Back Usage in Israel

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of the Tax Department at Barnea, was interviewed by Bitcoin.com regarding the Israeli Tax Authority’s (ITA) draft on digital currencies. Harel commented that the draft circular is a declaration of intent from the ITA and at this stage no draft legislation has been published.

January 25, 2017

Barnea & Co. hosted a delegation from Singapore

Barnea hosted this week a delegation from Singapore which was invited to Israel by Startau, Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center. The delegation held a series of meetings with leaders of the technological and entrepreneurial environment in Israel.

January 12, 2017

The Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda Young Entrepreneurs Skills Day

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, Partner at Barnea, gave a lecture on the Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship at the Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda  Young Entrepreneurs Skills Day.

January 8, 2017

Mentoring Startups and Entrepreneurs at the Technological Incubator TechCode

Adv. Yuval Lazi, Partner at the Technology Department in Barnea will give business and legal mentoring for start-ups and entrepreneurs at the technological incubator TechCode. Chinese Techcode is a chain of international incubators for start-ups, which assist companies looking to access the Chinese market.

January 3, 2017

Micky Barnea will give a lecture to MBA students in the course "From Idea to Start-up" at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Adv. Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, will give a lecture today to MBA students in the course "From Idea to Start-up" at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The lecture will focus on legal and intellectual property issues necessary for entrepreneurs.

November 27, 2016

Convertible Notes

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss, Partner at Barnea in an article on Convertible Notes. According to Ariella, Convertible notes are an attractive instrument for investors, they can also be advantageous to entrepreneurs and if drafted correctly should balance the interests of both parties.

October 26, 2016

Barnea & Co. Continues to Assist the Heseg Innovators Program (HIP).

The new HIP Boost program is a direct continuation of the HIP program with which our firm was associated in the past. During HIP Boost, graduates of the HIP will undergo a comprehensive process to accelerate their early stage startups into growing and sustainable businesses.  Next week a panel presentation event will be held with leading mentors giving insights to the entrepreneurs. Adv. Yuval Lazi was chosen to be the legal advisor for the HIP Boost program.

October 13, 2016

Hackathon for Sustainable Urban Mobility

Adv. Asaf Shalev will serve as a mentor and participate at the Herzliya sustainable urban mobility Hackathon, which takes place on October 27th , in cooperation with the European Union.

July 27, 2016

Reverse Vesting and Holdback – Good News for Entrepreneurs?

Earlier this month the Israel Tax Authority presented its position that the sale of equity by a founder should be treated as a capital gain and not income, irrespective of whether such shares had been subject to a Reverse Vesting mechanism and/or Holdback. A double edged sword for entrepreneurs.

July 21, 2016

Barnea & Co. Was Selected to Work In Conjunction with the IDC Legal Clinic For Startups

Barnea was selected to work in conjunction with the IDC Legal Clinic for Startups in supporting law students and entrepreneurs from under represented sectors, in the 2016/2017 academic year.

February 16, 2016

Adv. Daniel Lorber represented Barnea as a judge on an investors panel

On February 15, Petah Tikva Entrepreneurial Community, in association with StarTAU, the Entrepreneurship Center at Tel Aviv University, hosted a panel of investment experts, which included Adv. Daniel Lorber. Participants presented their business venture ideas to the panel.

February 16, 2016

Start-up nation- Israel and its tech sector

The British magazine "the Lawyer" published an extensive article about Israel's high- tech industry. Several partners at leading law firms, including Simon Jaffa, were interviewed by the magazine and discussed the reasons which made Israel "the start-up nation" and about recent changes in the industry (P. 42-48).