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Hosting a Delegation of Entrepreneurs from Mexico

We hosted a delegation of entrepreneurs from Mexico, who arrived in Israel to learn about investment opportunities in the Israeli high-tech market. As part of the delegation’s visit, Ariella Dreyfuss lectured on the legal aspects of doing business in Israel.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Investments

Class Actions Law: Eyal Nachshon Lectures on Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies Webinar

Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm’s Litigation Department, was invited to lecture on a webinar hosted by the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies. Eyal discussed a recent case involving 70 simultaneous digital accessibility class action lawsuits. Also lecturing as part of the webinar were representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the Israel Securities Authority, who served as members on the committee examining the recently published amendment to Israel’s Class Action Law.

Categories: Class Actions | Litigation

Azrieli Group to Sell Stake in Compass Data Centers for ILS 3.2 Billion

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss has been representing Azrieli in its ongoing investments in the data centers field. Following its 2019 acquisition of 20% of Compass for USD 135 million, Azrieli announced yesterday an agreement for the sale of Compass to Brookfield Infrastructure. Compass Data Centers is one of the largest developers of data centers in the world. 

Categories: Corporate | Mergers and Acquisitions

Barnea: Eshkolot vs. Netflix

Globes’ new weekly column, “Three Legal Rulings in a Week,” chose to highlight the court’s ruling in a case handled by firm partner Eyal Nachshon. Eyal and his team are representing Eshkolot in the lawsuit it filed against Netflix.

Categories: Intellectual Property | Litigation

Barnea: Hosting Conference on Tenders in Collaboration with ACC Israel

We hosted a conference on tenders at our office together with the ACC Israel. Ronit Niederman, a partner in the Tenders and Projects Department, discussed tender negotiation strategies. Gal Rozent, head of the Competition and Antitrust Department, spoke about the role of competition in tenders. Among the guest speakers at the conference was Joy Sturm, a partner from international firm Hogan Lovells, who participated in a panel with Shai Avnieli. They discussed how to submit tenders in the US. Another keynote speaker was Gal Somech, legal advisor to the Haifa Port, who addressed the port’s privatization process.

Categories: Antitrust and Competition | Infrastructure | Tenders and Projects | Transport

Inbar Gorelick Lectures to “Female Entrepreneurs on Campus” at Tel Aviv University

Adv. Inbar Gorelick was invited to Tel Aviv University to lecture as part of the “Female Entrepreneurs on Campus” project

Inbar discussed what to take into consideration when incorporating a company, the importance of founders agreement and intellectual property protection.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Roy Engel Lectures on Hedge Funds, VCs, and PEs

As an expert in the funds area, Roy was invited to lecture to a course led by the Israel Financial Institute (IFI) for 50 managers of Altshuler Shaham. Roy discussed types of alternative investments and both the legal and the administrative/supervisory aspects of the structure of funds.

Categories: Hedge Funds | Investment Funds

The Guide to Avoiding Lawsuits Stemming from Sponsored Advertising

To avoid lawsuits, companies that decide to publish sponsored marketing content and collaborate with influencers should be aware of the limitations that apply to them, including Consumer Protection Law provisions. Anat Even-Chen provides practical tips in an article for Calcalist.

Categories: Consumer Protection | Internet

Startups: Judging Student Competition in Department of Information Systems at University of Haifa

As experts in the high-tech field, Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir were invited to act as judges in a startup project competition held by students of the University of Haifa’s Department of Information Systems.

Categories: High Tech

Sagi Gross Lectures at Bar-Ilan University

Sagi Gross, a firm partner, was a guest lecturer in an environmental law course at Bar-Ilan University. He spoke about the environmental aspects of merger and acquisition transactions.

Categories: Environmental Law

Lecture: Positions and Interests in the Event of Insolvency

Adv. Idan Miller is lecturing to a small business finance risk assessment course. The course is for credit coordinators and business bankers at Israel Discount Bank. The course was organized by the BDO Academy of Finance and the Israeli Institute of Finance (IFI).

Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

Barnea: Advising Migdal on a USD 100 Million Investment

Roy Engel, Yana Zilbershtein, and Yakov Vilenski advised Migdal on a USD 100 million investment in the real estate investment fund Exeter Industrial Value Fund EQT.


More than 90% of the investors in the fund are American and international institutional entities, and Migdal is the only Israeli investor.

Categories: Capital Markets | Investment Funds

Terry Almozlino Arnon Op-Ed: Supreme Court Rules to Invalidate Artificial Agreements

In a new ruling, the Supreme Court takes a step forward in declaring artificial agreements as invalid and illegal. (An artificial agreement is an agreement in which there is a discrepancy between the apparent agreements of the parties, as embodied in the contract, and their true will and intention.) Terry Almozlino Arnon, head of our firm’s Commercial Real Estate Department, sheds light on the subject in an op-ed for Globes.

Categories: Real Estate

Representing CryptoHub in USD 6 Million Fundraising Round

Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir advised Cryptohub, which offers crypto trading tools and innovations to improve the average crypto trader's experience, throughout the course of a USD 6 million investment round. The round was led by Tectona, the only public company that focuses its activities on the adoption of blockchain technologies.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Investments | Start Ups

Earn-Outs – Ariella Dreyfuss Op-Ed for CTECH

CTECH by Calcalist has published an op-ed by Ariella Dreyfuss, a partner in our International Corporate Department. Ariella explains that earn-outs are becoming an established tool for compromising on a company’s valuation.

Categories: Corporate | Investments | Mergers and Acquisitions

Conference: The High-Tech Employment World

We hosted members of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) for the conference The High-Tech Employment World. 

The conference focused on key issues in the Israeli high-tech employment market and included diverse lectures on such topics as non-competition clauses in employment agreements, the workforce as a critical element in the workplace, and more.

Among the speakers at the conference were Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner; Nani Maoz, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Everest; and firm lawyers Harel Perlmutter, Netta Bromberg, Inbar Gorelick, and Amos E. Rosenzweig.


Categories: Employment | High Tech | M&A employment issues

Gal Rozent Lectures at Annual Competition Law Conference

Gal Rozent, the head of our firm’s Competition and Antitrust Department, was invited to lecture at Haifa University’s annual competition law conference. Senior officials from the competition field and attorneys from Israel’s leading law firms attended.

Categories: Antitrust and Competition

Regulating the Israeli Crypto Market – Dr. Zvi Gabbay Article in Calcalist

The Arrangements Law for 2023-2024 makes extensive reference to expanding and creating a regulatory infrastructure in the digital assets field. Specifically, the Israeli government refers to regulation in a number of different areas, including the cryptocurrencies market. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, elaborates on the subject in an article for Calcalist.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets

Barnea: Hosting AI & Regulation Conference

Our firm hosted the “AI & Regulation" conference, with the participation of Gilad Samama, head of the Israel Privacy Protection Authority, and other senior officials. The conference was held in collaboration with the International Association of Privacy Experts (IAPP) and the Israel-America Chamber of Commerce. At the conference, Dr. Avishay Klein, head of our firm’s privacy, data protection and cyber practice, lectured on the regulation of artificial intelligence in Israel and around the world.  

Categories: AI Regulation | Privacy Law | Regulation

Ministry of Economy and Industry v. Coca-Cola: Gal Rozent Interview

Last March, Coca-Cola alerted retailers of a 7% price increase for its sugary drink products. Yesterday, the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry informed Coca-Cola of its intention to examine the need for supervision of the company's products in Israel. The ministry suspects Coca-Cola’s significant product price increase may affect the beverage sector in Israel as a whole. As an expert in the competition field, Gal Rozent was interviewed by TheMarker on the subject.

Categories: Antitrust and Competition